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Christian Sport Bike Assoc Sept 25th Ride


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Holy crap. Two broken vertebrae and he's only getting a back brace and staying one night? No surgery? That's amazing. I'm very glad to hear. Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

This is waaaaay too erie. The guy I used to ride with all the time broke his back...and so did I. Well hopefully he didn't do any major damage like I did.

Please, keep us posted.

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This is Tiffany Scotts g/f, had a great time yesterday def. a birthday I won't forget. Hope everyone gets better quick. Bout some of the posts saying I'd call a cab home. close ben had to get his truck and take me home. I am very thankful for that and am disappointed that we didn't finish the ride.

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Tiffany: Yes I had a very sore ass but that wasn't the worse of it, I have knee problems not exactly sure what it is but I know I have water build up in them and they were hurting so bad and I had a horrible headache to top it off, as well as the fact that I pulled my back out about two weeks ago and it still is bothering me. So being on the bike that long and the vibration hurt really bad, When we got on 270 is when it got the worse tho, I hate to admit this but I was bawling my eyes out cuz it hurt so bad. Finally I tapped scott and told him to pull off somewhere. He got bens attention and we stopped on sawmill at mcdonalds. I thought I could just stand for a few and then head out. But it hurt to stand so I laid on the grass and that was the only way the pain ceased a lil bit. So I finally agreed to have ben get his truck and take me home. That way but I feel awful guilty and like a wimp because of it. There were those guys hurt way worse than me and they took it like a champ. I thought I'd be ok since I've rode to columbus and back on the bike ha ha ha boy was I wrong.

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Tiffany: Yea it was hard and it hurt but I tried sticking it out for Scott's sake I knew he wanted to do the ride as did I. When we were going fast I kinda put it aside because I was more afraid of wrecking lol but when I got comfortable with the speed then I noticed the pain.

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If you go on Oct. ride..let me know and I'll give you my number where you can check in if you are running late or whatever.. or depending where you are coming from in Marion.. Could meet up with Scott and I in Marysville..and/or Mr. Fearless leader! (he's from Delaware)


What is the Oct. ride, and what day?

Thanks I am right on the edge of Marion, Union, and Hardin Counties 4 miles North of MCIR so I go through both Marysville or Delaware, depending on where I am going and the time I have, went through Marysville yesterday.

PM sent!

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i said jk :confused:

chill bruh

the jk part didn't show up in the post... just sayin'...

500+ is more than the majority can handle in one day.

My butt has been pretty sore on a few 600+ rides.

I've glad everyone survived. Guess it was a rough day for some.

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Tiffany:...I don't have my own bike and think it'd be silly for me to have a profile without having a bike of my own that I ride. and I'm a girl not a guy.

You wouldn't be the first person to have a profile here but not a bike,

nor would you be the first person mistaken for a guy that was actually a girl :p

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