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Posts from the "Well I'm screwed" thread as requested

that dude

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Hmmmm...nice to see that this thread was "sanitized"

More "overmoderating" by the collective here.

In all honesty, if dude was going to do what he did this thread had about as much to do with it as spoons had to do with making Rosie O'donnell fat.

Check please...

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Hmmmm...nice to see that this thread was "sanitized"

More "overmoderating" by the collective here.

:confused::confused: Was it? Methinks there were some additional posts in this thread -- I'm not 100% sure, but can the Mods give a yea or nay to the truth on that?

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Hmmmm...nice to see that this thread was "sanitized"

More "overmoderating" by the collective here.

In all honesty, if dude was going to do what he did this thread had about as much to do with it as spoons had to do with making Rosie O'donnell fat.

Check please...

As painful as it is I'm going to have to agree with Todd here.

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Hmmmm...nice to see that this thread was "sanitized"

More "overmoderating" by the collective here.

In all honesty, if dude was going to do what he did this thread had about as much to do with it as spoons had to do with making Rosie O'donnell fat.

Check please...

I removed the off-topic posts and the personal attacks. You attacked a kid for posting looking for a job. He has now passed away. I cleaned it up for the sake of the friends and family who may come looking for memories of their friend/son/nephew/etc.

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There was some really valid points here as well. No one can predict the future.

No, you can't. But maybe the next time someone passes you won't want your last words to them being your usual dickheaded comments.

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No one is is accusing anybody of causing this poor kid's demise, but for Christ's sake show some respect for human life. I applaud the mods for cleaning up the thread. When I learned of his death, I hoped some ass-hat wasn't going to dig up their dickwad quips. He handled himself with the poise of a gentleman in this thread. I can only hope that I would have restrained my responses as well.

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No, you can't. But maybe the next time someone passes you won't want your last words to them being your usual dickheaded comments.

People have a different perceptions. I feel bad for his friends and family. I just have no sympathy or remorse for people who take the easy way out. Was I wrong for the comment I said, to some yes . To myself and others, no. Maybe the timing was wrong. As far as the job talk etc, i was a far cry from being the big dickhead. Again sometimes others perception is not always reality. I don't think anyone on here knew he was going to kill himself. As Todd stated it was only a drop in the bucket.

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we all screw with each other on this site, usually it's not serious. but when something as tragic, and unexpected happens, I fully support the mods cleaning up whatever they feel necessary to not be insensitive to peoples feelings.

were the posts that were removed that meaningful to the people who posted them?

again i support the mods, they do their best.

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Yeah sorry if it looks like I was blaming someone, and really with incidents like these there is no one to blame, and we shouldn't look for someone to blame either. It's really about reflecting, and I was merely suggesting that we should all reflect on a few things, and perhaps just have that moment of silence. It's surreal to think that you or I can impact ones life, but it's true and I think it's something many of us (Including Myself) often take for granted.

In life as with everything it's more about the reaction I feel rather then the actual action of any particular event. It's what defines you as a person and what will ultimately remain. A good example of what I mean exactly would be if you've been wronged, how are you going to respond to it? And often those are the final words or final actions and we won't even realize it.

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No, you can't. But maybe the next time someone passes you won't want your last words to them being your usual dickheaded comments.

Very true. This is not some random forum where we don't know each other.

Most of us get together, hang, out, go on rides, and if you are active, you are at least known by a friend of a friend.

I will ridicule the people I know without fail, they know me, and they know it is done in friendship and in jest. As personal as this board is, no one should ever be saying ridiculous comments that have no purpose but to seriously degrade a person you have never even met.

What is the purpose?

To be witty or funny? I can assure you, the writer will be one of few that find it so, and the rest are jackasses.

There are plenty of forums that are impersonal and don't worry about the integrity of a post and the negative impact it might have on an individual, find one of those if you have nothing constructive to say.

Think about the fact there is a good chance you will meet this person at an event at a later date.

I guess if you area troll and never attend any events or have no purpose but to be a dick online, find another forum to vent in.

Ill make the people that must be dicks a deal- vent all your frustration towards me. I am open game. I am secure enough in my life that I can take it, and let's leave college kids that are just discovering who they are alone.

Now do I believe anything said on this forum contributed to Chachi's decision? Not a chance. While some comments may have exaggerated his situation in his mind, it made very little impact on his final decision.

I have struggled with depression since college, survived one suicide attempt in college and spent several stays in hospitals to be sure I wouldn't make another. I know what what he was going through, and I wish I would have read this post earlier to maybe catch a sign of his depression and let him know it does get better and easier. I got through it and still struggle occasionally, but life is good. :)

I keep seeing on here that people don't have any respect for someone who commits suicide. it is hard to when you have no idea what happened and why, but that doesn't mean we should degrade the memory of a lost friend.

I believe if you had an inkling of the emotional state of a person who is even thinking of suicide, you might take a step back and say, "well instead of being an asshole, what can I do to help them and the people around them?"

I guess my point is being an asshole isn't a contest, or if it is to you, just by playing you automatically lose. Take a step back and think of your comments towards someone you have never met, and ask if you want the same said to you.

We will always have disagreements and should feel free to argue them, feel free to bash your friends if you know they can take it, but please just have some respect for others, Ohio Riders, and yourself.

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This is a very loosely moderated site. And in this case, the prudence exhibited by the mods is more than justified. No one here is at all responsible for the unfortunate event that befell him, but that is not to say that this site wasn't of any influence. He did, as many do, come here for input, advice, guidance, what-have-you. Normally the topics aren't a grave or carry with it the magnatude of this, but everyone here has shown up to either solicit advice, or to acquire some. So its not unrealistic to think that the interaction with some folks here had some sort of residual effect on his decision making processes, albeit a relatively insignificant ripple in his pond. Blaming anyone here for his demise would be irresponsible and misguided, blaming the mods for doing their job and cleaning up the site in the aftermath of this event is ignorance at its zenith. This was a bit more than a "which oil.." or "what tires..." thread.

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I removed the off-topic posts and the personal attacks. You attacked a kid for posting looking for a job. He has now passed away. I cleaned it up for the sake of the friends and family who may come looking for memories of their friend/son/nephew/etc.

So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

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So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

This thread being "cleaned up" does not affect you. Why are you so offended? One less thread you get to be a dick to someone in?

I think the ground rules are pretty clear to anyone with a conscience. If you don't get them, maybe you should stop posting.

+1 for Art.

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So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

You clearly violated the rule about no personal attacks several times in this thread. The posts have not been deleted, just moved. These were not just "offensive" posts. Had one of the mods/admins seen the posts before now, you would've been banned for personal attacks. However, it was agreed that we can't issue infractions for something that happened a month ago. For a full list of the rules, click here.

As for this being my sandbox: This is everyone's sandbox. Stop shitting in it.

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So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing?

I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.

I second that. Personal attacks are the norm here. Casper said due to personal attacks people should have been banned. That's 3/4 of the shit on here. Opinions are like assholes, we all got em and can be one. I think some one here pick n choose who how and when to reprimand. I have seen moderators attack other members. In my eyes it's all or nothing( ruling on personal conduct). Where's the imaginary line stop and start. Are you guys going to clean up every thread someone got attacked in? Then why one? Seems unfair, but the imaginary line needs to be seen better for all, so we know where it stops and starts. If we couldn't bust balls life would be boring. I have bitched but only for fair justice. It's the intranet, you really can't get truly mad or pissed.

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I agree with Casper "stop shitting in the sandbox". Cats do that, and its gross.

I feel it's a little messed up that we have lost a friend and now its turned into an online argument about the way the forums run. If you don't like the way the "sandbox" is operated pick up your bucket and shovel and leave.

Sorry to the family and friends (rip).

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I agree with Casper "stop shitting in the sandbox". Cats do that, and its gross.

I feel it's a little messed up that we have lost a friend and now its turned into an online argument about the way the forums run. If you don't like the way the "sandbox" is operated pick up your bucket and shovel and leave.

Sorry to the family and friends (rip).

This is why I haven't been vocal in this discussion, I think it's kind of dicked up.

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