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It would seem Notre Dame's got quite the public relations mess on their hands!


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unFREAKINbelievable!! s8.gif

Chicago Tribune's reporting that the team actually practiced for another 20-30 minutes after this happened :wtf::nono:

If I was Mr. Sullivan... I'd be having a sudden, & "closed door" meating w/ Kelly... From which he would emerge bloodied

Even if Kelly's not the one who told the kid to get up there... Brian HAD to have seen him up there at some point, & should've told him to come down. The only thing ND can hope for is that the kid went up there of his own accord per usual... But someone in authority still should've told him "Not today son". If he was up there long enough to be repeatedly tweeting.... He was up there long enough for someone to tell him to get his a$$ down

Common sense is an increasingly uncommon thing s13.gif

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I highly doubt he climbed up there to film the FB team on his own accord...just to video record the team's practice for shits and giggles.

That's not what I meant when I said that. I meant if he just went about his daily job without checking in with anybody before goin' up on the lift

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I'm really not sure why you people have your panties in such a twist.

Tragedy, sure.

The kid knew shit was wrong... his FIRST tweet indicated he knew it was dangerous... it was at that point he could have said "no"... but by the second tweet saying it was so terrifying... come on guys.

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I'm really not sure why you people have your panties in such a twist.

Tragedy, sure.

The kid knew shit was wrong... his FIRST tweet indicated he knew it was dangerous... it was at that point he could have said "no"... but by the second tweet saying it was so terrifying... come on guys.

While I partially agree with you... He may have been coerced with fear of losing his job/workstudy/internship, whatever reason it was he was doing this

Also... Explain to me how it's appropriate for the team to continue practicing for a half hour after this tragedy happens??

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I suspect they didn't know what happened... and even if they did know the kid was hurt why stop?

If they knew he was dying and could have helped then yah, they should have. But if it was an accident and they just had no idea.... again, why stop?

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I suspect they didn't know what happened... and even if they did know the kid was hurt why stop?

If they knew he was dying and could have helped then yah, they should have. But if it was an accident and they just had no idea.... again, why stop?

An accident just occurred on the same field youre practicing on and thats not cause to stop practicing? I would disagree. Its a distraction to practice, and could possibly be a distraction to responders on scene.

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I've spent alot of time in lifts and can attest that your internal danger alarm would be going off in light wind. Big gusts should have you shitting your drawers and getting that thing down asap.

But in the world of social media/networks, it's important to change one's status to something that sounds cool prior to doing anything logical.

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Anyone have the specs on that machine so we can run the numbers?

Weight of the scissor lift, cg location, gusts, height of Sullivan at the time. I want to know the force it took to flip it on its side.

I thought those lifts had A LOT of weight in the base to ensure the cg is very bias to the ground level. Of course, every additional inch in height would increase the leverage of the wind forces.

A dangerous -- lethal mistake.

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Anyone have the specs on that machine so we can run the numbers?

Weight of the scissor lift, cg location, gusts, height of Sullivan at the time. I want to know the force it took to flip it on its side.

I thought those lifts had A LOT of weight in the base to ensure the cg is very bias to the ground level. Of course, every additional inch in height would increase the leverage of the wind forces.

A dangerous -- lethal mistake.

One of the construction firms noted in an article max wind speeds to oerate the lift. Cautious at 10 mph, grounded at around 25-29 mph

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Why was he up there again? The thing says due to blustery conditions the team practiced indoors on tues... Why was he outside if they were inside?

Edit... He died wed. not tues my bad.

Edited by kawi kid
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Why was he up there again? The thing says due to blustery conditions the team practiced indoors on tues... Why was he outside if they were inside?

Edit... He died wed. not tues my bad.

I had thought the same thing when the story first broke Bry... Assumed it was during that line of storms that passed through Tues

Justin.... I've heard/read reports that he was 50' up

Matt... The kid was taping the teams practice, from the endzone it looked like. How the hell you not see/hear a big piece of equipment go crashing over on it's side, through the fence/bushes & landing out on the road? Not to mention... I'm sure Declan was screaming the whole way down

Me thinks you're trying to play devil's advocate again, just for the sake of being contrary/ruffling feathers

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BTW... Anybody seen Tressel's interview from the day before this happened... When he says OSU practiced inside Tuesday, & specifically mentions being concerned for the safety of the film crews

Ass't principal at my kids' school was just telling me about it this morning, & said the media's been playin' it. I haven't seen it yet... Gotta search youtube

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They were reporting on ESPN this morning that he had 2 posts to his Twitter account, 1 before he went to work that It was windy and should be a "fun day" and the he had lived long enough and a second one while he was filming that he was scared. Just saw Tressel's interview on ESPN.

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If the kid was scared he shouldnt have been up there, but obviously he couldnt have been too scared if he was up there fuckin around with his cell phone to update his twitter while trying to film practice. I feel bad for his family and this is a tragedy but the use of common sense could have prevented this. Either the kid or the coach or hell even a player should have had the common sense to say hey maybe its not a good idea for him to be up there. Unfortunately Darwin beat a whole college.

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Just saw Tressel's interview on ESPN.

How friggin' incredibly ironic is that, that he expressed concern about this very thing, a day before it happened somewhere else??

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How friggin' incredibly ironic is that, that he expressed concern about this very thing, a day before it happened somewhere else??

Agreed. Right inline with the kids Tweet that he had lived long enough. I'd say it is a safe bet that someone will be without a job and ND will be writing a nice check to the family and OSHA.

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I never said they didn't notice it.

Someone at work has a slip and fall... does everyone stop working for the rest of the day? Or do you all stand around for 15-20 minutes, then go back to work?

You see a car accident with police/ambulance on scene... do you still stop or do you just drive to your destination.

Be outraged all you want, you're entitled to your opinion.

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