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68 year old shoots 12 year old


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Should've aimed a little higher and over a bit.... maybe thats a little messed up to say but if the kid is 12 and breaking into houses and throwing bricks at elderly people, it would have been one less person that we are going to have to pay for to be in the prison system the rest of their lives. That's where this kid and his buddy will both be unless they are killed first

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Turning point... hmm, which way?

1) "Bitch shot me, now I'm gonna really eff her up"

2) "Hell yea I'm hard, you see this? I've been shot before... street cred, son -- I ain't scared of nothing"

3) "Wow, I'm really a dumbass and there are consequences for my actions, I'm lucky I wasn't killed. I should really focus my efforts on more constructive things like my education and see if I can't become responsible member of society, rising above this life I've been living."

Where's the poll?

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Turning point... hmm, which way?

1) "Bitch shot me, now I'm gonna really eff her up"

2) "Hell yea I'm hard, you see this? I've been shot before... street cred, son -- I ain't scared of nothing"

3) "Wow, I'm really a dumbass and there are consequences for my actions, I'm lucky I wasn't killed. I should really focus my efforts on more constructive things like my education and see if I can't become responsible member of society, rising above this life I've been living."

Where's the poll?

Gotta be the first and second. There's no way for the third.:mad:

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This article was on yahoo news as well. His friend, or accomplice...is trying to spew this bs. "One minute, i'm playing basketball with my friend...and the next his arm's all bloody".

Little kids are an epidemic. For each one born, they grow up and become worse than the last. If my brothers and i did this when we were kids? Even if we had been shot at, we would have to march our ass over to old lady sampson. Tell her "we're sorry" Then, work our ass off all summer fixing the shit we broke with our allowance.

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Blah blah ... good kid ... blah blah ... turning life around ... blah blah... just started going to church.

Mulitple young assailants throwing bricks at an elderly lady? Shooting back would not by my first preference, however if I'm on the jury I'm gonna call it justifiable.

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Turning point... hmm, which way?

1) "Bitch shot me, now I'm gonna really eff her up"

2) "Hell yea I'm hard, you see this? I've been shot before... street cred, son -- I ain't scared of nothing"

3) "Wow, I'm really a dumbass and there are consequences for my actions, I'm lucky I wasn't killed. I should really focus my efforts on more constructive things like my education and see if I can't become responsible member of society, rising above this life I've been living."

Where's the poll?

I agree with Jrmii, shoulda killed the little bastard and been done with it.

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Duty to retreat? :dunno:

If you're gonna get all legal and technical, then granny might be in trouble...

Deadly Force Justification is all about "Means, Motive, Opportunity, Retreat, Don't Escalate"

The attacker must have the Means (rock), the Motive (Already attacked her) and Opportunity (They were in rock-throwing range)...

The shooter has a Duty to Retreat or Flee unless doing so would put her in greater harm (ie turning your back on the assailant). This is where she may be in trouble - she could have gone back in the house where she would be safe from the rocks.

The shooter also has a Duty to Not Escalate - I've heard no suggestion that she did so - she should be good in that respect.

So really her only problem is that she could have stayed in the house until the police arrived. If the assailants tried to enter the house then she's good to go.

But then, I haven't read the Castle Doctrine laws too closely yet... The lack of charges may be due to castle doctrine.

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