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A date which will live in infamy

Uncle Punk

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You beat me to the thread UP.

My wife was stationed in Hawaii. She said there are still bullet holes in some of the buildings which is really eerie to see, and the USS Airizona is a very solemn, awesome sight. I would love to visit it one day.

I fear all we have done is awake a sleeping giant...... why don't our enemies make comments like that anymore.

Because they don't fear us anymore. They know we are just gonna slap them on the wrist and say "Bad, stop it or else. :rolleyes:"

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It's very quiet on the memorial.

That's what she said. The only things you really hear are people sniffling and crying. I'd love to visit there someday. It would be an honor to me.

They've worked so far... :rolleyes:

Yes, N Korea is trembling from our strong words.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

My Dad crashed a malfunctioning F6F-5N offshore in Hawaii, a couple of years after the attack.

He wants to go to the memorial, but he's never going to make it there.

I've said it before. If you get a chance to talk with a WW2 veteran, do it now.

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  • 11 months later...

I fear all we have done is awake a sleeping giant...... why don't our enemies make comments like that anymore.


What was the last industrialized country to have the testicular fortitude to declare us their "enemy"?


What was the last country to declare "war" on the United States?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

the wife and i were in a mini-debate about Pearl Harbor yesterday during football games.  I am embarrassed to acknowledge how little I knew about WWII.  My dates were mostly right, and I am reasonably aware of the major events, but the whole "how did the war begin?" question was one I was woefully uneducated on.  


I can't figure out if I just wasn't paying attention in high school history (probable) or if they really neglected to teach us this stuff...  

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To keep it really basic (because I don't want to type that much).


WW2 began when Germany attacked Poland in 1939.  Within a few days Britain and France declared war on Germany.


Germany had already been gearing up for war for years.  

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Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they saw the US Pacific fleet as the major threat to theirs.  Prior to that the US had little interest in entering the war.


If Japan didn't attack PH, the US would't have entered the war until much later, if at all.  Without US involvement Germany may have conquered most of Europe.  The world would be much different today.

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