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Uncle Punk is a tricky bastid


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watch out for him, heeeel gitcha. :givemebeer::emot-spooky:

Hey guys, Since we are all pretty much in the same area, I was wondering if all of us could meet up, and ride down together to sagamore hills for the meet and greet.

What do y'all think?

I don't do meet and greets, if I have that kind of time to get away I go riding, thanks for asking though. There are plenty of other folks in our area besides the gay guys you copied unless you are into that sort of thing.


those are just the people ive talked to a little bit from our area, figured I'd invite

So you already know the gay guys, here are a couple more, InyaAzz, Robsgsxr1000 and R1crusher.

as in, actually gay, or you all just poke fun at each other "gay"?

Ha, ha he said poke the gay guy!

you, are a dick!

:lol: way to forward it to people.

ITS A TRAP!!!1111!1!11!

The gay guy is calling me a dick. Is that some sort of gay come on line? I don't speak your language.

My only regret is that we can only send these to five recipients because R1crusher has been left out.

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I have asked the mods to do something about this gay sex harassment but am getting no traction.
roflmao.gif And you thought you would??

I am however getting additional PMs from guys stating their disappointment in not being included in the gang bang you are planning.
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I have asked the mods to do something about this gay sex harassment but am getting no traction. I am however getting additional PMs from guys stating their disappointment in not being included in the gang bang you are planning.

You left R1crusher out because hes your exclusive BBD throw-in


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