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1,000th post Karma Giveaway - FREE STUFF!


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Looks like it's just the two of you :supergay:

Quantitatively not a gang bang. Bummer.

Funny thing that...Didn't read past the first page and thusly did not see his comment. Have to meet this Jbot character--sounds like a pillar of society.

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I'm here to give random quotes from movies, and because I used to have a motorcycle.

Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake.

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regardless of winning anything, this is a great place to put why you love the forum.

ORDN has introduced me to many people i would have never met.

i have made some friends form the sire, seen places i havent seen going on rides.

found out about routes i never knew about.

got answers to questions i had about bikes, or many other things.

great place to buy and sell things, local people you can trust too!!

and my first track day experiences were with people form this site, they helped a ton with getting me through the days, offering help in riding tips, offering to trailer me to a track, offering me tire warmers to use, and the list goes on.

new riders join the site before even getting on a bike, and get alot of good knowledge where to go to take the msf course, what gear to get, bike purchasing information and more

the sponsors on the site will go out of there way to ensure site members get what they need at a great price

one thing i think is awesome about the site is people will go out of there way to help each other without even meeting them in person first. that says alot about the community we have here.

may it be someone wrecking and they need some help with there bike, or getting there bike back home, pulling together to help out an injured member realize there dream to ride again, lending out a trailer or something, or coming together to support a cause.. the list goes on and on

ORDN is a solid group of people!

Edited by Hoblick
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I joined because someone from an ex-500 forum told me to.

I wanted to say that I stayed for the gang bang but a few people have already said it and at this point because I am the only female it would be a train.

But in all seriousness the site has some great people. I met one of best friends from here. I have learned a lot about bikes, great places to ride, and the motorcycle community as a whole.

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Good on you, great idea. I would suggest just putting everyones name in an excel chart and sorting them randomly or something and then having your kid select a number. That way these guys don't just post whore the hell out of your thread trying to run up their chances.

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Talked to a bunch of great people on here. Only met one of them in person before.

It was outside of a chinese restaraunt, in the rain, I was buying a headset.

That sounds odd. But on this forum it proabably happens more often than not!

count me in!

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