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Qu'ran Burning... Thoughts?


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i think this is awesome....

there is no difference between them building their community center near ground zero, and us burning their religious book

both are in poor taste, and both are fully legal.....i guess why have one without the other? they want the burning to be stopped, yet they have no problem with their community center going up....talk about double standards

I don't get the whole "poor taste" of Park51. The people in that actual community support Park51.

If American Muslims were trying to build a shrine to terrorists, yes, that would be in horribly bad taste. But they aren't (I'm also sick of this us vs. them mentality, we're all Americans).

We weren't attacked by the Muslims building the community center, and we weren't attack by Islam.

It's weird, I've never seen anyone protesting a Christian church going up near a school.

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I don't get the whole "poor taste" of Park51. The people in that actual community support Park51.

If American Muslims were trying to build a shrine to terrorists, yes, that would be in horribly bad taste. But they aren't (I'm also sick of this us vs. them mentality, we're all Americans).

We weren't attacked by the Muslims building the community center, and we weren't attack by Islam.

It's weird, I've never seen anyone protesting a Christian church going up near a school.

to each their own...i see the poor taste, its all that comes to mind with the location of that place

and the christian church near a school was so much funnier the first time someone said it in one of these threads....now its kinda, eh

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LOL....Muslims have a very worldly mentality....you cant just target one group of them....if this burning happens, it will be worldwide outrage...guaranteed

My opinion only....Honestly even though its their religion I feel like they know they will get publicity for protesting it because it seems like everyone is afraid to offend the Muslims. Our laws says we can do it so screw them, the women in Iran who faces the death penalty of being stoned for committing adultery, whatever it doesn't bother me because that's their laws....and side note, I hate the stupid Muslims that go way to far with this crap. Please just get in a big group all together and let someone wipe you out so you can go see your "72 Virgins" and be a martyr and wipe our hands of this.

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to each their own...i see the poor taste, its all that comes to mind with the location of that place

and the christian church near a school was so much funnier the first time someone said it in one of these threads....now its kinda, eh

It's not supposed to be funny.

The point is, people who bring up the "sensitivity" issue of Park51 are associating American Muslims with 9/11 and terrorism. Which makes about as much sense as associating Baptists and Methodists with the Catholic priests who molested children.

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I think we should burn them instead. That's right... death to the infidel! Destroy all non-believers! Only joking of course. But you do hear some of their radicals saying that at us Christians and Jews.

We all know there is a radical fringe with every religion that takes the doctrine and uses it as a weapon. For example- that one baptist church that is always protesting everything like the soldiers coming home, etc. These people give us all a bad name.

It's never going to end. As long as there is power to be manipulated, somebody will use it for their own gain. Burning the Quran is a publicity stunt. What good does it even do? As someone pointed out, you can just download another copy.

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i think this is awesome....

there is no difference between them building their community center near ground zero, and us burning their religious book

both are in poor taste, and both are fully legal.....i guess why have one without the other? they want the burning to be stopped, yet they have no problem with their community center going up....talk about double standards

Yes, there is. One is building a community center that is going to benefit the community, and another is being a complete bigot.

Let me ask you this, how far away does the community center have to be from the center of Ground Zero before it ceases to offend you?

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Yes, there is. One is building a community center that is going to benefit the community, and another is being a complete bigot.

Let me ask you this, how far away does the community center have to be from the center of Ground Zero before it ceases to offend you?

what happened to all your BS about first amendment rights? because you dont agree with what he is doing, you dont think he should have the right to do it?

hold on ill get on facebook and find the lecture you gave me and post it up, since i think you should actually read it yourself

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Jeff Cerullo so just because you don't like their religion that means that you can throw the 1st amendment out the window? I'll repeat this as many times as is necessary: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

^ the minister doing the book burning is practicing his freedoms too...apparently, burning the quran is part of his religious beliefs, hence the church ceremony to do it...he isnt harming anyone...its his "free exercise"

not saying i support the book burning, because as i said, its poor taste...but i think its awesome somebody else is using their freedoms instead of just the muslims building that community center

and cg2112, after the last thread we talked in, i have no desire to ever debate anything with you...you seem like a cool dude, but im pretty sure we see 100% opposite views on every issue known to man...even liking rush...no point to waste time typing about it - you wont convince me and i wont convince you

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what happened to all your BS about first amendment rights? because you dont agree with what he is doing, you dont think he should have the right to do it?

hold on ill get on facebook and find the lecture you gave me and post it up, since i think you should actually read it yourself

Please, feel free. I said (and stand by) my opinion that he is a complete bigot. If he wants to continue on this path, he is free to do so as long as he understands that there will be consequences to his actions, like anything else.

So anyway, about my question. How far away should a mosque/community center be from Ground Zero before you aren't offended?

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I think we should burn them instead. That's right... death to the infidel! Destroy all non-believers! Only joking of course. But you do hear some of their radicals saying that at us Christians and Jews.

We all know there is a radical fringe with every religion that takes the doctrine and uses it as a weapon. For example- that one baptist church that is always protesting everything like the soldiers coming home, etc. These people give us all a bad name.

It's never going to end. As long as there is power to be manipulated, somebody will use it for their own gain. Burning the Quran is a publicity stunt. What good does it even do? As someone pointed out, you can just download another copy.

Agreed. There seems to be sort of a civil war going on in he muslim faith. On one hand you have the "we like to fly planes into buildings in the name of our religion" type, on the other you have the guy that just wants to go about his day pray 5 times and practice his faith not harming anyone. Where their problem lies is that the crazies get more a lot more news covrage than the normal guy. The problem i have with the ground zero mosque is im not sure which end of the stick is in charge of it. The imam that is over it seems more like one if the crazies than the other.

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Everyone in this thread is a bigot' date=' per the definition.

[b']: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I'm not making the connection. How is pointing out that one guy(group) is engaging in pretty blatant bigotry in the name of his religion (whose holy book doesn't sanction his actions, but he's a non-denom so I guess he's making it up as he goes) qualify as bigotry by itself?

I think you're clutching at straws a little.

^ the minister doing the book burning is practicing his freedoms too...apparently, burning the quran is part of his religious beliefs, hence the church ceremony to do it...he isnt harming anyone...its his "free exercise"

Yep, it is. I hope he's ready to deal with the fallout. I especially hope the police give him a bill if they have to do extra security around his "church".

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: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

You don't have to carry prejudice to be a bigot' date=' per Merriam Webster. Cheech is obstinately devoted to his opinion regarding this subject. That makes him a bigot. He's no different than the preacher, if we're using the actual definition of the word.. and not just the colloquial.[/quote']

Your own quote says "and prejudices".

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Your own quote says "and prejudices".

Thank you, I think we're done here.

IP, I think we can both agree that we like pie. I just so happen to have some awesome dough here, perfect for all those cherries you just picked.

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prejudice: preconceived judgment or opinion

The word doesn't have to be connected with religion' date=' race, etc. I have a prejudice against McDonald's. Race and religion have nothing to do with it. I have my own beliefs and ideas on the product/company.[/quote']

First you didn't say it, now your example is lacking and once again ignoring your own definition.

A prejudice is a "preconceived judgment or opinion". That means judging or having an opinion before having any real knowledge on what you're judging that opinion or judgement on.

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opinion: a view' date=' judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter [/b']

You can take "prejudice" out of the definition and this will stand on its own.

No you can't. the bigot definition is opinions AND prejudices, not 'opinions OR prejudices'. A prejudice is not just any judgement or opinion it's a very specific type. It's an ignorant, uneducated type of opinion or judgement. One that isn't founded on any kind of actual experience or knowledge of the subject being judged.

Now you want to alter definitions to your liking.

I am disappoint. :nono:

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