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Homeless man w/golden radio voice in Columbus, OH


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glad to see youre perfect and have never committed any crime

and all i get from that first page, is a whiny ass journalist....its not this guys fault that other homeless people dont have the talent he does

he has a special talent, that he has practiced and also had schooling for, and now hes turning it into a source of income....i see no problem with that....maybe if more homeless people had talents like this that warranted them getting the same kind of offers, then it wouldnt be an issue, but since most are unskilled, its bad for this guy to be?

honestly though....how can you sit there and judge this man?

1. you dont know him

2. being homeless can make anybody desperate

3. you have commited crimes too im sure, does that mean someone who has done less than you should talk about you the same way you regard him?

answer me this: what have you done in your life that makes you so much better than him? explain to me how youre perfect and have never maid a mistake.

tell me why you think youre a better person than he is....i would really be interested in hearing how you think, because it blows my mind to read your posts and see how you treat this guy like hes inferior to you, as if you were perfect

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As soon as this story broke, I looked at my wife and said.... "just wait until all the retards are surprised that he has a criminal past". How does one survive on the street without income? Answer.... find things or steal things. Why is one on the street? Answer.... Mental Health, Drugs, On Da Lamb, or truley very unfortunate circumstances. It rocks my gut a little that people put this stuff out there.

its not like hes trying to hide it...his mug shots were posted in his interview on the today show, and she even talked to him about his past

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its not like hes trying to hide it...his mug shots were posted in his interview on the today show, and she even talked to him about his past

No question about it. I think that's what is bugging me about these smoking gunners. If every homeless person, or ex-con, or drug addict would find this personal redemption (not necessarily through religion) and would decide to make something of themselves, we would all be in a better place. Now would I let him watch my kids? No, but I'd let him sell them some mac 'n cheeezzzze.

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wicked, you would rather see him back on the streets doing the same shit hes been doing, rather than clean up his life and become a positive, functioning member of society?

quoting myself because i directed this question to you and you ignored it

did you miss it? or did you just have no intelligent answer?

im curious to hear your take on it

ide rather see this guy clean himself up, get back on track, and start paying taxes....apparently you would rather see him running the streets stealing shit outta peoples cars just to make enough money to survive?

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No question about it. I think that's what is bugging me about these smoking gunners. If every homeless person, or ex-con, or drug addict would find this personal redemption (not necessarily through religion) and would decide to make something of themselves, we would all be in a better place. Now would I let him watch my kids? No, but I'd let him sell them some mac 'n cheeezzzze.

exactly. he at least deserves a chance to prove himself. his attitude towards the situation is the right one...if he sticks with it, i really think he will be able to turn his life around.

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Originally Posted by tbutera2112 viewpost.gif

wicked, you would rather see him back on the streets doing the same shit hes been doing, rather than clean up his life and become a positive, functioning member of society?

quoting myself because i directed this question to you and you ignored it

did you miss it? or did you just have no intelligent answer?

Lets think it out like this lets take everyone in Columbus with a criminal record and find one good thing about them and put everything they have done behind them and offer them jobs. Lets not do any background checks or anything. Why for this guy and no one else, Lets take every homeless person and give them a second chance

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Here let me post my criminal record below


i didnt ask about your criminal record.

apparently, youre too unintelligent to keep up with what im asking you....but hell, i should have figured that much just by reading your prejudicial posts....guess im done trying to communicate with you, it's like trying to have a serious conversation with a pre-pubescent teen that is never wrong, and never has anything more than a few words to respond to multiple questions.....whatever, i hope at some point in your life you fall off the soap box and realize youre no better than any of the rest of us

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Lets think it out like this lets take everyone in Columbus with a criminal record and find one good thing about them and put everything they have done behind them and offer them jobs. Lets not do any background checks or anything. Why for this guy and no one else, Lets take every homeless person and give them a second chance

one of my closest friends has a criminal record and is more productive than 95% of society. Your logic is flawed

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Lets think it out like this lets take everyone in Columbus with a criminal record and find one good thing about them and put everything they have done behind them and offer them jobs. Lets not do any background checks or anything. Why for this guy and no one else, Lets take every homeless person and give them a second chance

are these people skilled in a way that their talent would warrant them multiple job offers?

are you also suggesting that anyone failing a background check, should not be allowed to work?

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I am not against people getting back on their feet. I am against people feeling bad for him laying in the bed he made. This guy is getting job offers and all this he has not turned his life around he held up a sign that said he has a radio voice.

youre not against people getting back on their feet, yet youre against anyone with a criminal record working, because they are inferior to greater members of society such as yourself....i dont understand how those ideas mesh...

nobody is feeling bad for him, they discovered his talent and want him to work for them

as you said before, they offered him jobs before they knew anything about him...how could they feel bad for him if they know nothing about his circumstances?

they heard his voice, his skilled trade, and offered him work...he got famous in the process because its rare to come across a talent like that on the street

its not like they just picked some random homeless person and decided they felt bad for them and were gonna give them free money....they just happened to find one with a skill, and it happens to be a skill worth a lot of money

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You claim that I have commited crimes thats why I offered to post my record

so youre honestly telling me you have never in your life commited a crime?

youve never been in a fight? youve never stolen anything, even as a child? youve never tried any form of controlled substance? youve never been an accessory to a crime, during or after it was commited? never broken any traffic laws? never j-walked?

sure, maybe some of those you havent done....but i guarantee not them all

its like people who drive drunk all the time without getting caught....a lot of them dont really think about the fact that theyre breaking the law until they get caught.

someone i know recently got a DUI and crashed their car totalling it. they were upset after the fact and said "i cant believe i did that, what if i had hit somebody and killed them" and they were genuinely upset in themselves for what they had done.

my response to them, "why are you so upset? what you did is nothing different than what you have done all those times in the past. the only difference is that you got caught this time."

just because you dont have a record, does not mean you dont commit crimes

Edited by Steve Butters
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I have friends with records and they work and have overcome problems. This is a little different this guy has many problems, a bad past and by past I mean like 4 days ago dating back over 20 years. This guy is not reformed. He has been pulled off the street because of his voice. I cant wait to see him back on the street end of story

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I have friends with records and they work and have overcome problems. This is a little different this guy has many problems, a bad past and by past I mean like 4 days ago dating back over 20 years. This guy is not reformed. He has been pulled off the street because of his voice. I cant wait to see him back on the street end of story

if this is truly how you feel, i feel deeply sorry for you and i hope some day you see that this is the wrong attitude to have about life.

what makes him different than your friends? everybody has to start somewhere. the first day that your friends started to turn their life around, is no different than the first day this guy is starting to turn his life around.

to actually wish to see him back on the streets rather than wishing for him to genuinely turn his life around, is sad and pathetic.

to each their own...i would not wish that on anybody.

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I am not against people getting back on their feet. I am against people feeling bad for him laying in the bed he made. This guy is getting job offers and all this he has not turned his life around he held up a sign that said he has a radio voice.

I don't know that this is because of people feeling bad for him. I think it is because of people feeling good for him. This is a "feel good" story of someone with a second chance. I don't pity him, but I'm excited for him and hope with him that he doesn't slip back. Do you have any idea how hard this is going to be on a recovering addict? As for the job offers, I'm sure there is an element of altruism, but let's be honest.... that guy's story is $$$$ for the company that hires him. How many of us are going to listen for the new Kraft commercial this weekend and say "that's that homeless guy!". The $$$$ thing isn't a derogatory comment either. It's business and they are paying him a wage for it.

As for his criminal history... if he's paid his debt, then so-be-it. If he has outstanding warrants, then he will stand for his crimes in front of a judge. If that happens, I think the prudent thing to do would be to weigh the punitive against the rehabilitative goal of incarceration. I have trouble believing that there are warrants out for him and he has been allowed to leave Columbus after several days of media attention. Been wrong before though.

Edited by C-bus
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I have friends with records and they work and have overcome problems. This is a little different this guy has many problems, a bad past and by past I mean like 4 days ago dating back over 20 years. This guy is not reformed. He has been pulled off the street because of his voice. I cant wait to see him back on the street end of story


Everyone, including his mother and himself, realize that this potential is great. But for all that is good in humanity.... to hope for it?

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