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As political as I'll ever get in here...


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sort of funny, but on the political scale "all the way to the right" is anarchy and "all the way to the left" is total govt control. so, technically, he hangs almost all the way to the left.

but, i still got a little lol....thanks!

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sort of funny, but on the political scale "all the way to the right" is anarchy and "all the way to the left" is total govt control. so, technically, he hangs almost all the way to the left.

but, i still got a little lol....thanks!

fascism encompasses left center and right.

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Don't forget' date=' "Jew Hating" falls under the left column. It is funny, but only because I have funderoos with that same star thingy on them.[/quote']

Pat Buchanan might have something to say about that.

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oic, your getting into more detail as to the source or type of govt. i just think its easier on a simple linear scale, because they all include some type of govermental intervention. however, i cant remeber the reason for our left-right terminology regarding our parties.

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How did Karl Marx hit anywhere near "Individualism"? :facepalm:

His whole thing was that by limiting some personal freedoms, everyone is ultimately more free.

If everyone tries to drive to work at the same time, we end up with traffic jams and no one really drives to work. But if we implemented some restrictions, then everyone would get to work in a relatively quick manner.

Lenin high jacked Marx to play on the growing discontent of the poor in Russia.

Seriously though, if hanging to the right, voting for Bush, and wanting to bring about a master race makes me a Nazi then...

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plus, how can marx be so far away from engles? they wrote "Capital" together and engles actually finished it, iirc. Capitalism must exist before either socialism/communism can. the state usurpes economic and pirvate wealth and re-distrubutes it according to need, henceforth, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." so, then its left to the conundrum of who's in charge? who in the working class can lead without it turning into a dictatorship? i say it cant, because you cant control human nature. our system, as intended, not the shitty mess it has become, works because the power of the federal govt is constitutionally limited and any power not expressly granted to the fed govt goes to the states and/or the individual. therefore, the biggest let down for this country has been us. our education system needs a reboot.....imo.

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govt is good at masking its only true motivation.....its own survival and growth. its frustrating that people fail to recognize that while squabbling over parties. its even more frustrating when people defend it in the process......

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The Constitution is just a list of rules. Laws for the FedGov to adhere to. Just like any law' date=' only the law abiding will obey them. Once the laws are broken, punishment must be dealt.. or else the precedent we have now will become the new law.

You can't make something illegal and then not punish when that activity is carried out.[/quote']

Unless it's immigration... :wtf:

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\maybe they'd start listening to the American public that pays their wages.

lol why would they listen to the public? taxpayers dont even come close to paying what corporate business interests do.

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