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jiminy flipping cricket speak of the devil cat hack


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ok this just happened, (its 3 am) im sitting here posting some useless thread when i see something move in my peripheral vision, i look up and to the left to see the demonic eyes of a cat staring at me 6 ft away in the dark.

we dont have any cats. i recognized it as a cat that i see sometimes roaming the hood. must have came through an open basement window. at first i was going to feed it but i realized it was the same one that unloaded in our garage. it meowed at me then ran into the basement.

not the first time it just wandered in, but last time wasnt the middle of a dead night

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Cats love a nice warm bowl of antifreeze.

Make sure it's not the newer stuff that's "embittered" so that animals won't drink it. I think it was cruel to ruin something that they love so much. :rolleyes:

(I do not condone such behavior, I like cats, but not as much as RFM does.)

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Make sure it's not the newer stuff that's "embittered" so that animals won't drink it. I think it was cruel to ruin something that they love so much. :rolleyes:

(I do not condone such behavior, I like cats, but not as much as RFM does.)

Yeah, that's me, the crazy cat dude. Lol! My daughter expressed interest in being a veterinarian, so I'm helping her along. Establishing routine, responsibility, and saved a cat or two along the way. :cheers:

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Yeah, that's me, the crazy cat dude. Lol! My daughter expressed interest in being a veterinarian, so I'm helping her along. Establishing routine, responsibility, and saved a cat or two along the way. :cheers:

veterinarians at the humane society are like Hitler to cats. They kill cats by the metric ton. You should teach her to be one of those vets and do some good for society.

Kill it with fire

Agreed!! Gunfire!! :D

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