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Biker hurt in Dublin, wed Sep 8th.


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I'm reading the police report now. It's pretty scary stuff.

Bike was riding on park center drive and an oncoming cager made a left turn into his path. Bike skidded for 20' before going under the front of the car - the car pushed the bike nearly 20' after the accident. Biker ejected, landing a couple dozen feet from the impact point and EMT'd to the hospital. Non-fatal injuries, thankfully. He was wearing a helmet and bike jacket. He was able to write his own accident statement after the fact, so looks like he's gonna be just fine.

What makes my blood boil about this accident is the handwritten statement from the cager... I'm typing this as it is written, leaving out personal information but leaving in mistakes and all. Bolding is my emphasis.

This should serve as an educational tool to all bikers - a glimpse into the thought processes of a left-turning cager... :mad:

I was scheduled for a dr.appt with dr.xxxxxxxx at xxxx(address). I was turning into the xxx parking lot from the park center drive. At the time I was making a turn into the xxx building, I did not see any one coming from my opposite side. As I made the turn into the parking lot, I heard a big bang on my right and I stopped the car and came out. There was a guy on the ground and a motorcycle was laying on my right end on the bumber. It was not my fault since there was no one at the time when I was making a turn. He hit me from the side (right).

If I had seen the motorcycle, I wouldn't have made a turn * and I would have stopped. He has hit me from my right ** only and I am sure it was not my fault. You can see the car damage clearly which was having damage from the right. I spoke with the motor bike guy and called the police from my cellphone *. The motor bike guy hit me very hard from my right as you can see the havy damage on my bumber. he must be coming very fast from somewhere.

* = Well how f*cking gracious of you. You want a f*cking medal?

** = If you make a left turn in front of oncoming traffic then OF COURSE he is going to hit you on your right side, numbnuts. Besides, the police officer stated the initial impact was on the front right corner of the bumper.

Some math: Cager claims the biker was not "there" when he started the turn. This means the cager is asserting that the biker was out of sight around the nearest corner when he started his turn. The cager could see 600' down parkcenter (google earth rocks). Assuming that two seconds passed between the beginning of the maneuver and the impact, that means the biker had to come into view and cover 600' in order to collide with the front/right of the car.

600' / 2 seconds = 300 feet per second = 204mph.

As it's clearly not possible for an '06 Suzuki Boulevard to reach 204mph (and even if it did, the result of this accident at that speed would be more than just cuts/bruises), we must conclude that the cager is full of sh*t, didn't look or just has his head so far up his a$$ he can smell his own toothpaste. (don't try to visualize. just don't)

Cliffs: Cagers suck.

Edited by Scruit
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Sounds just like the douche that hit me, running late for his dentist. Yeah, sorry about that body panel. Fucker.

Coming very fast from somewhere... Duh, yeah. The road coming in the opposite direction. Was Numbnuts cited?

The guy that hit me was, and still it took close to two years...

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Was it a woman driver? I'm guessing it was a woman just by reading the statement. All the signs are there:

-Nothing's their fault

-No knowledge of math

-Poor vision/depth perception

-Lacking hand-eye-foot coordination

-Always going to the doctor to get their bloody nether regions inspected and prodded.

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Was Numbnuts cited?

Yup, Failure to Yield Right-Of-Way while Turning Left.

Whenever I hear the "They weren't there" argument I am reminded of the closing arguments that the plaintiff's lawyer gave in a left-turn accident I was witness to...

"Your honor, my client's car is not equipped with a cloaking device. It was not dropped 10 feet in front of the defendant's car from a UFO hovering overhead. It was THERE. The reason he didn't SEE it is because he didn't LOOK. Accordingly we ask for damages in the amount of...."

That defendant stated the same thing - the car was not in sight when he started his turn so she must have been speeding. He then stated he could see for several hundred feet. Presented with the actual numbers, he had no choice but to agree that it was not possible for the oncoming Sentra to have been doing over 100mph in a parking lot, after only 400' of acceleration, and still suffer less than $2k in damages...

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Was it a woman driver? I'm guessing it was a woman just by reading the statement. All the signs are there:

-Nothing's their fault

-No knowledge of math

-Poor vision/depth perception

-Lacking hand-eye-foot coordination

-Always going to the doctor to get their bloody nether regions inspected and prodded.

Nope. Dude. The police report made no mention of the status of his nether regions. ;)

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he hit his bumber .

I read a great comment the other day

" If everyone was required to ride a motorcycle for a year before being allowed to drive a car, the number of accidents involving cars in any configuration would be less than half. Most people who have never even ridden a bicycle have the motor skills of a jellyfish behind the wheel. Having to ride for a year would surely separate the people who are unqualified for motor vehicle operation early on, preventing other motor vehicle accidents. Plus the obvious benefits of clearing the gene pool of un-coordinated tards who insist on driving and putting others at risk everywhere they go. "

from http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/09/12/miami-heat-dancer-killed-car-crash/

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