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Fast Five (Fast and Furious)


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what pisses me off most about these movies is how much shit they get wrong, and just write it off as "custom."

I only watched the trailer once, and didn't pay super close attention, but it looked to me like Paul whatever his name is and Vin Diesel were shifting gears ...in the Dodge Charger SRT8. A manual isn't an option.

I know i'm asking for realism in a make-believe environment, but to me it's just a matter of doing it right. If you put a motorcycle in a movie, make sure the twins sound like twins, and the I4's sound like I4's.

if you're putting a 425hp hemi in a mercedes chassis, give it a transmission that exists... the masses may not give a shit, but enthusiasts do.

they dont care about enthusiasts....remember in the last one how the black dude dies? camaro (i think it was a camaro, its been awhile) is doing like 40 mph and they floor it and all the sudden it pulls a wheel stand and rides it out, crushing the guy into something....lame

movies never care about that shit...its like in Jeepers Creepers where theyre driving that old beat dick car and the girl is trying to get it into gear and its grinding and shit and she cant get it (typical horror movie)....then once she gets going, with both hands on the wheel, you hear the car shift...it magically turned into an automatic and shifted itself...riiight...they just glued a shifter to the floor and added grinding noises when it was convenient

youd go crazy picking apart FF movies, they are crammed with shit like that...just enjoy them for what they are and dont look too much into them

and wtf...srt8 charger doesnt have manual? anything "srt" without manual option is fucking fail....MAYBE the jeep can get away with it

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First stop - Summit Racing


Second Stop - Grocery Store


Then feed my ride BOTH while I blow by all yall in 8th gear, my JC Whitney ABS plastic front diffuser bouncing off each and every imperfection in the pavement.


When the first movie hit we sold out of Nitrous systems by the weekend!

I personally thought the last movie was the best of the series. First was ok and the rest not so much.

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Second Stop - Grocery Store


Then feed my ride BOTH while I blow by all yall in 8th gear, my JC Whitney ABS plastic front diffuser bouncing off each and every imperfection in the pavement.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: They might make you look douchy but they sure do work well as coolant overflows on ex 500's s :rolleyes::D

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...Also I think the true car scene was maybe developed back in the 60's maybe?

Greasers were doing it in the 40s/50s. I'm sure it was done before that. My dad talks about Green Gables down at Central Point. I've heard stories from my grandfather about drag racing. It isn't anything knew. Hell, read the history on the Plymouth Roadrunner. It was specifically built for late teens early twenties to go out street racing cheaply.

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IIRC my grandad was one of the original members of the "Central Florida Timing Association"

Basically stood at the start or finishline with stopwatches and called the race winners. Waaaaaaay back in the day. I was younger when he died, but I remember seeing his his 'official' shirt

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Just like biker boys and torque made the bike scene
Not just ricers but every hick with a beat to shit mustang or pontiac.
They've always been around. The movie didn't do that. You have to remember, a lot of cops are good ol' boys.
damn that rap music
New rap or old rap? New rap makes me want to tear my eyes out.
Although this thread derailed into a measuring contest while I was at work, I just wanted to say that I agree with this 100%.

Those of you who think F&F started the "car scene" were obviously not part of the pre-F&F car scene. You just showed up when a bunch of shitboxes with wings and fart cans brought the rave to the parking lot and got everybody kicked out.

Interesting. Do I know you outside of Ohio Riders?
Anyone who thinks I was serious about starting the car scene is an idiot
Backpedal faster Timmy!
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You guys need to remember it's a MOVIE. Movies are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. You remember that and life becomes much easier for you.

Good point I had to remind my self of that while watching SALT recently. Once i came to grips that stuff was way over the top..i enjoyed it better

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yes ben!

i also have the last big race that went down there before the huge bust in 07

stang had a sbc in it, and was brought in on a trailer...and it also left on a trailer since it shut down after the race was over and wouldnt start lol...gotta love chevy junk

despite how it appears....camaro won, pulled ahead by a fender at the end...and i think you know whose camaro that is lol


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yes ben!

i also have the last big race that went down there before the huge bust in 07

stang had a sbc in it, and was brought in on a trailer...and it also left on a trailer since it shut down after the race was over and wouldnt start lol...gotta love chevy junk

despite how it appears....camaro won, pulled ahead by a fender at the end...and i think you know whose camaro that is lol



That car looks eerily familiar....

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