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Anyone have issues with iPhone 4.0.2?


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First off, installing iOS 4 on a 3G is fucking insane. The amount of RAM on the 3G just won't support it as well as iOS 3. 3GS is borderline (what I'm running now with 4.0.1).

Haven't gone to 4.0.2 and won't until it's properly vetted. I jumped into 4.0.1 and regretted it. Now that I jailbroke 4.0.1 (which is the entire reason why 4.0.2 was released to begin with, to fix the PDF exploit jailbreakme.com was using to install Cydia) I'm going to sit tight and wait for the ninjas at iPhone Dev Team to do their thing.

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First off, installing iOS 4 on a 3G is fucking insane. The amount of RAM on the 3G just won't support it as well as iOS 3. 3GS is borderline (what I'm running now with 4.0.1).

Haven't gone to 4.0.2 and won't until it's properly vetted. I jumped into 4.0.1 and regretted it. Now that I jailbroke 4.0.1 (which is the entire reason why 4.0.2 was released to begin with, to fix the PDF exploit jailbreakme.com was using to install Cydia) I'm going to sit tight and wait for the ninjas at iPhone Dev Team to do their thing.

QFT. I'm still on 4.0, I didn't feel the need for taller bars (4.0.1) and the PDF exploit can be patched with Cydia (4.0.2), so why upgrade. I love my i4 though :)

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