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Concealed carry = bad

Uncle Punk

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^ that's a more stringent 'test' than the government puts on being allowed to vote. All you have to do is be a citizen and 18 years old.

p.s. there's a constitutional right to bear (if not carry) arms. The constitution makes no promise of being allowed to vote.

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You keep asking questions but have yet to answer any of mine. Any idea on what you would do?

I stated that I wasn't advocating banning firearms.

Something tells me that you gun nuts would have not cared if the trend in crime rates had gone up, you still would have wanted to keep your license. Tying your argument to those statistics means you are willing to give them up if the trends in crime rates rise. Are you guys willing to give up your license if the trends don't support your reasoning?

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I stated that I wasn't advocating banning firearms.

Something tells me that you gun nuts would have not cared if the trend in crime rates had gone up, you still would have wanted to keep your license. Tying your argument to those statistics means you are willing to give them up if the trends in crime rates rise. Are you guys willing to give up your license if the trends don't support your reasoning?

The license means nothing to me. An artificial creation of the state to make them and others feel all happy about people being armed. I will be armed, license or otherwise if need be. My life comes first. The whole cold dead fingers thing...license be damned.

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There are a billion things that people COULD do, but don't.

I could walk around punching people in the face - that doesn't mean that everyone's hands should be cut off because a small percentage of the population (me) is acting like idiots.

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I stated that I wasn't advocating banning firearms.

Something tells me that you gun nuts would have not cared if the trend in crime rates had gone up, you still would have wanted to keep your license. Tying your argument to those statistics means you are willing to give them up if the trends in crime rates rise. Are you guys willing to give up your license if the trends don't support your reasoning?

I understand you do not want to ban firearms... I didnt ask that. I will quote what I asked to see what you think though.

Ok, so what would you suggest the government do to regulate who gets guns and who doesnt? Because making it harder for me to legally buy a gun does not make it harder for the gang banger to get one. All of these arguments are mixed in together.

If crime rates rise that would make me want to have my gun even more. Usually the gun crimes rise when the non concealed carry citizens commit the crimes. The people who legally CC usually are not the ones committing the crime.

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All I can say is' date=' I hope all these anti-2nd amendment geniuses get beaten to death with a blunt object while a law abiding gun owner laughs hysterically.[/quote']

Unlikely this will happen because most law abiding "gun nuts" will gladly help protect others by utilizing their guns to save another person; even if that person may not like guns at all. You never know, that protection may change ones idea about guns...

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UP, what exactly is your problem, is it:

1) that people can conceal carry

2) that a licensing system is stupid

3) or something I missed entirely

I have not formulated an opinion yet, mostly because I am not sure what to respond to.


Having said that.... I don't support restrictions for ex-felons and firearms. If you're outta' the pokey.. then your rights are to be 100% reinstated.

I do not agree either with the felon statement, but I do not think that everyone out of jail should have full firearm responsibilities reinstated. Those that are violent or prone to violence should not be allowed to get a chl. If the system was actually rehabilitating and punishment for a crime than it would be a different story, as is the prison system is just a residence relocation for many.

Edited by imprez55
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If crime rates rise that would make me want to have my gun even more. Usually the gun crimes rise when the non concealed carry citizens commit the crimes. The people who legally CC usually are not the ones committing the crime.

So you want a firearm regardless of crime rates going up or down. I wouldn't use those statistics anymore if you are going to change your argument no matter which way the trend is.

An armed society is a polite society is a load of bunk. A polite society is a polite society. More guns do not keep people under control, see my argument earlier. We have armed conflicts which by that standard shouldn't happen because everyone has firepower. Evil intentions are going to be served no matter the obstacles.

You getting a license hasn't made you safer and it has not made me safer from you. It is a false sense of security that has made little to no difference in crimes related to handguns except to make a new category of licensed handgun crime.

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So you want a firearm regardless of crime rates going up or down. I wouldn't use those statistics anymore if you are going to change your argument no matter which way the trend is.

An armed society is a polite society is a load of bunk. A polite society is a polite society. More guns do not keep people under control, see my argument earlier. We have armed conflicts which by that standard shouldn't happen because everyone has firepower. Evil intentions are going to be served no matter the obstacles.

You getting a license hasn't made you safer and it has not made me safer from you. It is a false sense of security that has made little to no difference in crimes related to handguns except to make a new category of licensed handgun crime.

I never used the stats... that wasnt me. I use the "ill protect myself and you if necessary" argument. and the "because its in the 2 Amendment" argument. Or the "Because I want to carry legally" argument....

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Your polite society theory doesn't play out in the real world. Every other gang banger has a firearm and yet seems to have no fear of being shot by others. Your scenario works for you but not for most people that mean to cause harm.

There are too many firearms and adding more to the mix won't mean less deaths.

Statistically through many reported FBI studies when there has been an increase in firearms to an area crime has reportedly decreased.... Do a quick search on it I am not claiming to be an expert but I have found this to be true...http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/75359. (one example)...Also, if you are armed and someone breaks into your home and they find out you are armed before it is too late, chances are they are high tailing out of there because it generally clicks that whatever they are doing isn't worth dying for... Im not saying everyone is not afraid to get shot but why should it be anymore fair that the criminal who could care less if he dies have anymore of an opportunity to live than myself?

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licensing is only "necessary" because it is a felony to carry concealed without it.

so is your point that there should be no law against carrying concealed (effectively allowing everyone to carry concealed)? or just leave the law the way it is and not have a licensing process (effectively not allowing anyone to carry concealed legally)?

i'd like to know what it is you're selling before we go on a troll-off, UP. You jump between positions more quickly than a 3 hour long, 16 participant gang bang, in fast forward.

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I'm far more polite when armed. Far less likely to flip the bird when driving, far less likely to stare down a thug, far less likely to engage in any situation that may escalate to a point that would change my life forever. An armed society is a polite society in the context of legal activity. If I think you might be armed, I'd likely not try to piss you off. Other than that, I have not robbed any banks since the issuance of my cchp.

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“It is now commonplace for mass shooters to be licensed to carry concealed handguns.

are there any statistics or sources to back up this wild assertion?

Edited by John
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licensing is only "necessary" because it is a felony to carry concealed without it.

It's only a felony because a bunch of city dwelling pussies decided that since they are too weak to defend themselves that we should be unable to also. If WE the People pushed it we could turn all of that around.

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licensing is only "necessary" because it is a felony to carry concealed without it.

so is your point that there should be no law against carrying concealed (effectively allowing everyone to carry concealed)? or just leave the law the way it is and not have a licensing process (effectively not allowing anyone to carry concealed legally)?

i'd like to know what it is you're selling before we go on a troll-off, UP. You jump between positions more quickly than a 3 hour long, 16 participant gang bang, in fast forward.

Read my replies here to figure out what you think my answer would be.


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Read my replies here to figure out what you think my answer would be.


i was really asking those questions since other people in this thread weren't part of that 4 page long flame fest.

not that i necessarily have an opinion about it either way (i sort of do/don't) if your best reason for why there shouldnt be a licensing process is that "it doesn't help" and provide no refutes to data provided that show otherwise, then.... troll harder?

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just fucking Open Carry. fuck.

That's fine as long as you walk everywhere. Can't open carry in a car/on a motorcycle. It then becomes concealed.

I carry a gun because a cop weighs too much.

Pencils cause spelling errors.

Cars get drunk and run themselves off the road.

I carry a gun for the same reason you and I wear a seatbelt. Hopefully I don't need either.

I carry a gun the for the same reason you have a fire extinguisher, when the authorities can't get there quick enough.

If guns commit crimes and/or murder people, mine are defective.

A gun is the only thing that will put a 90 year old woman and a 25 year old ganger banger on equal grounds.

"No gun" signs only keep the law abiding citizen from carrying. A bad guy will not follow that sign for the same reason he didn't reply for a CHL; He is a bad guy.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. I will become an outlaw overnight.

I will not give up my right to bear arms while I still have ammunition left.

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