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another bullied teen commits suicide....


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Is this the same story that's on the cover of People this week?? First I've heard of all of it, until I saw the mag this morning.

I find this absolutely sickening....

The family watched, she said, as the girls who had tormented Sladjana for months walked up to the casket — and laughed. "They were laughing at the way she looked," Suzana says, crying. "Even though she died."
What the hell's wrong with some of these kids today, & apparently the parents who raise them?!? Somebody (school official, funeral home official, church official, parent) needed to escort those kids out & have a "come to Jesus" meeting with them Edited by Fonzie
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Kids are too soft these days.

Just up Northeast, I guess...

I saw bullying, might have been a prick a couple of times, and hit back when I thought that's what the situation called for.

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Sad, both that kids can be so fucking mean and also that someone's family didn't see how desperate or self-destructive the victim is....my daughter was bullied pretty bad last year but she didn't let it wreck her, she talked about it, had a good attitude about it and ultimately got through it. Shame this girl's answer was to hang herself.

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That is very sad, condolences to the family. No one should ever have to lay their children to rest for something that could have been stopped.

There was a kid in middle school that's made fun of me alot, one day I snapped and back banded him as hard as I could across the face. I told the principal what happened and she just smiled and said he would never bother me again but hitting is wrong.

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Wow... Those girls need their asses kicked. If I have kids they'll never act like that.

It's rough being in high school, and I think everyone was bullied/bullied someone at some point; It must be more isolated be an immigrant and not have any social support structure at all.

Still, at what point did bullying become so bad that it's worth killing yourself?

And again, somebody started laughing at my kids funeral... there aren't enough people in Ohio to stop me from getting to them.

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That is terrible, if that were my daughter I don't know what I would do. She is too young now, but once she gets old enough to understand I will teach her the same way I was brought up..."treat others the way you want to be treated" and "don't take any sh!t from someone that you don't deserve".

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Damn this is so sad. Kids have no respect and no discipline anymore. My class had 97 in it. There were obviously the clicks; preps, jocks cheerleader, goth, nerds...but everyone got along for the most part. I was brought up to treat others as you would want to be treated. I may not have liked someone for whatever reason, but I never felt the need to bully them.

The school said the lost the records when switching computers is bull shit. That school is full of shit. I will never live around the Cleveland area. Too much horse shit up there.

Pretty girl, it is too bad she will never reach her full potential.

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Kids are too soft these days.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this thought...^^

I was the victim of relentless bullying and torment...

so much so, that when the story of columbine broke on channel one news.

they described the shooters as loners that were bullied by many students in the school. Literally the entire room turned to "me" with a look of sheer terror at that moment.

admittedly, i did feel a sense of prode at THAT moment, "all these people who give me shit every day, are scared to death that I'm going to pack a coupe of uzi's in my duffle bag, and open fire on the school" I was 15 at the time, it felt good to be feared.

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I feel bad for these families but what the hell happened to saying "fuck them" and moving on? I took a whole lot of shit when I was in school about my weight and my family, which was well known for all the wrong reasons, along with whatever the hell else those d-bags could come up with but never once did I contemplate suicide. I don't mean to be disrespectful or down play the situation but what the fuck is wrong with someone that allows words to bother them so much that they decide ending there life is worth it? I may sound like an asshole but damn, toughen up, realize a lot of people suck, pull yourself up by the boot straps and go about your life, dont fucking end it.

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I got a lot of bullying when I was in school. You know that one kid in elementary school that everyone hates and picks on? Yeah, that was me. And I'll tell you, it was fucking rough. I'm not joking when I say that during those times, I felt more hopeless than I ever have since. I can't imagine killing myself, but I can empathize with the situation, at the very least.

Here's another recent one. Gay kid at Rutgers, humiliated by his roommate:


In this case, there will probably be jail time, at least.

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8th grade metal shop, we had a girl that was here from Malaysia. Glasses, heavyset, and not pretty. Didn't speak English very well.

We were mildly teasing her in class one day. The shop teacher (about TaRR's size) sent her to the office to run off 1,000 or so dittos (remember those, and how good they smelled?). As soon as she was gone, he grabbed a 4 foot 2x4, slammed it into one of those tall, metal trash cans, unloaded a string of expletives describing how stupid and worthless we were, questioned our parentage and our mother's morals, and described, in detail, what would happen to any of us if we EVER spoke a mean word to her again.

Problem solved pretty much right then and there.

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8th grade metal shop, we had a girl that was here from Malaysia. Glasses, heavyset, and not pretty. Didn't speak English very well.

We were mildly teasing her in class one day. The shop teacher (about TaRR's size) sent her to the office to run off 1,000 or so dittos (remember those, and how good they smelled?). As soon as she was gone, he grabbed a 4 foot 2x4, slammed it into one of those tall, metal trash cans, unloaded a string of expletives describing how stupid and worthless we were, questioned our parentage and our mother's morals, and described, in detail, what would happen to any of us if we EVER spoke a mean word to her again.

Problem solved pretty much right then and there.

Kudos to him. There aren't enough teachers like that anymore.

Oh, and thanks for the recall on the ditto aroma. Damn Xerox machines!

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what ever happened to good old crackin skulls? someone talks shit, bust them in the mouth...they wont talk shit anymore...eventually people get the point :confused: worked for me

You get expelled from school, your parents disown you, you feel worthless after what you did, and all of the sudden we're back to square one in this thread.

Doesn't matter if you were in the right fighting back, you will get booted from the school.

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You get expelled from school, your parents disown you, you feel worthless after what you did, and all of the sudden we're back to square one in this thread.

Doesn't matter if you were in the right fighting back, you will get booted from the school.

my parents always told me not to start fights, but to finish them. nobody was disowning me lol.

and sure you will get in trouble, but people should get the point way before you make it to the point of being expelled. isnt is generally a 3 strike type deal, per year? thats how both schools i was at were. 3rd fight of the year you get expelled, until then youre golden. (1-3 day suspension, then 5-10 day, then expelled)

not including talking shit, setting up outside of school fights, and general dickery.....

you have no idea how much shit i got away with....if youre worried about fighting at school, you do it outside of school...when i was 14 i got suspended twice for hitting the same douchebag, so my dad called his dad and was set up for me and this kid to fight outside of school and get it all outta our system uninterrupted...the kid didnt wanna fight anymore, and that squashed it...no more trouble the rest of the year

no way im killing myself for being picked on, theres much better ways to deal with it

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