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My new track toy!


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your definition of "technical" sounds like my definition of "unnecessarily dangerous."

I'm not going to tell anyone that street riding isn't fun, but having to account for unpredictable road conditions means you're either taking large risks, or backing off to a degree.

That's not to say that you can ride at 100% on the track; you still have to leave room for error, but the potential for such an error is much lower.

I'd sell my street bike and go track-only in a heartbeat if i got a decent offer for hte street bike.

Oh I know what you mean, I hate having to back off because of things beyond my control that you don't have to worry about if I was on a track; I agree with you. :)

NN, not hating just making sure it was the same page. Your post makes sense trust me, I've ridden plenty of roads in Hocking etc. and agree it is all in the eye of the beholder. Techincal to some is change in pavement conditions i.e. gravel, to some it is offset chamber in the middle of a turn like the keyhole at Mid O. Just depends on the rider. I wasn't trying to hate, just wanted to make sure it was clear.

Either way like you said, bike is BA for sure.

Cool, I was debating on posting my thoughts because I don't want to get attacked for it. Arguing sucks. I'm glad you aren't annoyed or pissed at my post madcat and can rebuttal with a level head. Some people get so offended if you think different than them.

Yeah, and the time I rode midohio, I LOATHED the keyhole...haha. I never could get that turn right. :(

Edited by NinjaNick
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No worries bro, it's all good. Lets get back to Andy's BA bike, because it's nasty and next thing ya know, he ll be showing all of us how BA he is too.

LOL.. Something like that... I'm not fast, but I'm a heck of a lot faster than I was 1 year ago.. its cool to learn from people and get faster, and learn more, ride more, and see improvements on the track... That is why my wife just bought me a lap timer for Christmas.. Hopefully that helps see where I'm at...

Now buy your bike soon and lets load up and head south :D

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like most internet peeps, the WERA boys are probably all bark and no bite, but there are some STRONG feelings about trackday guys running white plates "without earning them."

I'm not saying you should change them, but if you're not aware (and I've encountered MANY people who aren't), some people will label you a poser for running white plates.

Who gives a shit? Is it any different than a track day guy that buys an ex AMA bike and solely does track days? Poser is a term we use to guys that run their mouths more than anything... Andy doesn't do anything close to that.

He will probably change it anyways as I believe he is going to start racing. Non-poser like...

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Every time I ride I am a "Poser", I am too fat, too slow, too old, and too short but I do it any way regardless where, when, what, or who (could have left that out) I ride....Both street and track offers an excitement for any motorcycle enthusiast, just ones choice....I personally prefer the street even though there are more uncontrollable dangers, but no one has ever accused me of being right in the head either!

Congrats on the new to you track-bike, one of the guys I ride with just picked up a new 2009 ZX6R and is in absolute heaven with the bike,he was riding a 2007 Buell XB12S so that kind of explains itself.

By my understanding the 2009 up ZX6R is an all around great bike in stock form, so add some tricks and tweaks and I would imagine it could be an all out beast on the track with the right rider (not me).

Good luck with your track only adventures, I think you will miss riding on the street, at least I know I definitely would without question....again that is just me though!

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Every time I ride I am a "Poser", I am too fat, too slow, too old, and too short but I do it any way regardless where, when, what, or who (could have left that out) I ride....Both street and track offers an excitement for any motorcycle enthusiast, just ones choice....I personally prefer the street even though there are more uncontrollable dangers, but no one has ever accused me of being right in the head either!

Congrats on the new to you track-bike, one of the guys I ride with just picked up a new 2009 ZX6R and is in absolute heaven with the bike,he was riding a 2007 Buell XB12S so that kind of explains itself.

By my understanding the 2009 up ZX6R is an all around great bike in stock form, so add some tricks and tweaks and I would imagine it could be an all out beast on the track with the right rider (not me).

Good luck with your track only adventures, I think you will miss riding on the street, at least I know I definitely would without question....again that is just me though!

Thank you sir! I almost bought an sv650 just to play on the street with, but the wife and I are having a baby, so I doubt I would get to just take off and ride much anyway.. We'll see how it goes.. If I'm miserable, I'll buy one! :D

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The street is not fun at all once you get the thrill of pushing the bike EVERY second you are riding it. To each their own,but for me the street is so scary that it is no longer fun. Congrats on the new ride man!

i agree with part of this.. now i dont race... but i do about 6-7 track days a year. i do think the street is scary to ride fast on.. thats why i ride the track to get my speed, skill thrill

the street is just to cruise and have fun by getting out into the air and relaxing why taking everything in..

the street and track both have their ups and downs and reasons why you do both.. i couldn't ever do one with out the other

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Good luck with your track only adventures, I think you will miss riding on the street, at least I know I definitely would without question....again that is just me though!

I think the idea of missing street riding is all in what you want out of riding a motorcycle. Street riding is not going to find the limits of the machine you own every time you roll out. Anyone that says they ride at the peak every time out is an idiot that you need to avoid as they are about to become a statistic...

Street riding isn't more "technical", but rather as exactly as you stated - "uncontrollable". That's fine and that I am sure, adds to it for some guys and can make it feel tougher to do and to do well than the track, but the way it is for me (I've been riding for only 21 years), street being uncontrollable and the fact that when I ride, I want to ride at a pace that isn't suitable for street. I know control and know when I shouldn't do such things, but it is just too boring for me. Even at a spirited pace because I know what the pace would be at the track.

The track is more technical because the elements that are involved are much more. Meaning, you have a machine that CAN be ridden at it's limits. The issue of course is whether one can still ride it to those limits (Not many people can). However, you can ride harder and with much more control than on the street. Then, you add in the track itself. Off cambers (Not very prominent on the street), switchbacks, high speed turns, 1st gear turns, etc. All of these can be found on the street, but at the pace by which you can run them is limited by many factors. Take the same turn on the street and place it on the track and then you get something that can be more...

Technical is also a situation where on the street, 9 out of 10 guys aren't using the full ability of their suspension. On the track, changes needing to be made to make the result faster and more controlled.

It isn't just simply unload the bike and go out on the track. For some, it is and they are the ones that cannot see a whole lot of difference from track to street. But, if they want to be in the suit of the guy that just blazed past them, they would realize the polar opposites that are existing at the track vs. street.

Here's food for thought... A very accomplished street rider going to the track is going to be slower in pace vs his fellow riders. A track/race guy in comparison is going to be on par or faster on the street when compared to the group.

The reason is that at the track, you can obtain a reserve in ability that allows a LOT more leeway when time comes to deal with a situation. On the street, while still gaining experience, that glass of ability doesn't fill as quickly. Thus, that needed reserve isn't as high and when a situation comes about, it tends to be a lot more ugly than if it were higher.... Make sense?

This isn't going to be a deal where street is better than track or vice versa. But, the limits of anything cannot be found on the street. Sure, you can find the limits of your ability in any environment, but understand that if you crash, it is usually because of rider error or lack of ability... Where can you develop and increase that ability better and more exactly?

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Oh, and to answer the idea of missing street? Since I have been racing, I don't miss the street at all. With the job I have now, I ride a lot more than ever before. I just really have no excitement when I ride street. Like stated, it is great to get in the sir and get that feeling of machine and yourself, but it is nothing compared to what I feel and get from the track.

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