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Radar Detectors (car)


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...and when i DID pass cops sitting there with the radar guns out, it didnt go off...several times

the false sense of security alone would have been a negative to owning it, because its not like it would have saved me any of the times i DID pass cops on the freeway with their radars out

:nono: Just cause a cop is sitting with their radar gun in hand or pointing down the highway does NOT mean the radar is transmitting.

Radar detectors are NOT cop detectors, they only work when there is RF being transmitted.

Which is why I made the comment above about even the most expensive ones simply letting you know you just got nailed.

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Thats why I said this...

Basically in situations where you are alone on the road or the lead car its foolish to run that fast' date='

with or without a radar detector. Thats just inviting trouble.:popo:

You do realize that even the most expensive radar detector is only going to tell you that you

just got nailed in a "blind situation" when the cop is using "instant-on" rather then sitting with it running steady.[/quote']

When you're the lone car for 4 hours and 250 miles, that's the chance you take. This smokey happened to be sitting with active radar, Michigan police almost always do and no one has laser. A radar detector can help greatly here. The rest is up to me and a little luck.

Once again, I didn't start this thread so "Dad" could come in and tell me how stupid it is to speed and spend money on a detector. I'm asking for opinions regarding specific detectors and people's experience.

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The only thing on this one is that it gets installed in the vehicle and you have to have some basic knowledge of cars to do the install.

I've disassembled and reassemble almost every part on my car. I break shit...a lot. :lol:

I like that system you posted, but it brings me back to the same issue. There's no rear mount radar. I know it sounds stupid because if it's from the rear, by the time you detect it your toast anyways. But at least with the windshield mounted units they have that ability. I'm still contemplating whether rear functionality is even worth having.

That is a damn good price for that kit.

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I have a V1 and that's what I'll always buy. My dad has the passport. As far as which is better, I think they both do a fine job with detection. The V1 is my favorite because it tells you which way the signal is coming from.

And for what it's worth, even when the cops are using the "laser" rf guns, they still have to hit you at least twice as I understand it. If you aren't running at stupid speed there's plenty of time to tap the brakes and get slowed down before that second trigger pull. It's saved me multiple times.

I've picked up Ka band from as far as 2 miles away with the V1. It sucks because it starts going off real faint and so I slow down and wait and wait and there's nothing. Finally I see the car.

The only thing that really bugs me is a lot of building alarms are x-band, and some cops still use x band. I mostly ignore the x band tones, but thats the one that got me a ticket last year...

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quit trusting detectors after my last ticket which was laser. BAM he got me before the silly thing went off. quit speeding on major highways and roads, no more than 5 over. Im sick of getting hassled by cops for minor revenue generating crap.

save it for the backroads.

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i've owned and used:

whistler POS

Bel RX65 or whatever the hell it is (same as escort 8500 gave it to my sister)

Escort 8500 x50 (in blue! it makes a difference)

ended at Valentine 1.

Be forewarned that there is a pretty wide spread problem of Escort 8500 and Bel RX65 eventually getting the "Service required" message of death. I experienced it on my escort and my sister had the same issue with the bel after a while.

My valentine 1 has been pretty peachy for the last 1.5 years or so, but it started doing this weird thing where the K radar just goes full blast and off and back and forth on the highway. I sent it in to see if they can fix it.

My next option is to try to fix the Bel/Escort detectors with a couple suggested fixes I found on the internet. Some simple soldering and this and that and apparently, they are good as new. Or, I could pony up the few bucks and send it into escort.

As far as which one I liked the best? The V1 by far.

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To be honest I would not waste my $$ on a radar/laser detector. I think they might do a little good if you have a focus or an explorer, but a GTO is going to get you too much attention for it to make a diffrence, and on top of that if a cop see's a GTO with a Radar Detector you can bet your ass he is going to watch your every move.

I had Passport on my Busa and felt like a target. I would think a GTO would have the same effect.

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To be honest I would not waste my $$ on a radar/laser detector. I think they might do a little good if you have a focus or an explorer, but a GTO is going to get you too much attention for it to make a diffrence, and on top of that if a cop see's a GTO with a Radar Detector you can bet your ass he is going to watch your every move.

I had Passport on my Busa and felt like a target. I would think a GTO would have the same effect.

Note that one of my options is completely integrated into the vehicle. There will be no officer seeing it.

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...This smokey happened to be sitting with active radar, Michigan police almost always do and no one has laser. A radar detector can help greatly here.

Well in that case any old detector even a pos is gonna do just fine. Why spend $400 on something when a $70 units gonna do just as well.

...I didn't start this thread so "Dad" could come in and tell me how stupid it is to speed and spend money on a detector.

C'mon, did you really think no one was gonna tell you that :p

And "Dad"? Really, I ain't that old :cry:

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I am just saying, a radar detector does not really give you that confidence you think it would. It actually is kind of a pita because now you "can't" get any tickets and you think, well if the detector saves my ass twice it pays for itself, but on the other hand, what of I do get a ticket and now I have a ticket, points and a $400.00 radar detector.

Really you have to think about how many times you have been pulled over, and then how many times did you get a warning. I have had one warning, but I get pulled over about once ever 5 years and I tend to drive about 10 or 12 miles over the speed limit.

For me, it's not worth it

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Really you have to think about how many times you have been pulled over, and then how many times did you get a warning.

Your also more likely to get a warning WITHOUT a radar detector.

You get pulled over with one and the cops love that shit, besides it's an outright admittance to speeding, why else would you have it.

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