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another bullied teen commits suicide....


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Wow...there are so many ignorant statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

As a father, I hope that any of you making statements about these "weak kids" never has a child that is picked on. The whole essence of them being children is that they are weak. That is why it is our job as parents to protect them and guide them to being good people in life.

As a school administrator for a K-8 school I see bullying on a daily basis, and it absolutely disgusts me. Our children and students are exposed to so much more, and are expected to be able to tolerate and understand concepts and situations that far exceed their cognitive development. Dealing with this is the worst part of my job. Parents of bullies do not accept that their child is a bully. Some think it is acceptable, even funny.

Regardless of view point, if you think it's ok to bully someone else I hope that you take a minute to reevaluate it. It is always easier to pass judgment upon others than to understand. To all the children who have been literally bullied to death or even to the thought of it, my prayers go out to them.

I don't think anyone is saying they think bullying is ok, but that the bullied are taking their response to a whole new level. Bullying sucks but it happens, it will never stop, however kids being so weak and over emotional to think that suicide is a logical way to make it end, can stop. Stop raising kids to be pussies and think that everyone has to care about their feelings. The world is harsh cold and mean get used to it, no one gives a shit about your feelings, get over it. I really have a hard time understanding why anyone let alone a child would commit suicide. Suicide is a selfish act of weakness. Darwin wins again.

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I think the worst part about the bullying these days is that the kids can't bring weapons to school anymore with the metal detectors and such. When I was in school kids that are being bullied could bring a buck knife to help even up the fight.

:wtf: youre suggesting its a good idea for children to be handling weapons to solve bullying issues?

what about when a ricochet hits an innocent did? or a kid trying to stop the fight, gets stabbed on accident? or the kid totally snaps and decided to just harm as many people as they can, regardless of who it is. columbine? vt? really dude?

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:wtf: youre suggesting its a good idea for children to be handling weapons to solve bullying issues?

what about when a ricochet hits an innocent did? or a kid trying to stop the fight, gets stabbed on accident? or the kid totally snaps and decided to just harm as many people as they can, regardless of who it is. columbine? vt? really dude?

I'm not saying that weapons are the answer, i'm just thinking of a friend of mine that was bullied a lot in school, ended the bullying one afternoon after pulling a knife in self defense.

I guess i'd rather see kids defend themselves than kill themselves.

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Proud moment here. My daughter verbally tore up a bully on her bus while sticking up for a 6th grader who was being teased. The bus driver reported it- not for being bad, but proactively good. :cool:

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:wtf: youre suggesting its a good idea for children to be handling weapons to solve bullying issues?

what about when a ricochet hits an innocent did? or a kid trying to stop the fight, gets stabbed on accident? or the kid totally snaps and decided to just harm as many people as they can, regardless of who it is. columbine? vt? really dude?

I don't think kids should have guns or weapons in school but I have no problems with teachers being trained and proficient enough to have a gun in school. Maybe a little LCP they can keep in their pocket. At Columbine, a teacher had his CHL but couldn't even keep it in his car on school property. So when the shooting took place, her had to run a mile or two to where his car was parked, get the gun and run back.

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Wow...there are so many ignorant statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

As a father, I hope that any of you making statements about these "weak kids" never has a child that is picked on. The whole essence of them being children is that they are weak. That is why it is our job as parents to protect them and guide them to being good people in life.

As a school administrator for a K-8 school I see bullying on a daily basis, and it absolutely disgusts me. Our children and students are exposed to so much more, and are expected to be able to tolerate and understand concepts and situations that far exceed their cognitive development. Dealing with this is the worst part of my job. Parents of bullies do not accept that their child is a bully. Some think it is acceptable, even funny.

Regardless of view point, if you think it's ok to bully someone else I hope that you take a minute to reevaluate it. It is always easier to pass judgment upon others than to understand. To all the children who have been literally bullied to death or even to the thought of it, my prayers go out to them.

You know, I agree with a few points here. First, the parents should definitely be helping their kids out. My dad taught me how to stick up for myself. If the kid never fights back, he'll be bullied his whole life. Nowadays, k-12 have a zero tolerance for fighting. So now, even if the kid has been picked on, bullied, pushed around, etc he gets suspended for sticking up for himself. There's the problem. I blame the schools and liberal ass parents of bullies who complained when their kids deservingly got their asses handed to them. So you guys are all just sitting here arguing about it. That doesn't fix anything. Take all this effort and energy you're using to argue, and instead brainstorm solutions.

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Let's see.....

Positive rep for Vulcan Rider - you, sir, have it right

Negative rep for Granda080 - you, sir, are a liberal pussy that contributes to the pussification of our youth in this country

Ease up or add a smiley.

Let's keep it civil please.

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Let's see.....

Positive rep for Vulcan Rider - you, sir, have it right

Negative rep for Granda080 - you, sir, are a liberal pussy that contributes to the pussification of our youth in this country

Ease up or add a smiley.

Let's keep it civil please.

I'll second that. No sense in being a douche just because you disagree with someone's views.

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Thats the problem is that there is no logical solution because of how the schools are run now. Teachers have no power to do anything to students other than tell them to go to the office and principals have no power other than to suspend or expell them, which in my opinion does no good at all. The logical solution is for parents to quit allowing their kids to have an attitude that everyone should care about them and their feelings and for schools to quit being such pansies and allow teachers and principals to run the building the way they need to. Bring back swats and see how many behavior problems dissappear real fucking quick.

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Teachers have no power to do anything to students other than tell them to go to the office and principals have no power other than to suspend or expell them, which in my opinion does no good at all.


Bring back swats and see how many behavior problems dissappear real fucking quick.

Francis Hajosy Charged With Sexual Assault for Spanking Disruptive Girl in Class


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Francis Hajosy Charged With Sexual Assault for Spanking Disruptive Girl in Class


I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that this isnt you, just a coincidence with the initials?

JRM said:

This is a problem today. In my days, getting spanked, or paddled was allowed. When I complained about it to my parents, they said I must have deserved it. I grew up just fine. But today? Spare the rod and spoil the child seems to be the new thing and as a result, adults are helpless to maintain discipline. No wonder we now need cops IN the schools all day. If the teachers had control, we wouldn't need the cops and all that extra money spent on paying the cops could be used to better the educations our kids are getting. I say to hell with the spoiling. Grab the rod and the paddle. And also, institute standard uniforms so all kids are equal. Maybe then, our kids will get a real education and then our country will once again be the super power in the world. Knowledge (education) is what we need to focus on again. The pen is mightier than the sword, but if you can't think intelligently or can't read and write, what good is the pen??

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This is all crazy I have 4 boys, and they all whine about how unfair it all is. My response? A good swat to the rear! sometimes when kids act like asshats they need to get a wake up call. I would like to smack a few parents at my kids school as well as a few teachers. I use to get paddled by the nuns at my school when I was little. For a old bitch she hit pretty damn hard! Quit acting like a asshat real quick.

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Schools are in a strange predicament. They have to come up with a policy other than "beat his ass", but by doing so we have fostered a generation of whining taddling pussies. I, like many on this forum have no problem with the "beat his ass" policy. Growing up, my dad was president of the school board and served on it for 12 years. Freshman year, I had to defend myself against an older kid who thought it might be fun to draw swastikas on my locker. My punishment from the school ... 3 days suspension. My punishment from my dad... 5 day ski trip to upstate New York. Beat his ass...

Edit: the initial story is a real tragedy. I hope my kids never get to that point of desperation.

Edited by C-bus
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I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that this isnt you, just a coincidence with the initials?

I didn't even read the comments, but yes you are correct -- that IS NOT me.

Though it does look like something I'd say, and I was paddled as a kid -- never by the school, just my parents.

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Schools now a days suck.. They really dont do anything. I noticed that my freshman year. Iv always been an athletic person my whole life, always played at least two sports. So I am not a small petite person. Most people in high school are short or not very muscular. I used it to my advantage, I was the one beating up on the bullies in my school. If I noticed anyone getting picked on in a bad way I'd stand up for them no matter what. I think kids need to take some iniciative and not be so scared of everyone. Most of those bullies are all talk anyway. I don't think I ever had one actually try and fight me.

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Sometimes I think that the schools are moving backward. What ever happened to the ring of kids around two kids fighting? When it was done it was done, no more teasing or being bullied. You either got you ass kicked or he did. Now you so much as touch a kid and you are out of the school.

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