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Posting from work


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Yep, doing it now, on a break though.

Haven't been around for awhile, since my previous job didn't allow this, but now I got a new job a few weeks ago, and to be quite honest, I'm busy pretty much all day with pretty challenging work, can't complain about that at all.

What have you all been up to? What did I miss here in rants and raves?

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sounds more like what you were looking for

I on the other hand am glad to be working at a place where I don't use 98% of what I learned in college. But lets be honest, I wasn't a good student and only went to party and get a degree so I could get a job to make bank :lol:

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Yeah, I love challenging work. I suppose I'm just one of those people who can't be bored, haha.

hows the Viffer runnin?

yeah I know what you mean with can't be bored. Thats how I am, thankfully I'm good at multitasking my work and my fun all day

VFR is good, I think I've only had it out once or twice since the failed meet n greet. Been running the 636 a lot trying to figure out if I wanted to keep it or not

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Ah, imaging servers. Such fun.

- log into VCenter

- find template you want (Linux, Windows, what version, etc...)

- right click, "deploy from template"

10 minutes later, new server up and running.

Not exactly "fun", but pretty damn easy. Just don't tell anyone or they'll stop paying us the big bucks... :D

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I'm sitting at work making time and a half right now. No I'm not union but then again I'm waiting on my computer to open up a big 3d model which takes a good 15 minutes.

Must be an old computer, or a really large, detailed model! I haven't used any CAD/Modeling programs in forever.

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On a Saturday? :nono:

Anything over 8 is time and a half. So if i were to work 9 hours all week in one day, that ninth hr is ot. Says time and a half. Sundays and holidays double time. Shift pay is an extra 2.00 an hr. Foremans scale is an extra 2.00 for the first 7 guys, then a 1.50 on top if that for every extra 5.

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Anything over 8 is time and a half. So if i were to work 9 hours all week in one day, that ninth hr is ot. Says time and a half. Sundays and holidays double time. Shift pay is an extra 2.00 an hr. Foremans scale is an extra 2.00 for the first 7 guys, then a 1.50 on top if that for every extra 5.

Interesting, never heard of that. Sounds like a good deal.

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Anything over 8 is time and a half. So if i were to work 9 hours all week in one day, that ninth hr is ot. Says time and a half. Sundays and holidays double time. Shift pay is an extra 2.00 an hr. Foremans scale is an extra 2.00 for the first 7 guys, then a 1.50 on top if that for every extra 5.

I liked when I was on call with my old job. If I got called in, it was an automatic 4 hours, the time I was there was time and a half, and sunday or holidays double time. I often dreaded going in when called in, but loved it when I'd get the paycheck!

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