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Damn... wish I'd seen these before flying a couple weeks ago.


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I fly probably 20 times a year and honestly, flying is a privilege. If you don't want to be scanned or you feel you are being violated, there is an option... Drive or take a bus or plane.

I want people to be scanned, I want people that want to hurt others to be found. Otherwise, you guys should ask us to revert back to the days where we take people for their word and let them on board...

"Oh, Mr. got a gun in your pants - you seem like a nice guy and we don't want to violate your rights, so pass on through. Don't worry about anything..."

Plus, if you travel enough, you learn to deal with it and it goes quickly. The idiots that travel a few times a year are the ones that cause the grief. They hold up the lines because they don't know what to take off, what to wear, etc...

Id agree flying is a luxury. Not necessarily a right. But the problem with TSA is that its completely reactive. The agency itself was a reaction to an event and has always been on the backside of the power curve, so to speak. None of their policies or guidance or leadership seems to know what they are doing. This technology was developed to make money by a contractor...dont fool yourself into thinking that it was developed to save lives. Im in the military and can say this about most acquisition projects.

With me, its not completely about being butt hurt about my rights, its more that TSA hasnt established any policy that truly makes sense or was well thought out. This in part to TSA's serious issues with training their agents, and implementing policies...i.e. the way they strip searched a lil kid.

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making a big deal over something that is really for our own safety.

yes, its for your safety. just listen to big brother and dont question :rolleyes:

the thing is its not for your safety. its for $$$ for the scanner company which have cozy ties to us representatives and lobbyists.

and you have bought their BS hook line and sinker.

israel has the most secure airports in the world... how many of these do they operate?

Edited by John
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I only travel (read: "fly") once or twice a year, so I guess that makes me an "idiot". Interesting. Whatever. Anyhoo, flew last week, and returned this week, with my family. No problems, but they didn't try to grope any of us. Metal detectors at CVG and DFW. It amazes me that TSA needs to molest small children in order to prevent terrorism. Israel does it right (terrorism abatement, not child molestation...). I don't understand how those parents stand by and let the TSA agents strip their small, screaming, freaked-out children. I'd be in jail, or driving. I was prepared for the worst, but it was no big deal. But coulda been. Too much government. Too much control. Too little common sense. I fully support profiling. Its cliche, but the attacks thus far, worldwide, haven't been made by midwestern gramma's nor four-year-old children. Profile. Can you SERIOUSLY tell me that you're just as comfortable with a person who appears to be of Mideastern origin on your plane as you are if there's not? Ditto, but a group of them? Are you REALLY not looking around at the other passengers, trying to figure out who will help you if something turns sinister at 36k feet? If you say "yes", I'm calling you out as a dumbass. Period.

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Brian, if you want to get your dose of x-rays and or felt up 2-3 times a year...good for you. I think most people do not want to be exposed to unnecessary x-rays or physicals unless they're performed by a physician or medial practice for health reasons. I fly often for my job, not as much as you do but often enough. I will give you credit about certain travelers, there are those that do not travel often and will def. slow shit down at the check points.

Terrorism - The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce. The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

Terrorists create terror and that in turn will cause people to take actions which would not normally be needed. The media and government has created a fearful nation because of the actions of terrorists many years ago now.

I honestly think that the government should get the hell out of our airports and let the private sector handle the security there. It would probably be a lot cheaper on the tax payers and create some jobs that people really need.

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Again, you could have accepted a lesser job and not traveled as often. If it were that big of a deal. You can still drive from Friday after work and get to CA by Monday morning. We've done it racing...

I understand the status quo idea, but this is bitching. You work in a high level atmosphere so, I am sure you have always heard this - come to the table with a solution to an issue. Otherwise, you are just complaining. You need solutions - not excuses.

I think that there may be better technology or something that people may not bitch about, but I am guessing that any change will result in the same thing... People feel they are violated for having to be given the wand after setting the detector off... Seriously?? Others bitch about having to take off their shoes and belts... It never ends, man... I stand in a line and cannot stand the casual traveler complaining. I stand there saying in my head that I wish we didn't have to deal with casual travelers so I can get through the line faster than Mrs. Bitch and Complain as she is trying to untie her shoes only until she is told to remove them and then forgetting to remove her laptop...

But taking a boat to Brazil would be 28 days on an ocean vessel and is not realistic. I understand your point about bitching but it doesn't mean if you don't have a solution you can't "bitch". If that were true, everyone of my superiors would be out of job and I'd have less than 30 minutes of meetings a day rather than 6 hours. Our Congress would be empty. And my wife would have nothing to say to me.

Anyways we can agree to disagree.

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Can you SERIOUSLY tell me that you're just as comfortable with a person who appears to be of Mideastern origin on your plane as you are if there's not? Ditto, but a group of them? Are you REALLY not looking around at the other passengers, trying to figure out who will help you if something turns sinister at 36k feet? If you say "yes", I'm calling you out as a dumbass. Period.

how do you know if they are of middle eastern origin? do you ask them?

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yes, its for your safety. just listen to big brother and dont question :rolleyes:

the thing is its not for your safety. its for $$$ for the scanner company which have cozy ties to us representatives and lobbyists.

and you have bought their BS hook line and sinker.

israel has the most secure airports in the world... how many of these do they operate?

Like I said, take it all out and just let 'em get wanded and let's see what happens...

Your conspiracy theories are cool and all, but the scanners are better than a metal detector... But, if you can show me otherwise, I am willing to accept I am wrong, but it sounds like you are typical and are just bitching that the man is pressing you down...

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israel has the most secure airports in the world... how many of these do they operate?

I'm going to say the guys with fully auto machine guns at the doors and check points are the biggest reasons they have the most secure airports in the world. It's not hard to find the guy in line sweating like he just worked out for 30 min. to know the guy to shoot if alarms start going off.

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I do with one, but that's it. In fact, I rarely travel it anymore... I use the cheapest flights to maintain my budget... No matter what you do, you deal with idiots...

Your dime = cheapest flight. Completely understood.

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But taking a boat to Brazil would be 28 days on an ocean vessel and is not realistic. I understand your point about bitching but it doesn't mean if you don't have a solution you can't "bitch". If that were true, everyone of my superiors would be out of job and I'd have less than 30 minutes of meetings a day rather than 6 hours. Our Congress would be empty. And my wife would have nothing to say to me.

Anyways we can agree to disagree.

Again, take a job that doesn't have to travel overseas... There are MANY people out there that can do your job as well as you and not be concerned over body scanners here in the US...

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I think the problem lies in my opinion that they are patting down the old lady in the wheel while the gentleman that takes ten loads of flem to pronounce his name correctly passes right on through. Let's face it, it wasn't a group of wheel chair ridden women that hijacked a few planes on that day in september. It was a specific group of young men. When it comes to real security we can't be to politically correct or its gonna happen again.

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Those shirts are pretty cool. I think they'd be cooler if the text *only* showed up on the scanner.

HOWEVER, I don't think the fourth amendment applies here. They're not grabbing you out of public and searching you. They're saying, "IF you want to get on this plane, we're going to search you." No different than a private business having the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. IMHO.

The thing that pisses me off about airport security is that the only Quiznos around here is in the Columbus airport, and you can't get to it without a plane ticket. FML.

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I'm going to say the guys with fully auto machine guns at the doors and check points are the biggest reasons they have the most secure airports in the world. It's not hard to find the guy in line sweating like he just worked out for 30 min. to know the guy to shoot if alarms start going off.

Actually before you even walk into the turmenal there you have already gone through two or three security points and you don't even realize it.

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I think the problem lies in my opinion that they are patting down the old lady in the wheel while the gentleman that takes ten loads of flem to pronounce his name correctly passes right on through. Let's face it, it wasn't a group of wheel chair ridden women that hijacked a few planes on that day in september. It was a specific group of young men. When it comes to real security we can't be to politically correct or its gonna happen again.

I agree with shitbrick. PC is just another way to cause more problems. You have to profile people, period. It's a sad fact but it's something that has to be done.

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I only travel (read: "fly") once or twice a year, so I guess that makes me an "idiot". Interesting. Whatever. Anyhoo, flew last week, and returned this week, with my family. No problems, but they didn't try to grope any of us. Metal detectors at CVG and DFW. It amazes me that TSA needs to molest small children in order to prevent terrorism. Israel does it right (terrorism abatement, not child molestation...). I don't understand how those parents stand by and let the TSA agents strip their small, screaming, freaked-out children. I'd be in jail, or driving. I was prepared for the worst, but it was no big deal. But coulda been. Too much government. Too much control. Too little common sense. I fully support profiling. Its cliche, but the attacks thus far, worldwide, haven't been made by midwestern gramma's nor four-year-old children. Profile. Can you SERIOUSLY tell me that you're just as comfortable with a person who appears to be of Mideastern origin on your plane as you are if there's not? Ditto, but a group of them? Are you REALLY not looking around at the other passengers, trying to figure out who will help you if something turns sinister at 36k feet? If you say "yes", I'm calling you out as a dumbass. Period.


I think you need to go back and rethink some of the comments you made. If you get nervous around certain people due to the way they look and what race they are, you have a lot more to be concerned about than body scans...

I am not sure where I stand on scanning and strip searches of children, but I have yet to see any of that...

But, I get on a plane, I get to my seat and I could give to shits who is where or what the guy next to me looks like. If you are worried, Avis has a lot of deals...

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Brian, if you want to get your dose of x-rays and or felt up 2-3 times a year...good for you. I think most people do not want to be exposed to unnecessary x-rays or physicals unless they're performed by a physician or medial practice for health reasons. I fly often for my job, not as much as you do but often enough. I will give you credit about certain travelers, there are those that do not travel often and will def. slow shit down at the check points.

Terrorism - The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce. The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

Terrorists create terror and that in turn will cause people to take actions which would not normally be needed. The media and government has created a fearful nation because of the actions of terrorists many years ago now.

I honestly think that the government should get the hell out of our airports and let the private sector handle the security there. It would probably be a lot cheaper on the tax payers and create some jobs that people really need.

This I can agree with. Maybe the private sector would be better and maybe we'd get better technology to be used. However, would it mean less if the private sector did the same thing?

I'm just asking as I think you are the only guy to have a legit comment yet...

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I'm going to say the guys with fully auto machine guns at the doors and check points are the biggest reasons they have the most secure airports in the world. It's not hard to find the guy in line sweating like he just worked out for 30 min. to know the guy to shoot if alarms start going off.

BINGO! Again, you are making too much sense.

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This I can agree with. Maybe the private sector would be better and maybe we'd get better technology to be used. However, would it mean less if the private sector did the same thing?

I'm just asking as I think you are the only guy to have a legit comment yet...

Thank you.

BINGO! Again, you are making too much sense.

I wish you'd tell that to more people that know me. LOL!

You could have left out the shitbrick part.....


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I don't get worked up about folks and guns. I trust a plane full of gun-toting Americans to keep me safe moar than an airport full of TSA agents.

you didnt get the memo? government officials are the only ones trustworthy enough to carry firearms.

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Anyone here qualified to determine if a bullet will cause explosive decompression on an aircraft?

I believe there was a Mythbusters episode that showed a single bullet hole in the fuselage of a pressurized plane did not make it blow the whole side out of it.

Mythbusters Explosive Decompression

Mythbusters 1.....Government 0


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  • 2 months later...
I believe there was a Mythbusters episode that showed a single bullet hole in the fuselage of a pressurized plane did not make it blow the whole side out of it.

Mythbusters Explosive Decompression

Mythbusters 1.....Government 0


Because I travel fly all the time I felt like bumping this. Of course the mythbusters episode couldnt take into account the differences in airpressure at ground level vs 30,000ft or the fact that the air traveling on the skin of the airplane at 450+mph will act like a crowbar/waterjet cutter in 1 and shred the plane where that hole is.

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