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So I work at HHgregg and this was a conversation between me and my first customer of the day.....

Customer: I want to return this microwave

Me: what's wrong with it?

Customer: well to start I paid for stainless steel and its blue. Second its all scratched up.

Me: (picking at one of the corners then peeling it back a little). Its blue because this is a protective covering and it was the plastic that's scratched not the unit.

Customer: oh.......sorry (picks unit up and leaves)

Gotta LOVE stupid people.....................

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Aww, you should've messed with them more.

"Sure, we're very sorry sometimes we make mistakes, (then under your breath: we don't have the brightest people working here), here let me exchange it for you."

(Put it on the counter behind you, peel off the blue plastic, and then hand the microwave back)

"Here you go (customer), I'd put it in a stainless steel bag for you, but we only have white and I don't want to change your microwave to white. Soooo sorry about the mix-up, have a great day."

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One of my sites filled out a capital request for a new ice machine because the current one was old and the paint was pealing. Well, the morons did the same thing. The protective sticker was pealing off of the brand new stainless machine. Gotta love it....

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I had a customer constantly bitch about the price of gas. So.one day I had enough and took the bill from him and hopped back into my truck while he waited. I scratched the original price and put THE SAME PRICE back on there and handed it back to him and said "don't tell anyone I changed that for you or it will be my ass" He was happier than hell! I made his month lol

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Ok.. serious face.

I actually had a potential customer give me grief because I was "only $300 cheaper than the dealer" on a 12k service for his Ducati 996. I was absolutely stunned by this statement.

You profiteering bastard.

How does one respond to that?

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Ok.. serious face.

I actually had a potential customer give me grief because I was "only $300 cheaper than the dealer" on a 12k service for his Ducati 996. I was absolutely stunned by this statement.

I wouldn't be impressed by having three extra sheets of toilet paper either.

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So I work at HHgregg and this was a conversation between me and my first customer of the day.....

Customer: I want to return this microwave

Me: what's wrong with it?

Customer: well to start I paid for stainless steel and its blue. Second its all scratched up.

Me: (picking at one of the corners then peeling it back a little). Its blue because this is a protective covering and it was the plastic that's scratched not the unit.

Customer: oh.......sorry (picks unit up and leaves)

Gotta LOVE stupid people.....................

What a FumbDucker.

I had a customer constantly bitch about the price of gas. So.one day I had enough and took the bill from him and hopped back into my truck while he waited. I scratched the original price and put THE SAME PRICE back on there and handed it back to him and said "don't tell anyone I changed that for you or it will be my ass" He was happier than hell! I made his month lol


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The only thing more frightening to seniors than shark infested waters is new technology. I had a woman in her 60's come in with a Polaroid camera, one that is now worthless since Polaroid went out of business in 2007, and stopped Instant Film production.

After talking to her a bit, and her vehemently saying that she had no interest in going digital, I told her that Fuji had created a camera similar to the old Polaroid Land Cameras. They weren't too expensive, at $89.00 as well. She wanted this. She then asks,"How much is the film?".

$25.99. "That's outrageous!" she said. "Is there some sort of thing available were you didn't have to print everything, and it didn't cost a lot of money to print only the shots you want?"

My mind said "Are you really that dumb?", but my mouth wisely said "No, sorry, I can't think of anything. Have a good afternoon!"

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Same issue with a twist. Elderly neighbor in NY was very proud of the new tires he had gotten on his blue Thunderbird, a real classic looking car. He had the tires mounted so the blue coating they put on over the white wall was facing out. Imagine his disappointment when he washed it the first time and the blue coating started coming off showing the white wall underneath. I had to explain it wasn't a blue colored white wall but that it was a coating they put on the tires to protect the white wall. I think he had gotten those tires just because he thought it was a blue colored tire and would match the thunderbird.

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I once had an elderly woman (customer) chew my ass for breaking the stereo in her Cadillac. Supposedly' date=' the oil change I performed on it 2 weeks prior resulted in the demise of her Delco tape deck. I asked her if it had stopped working the day I did the service and she said, "No.. it just stopped working this morning."[/quote']

few months ago i asked you about tapping out a fubar'd bolt in my quad...well...this morning my truck caught on fire...i think im gonna need to you compensate me for your fuck ups

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A few months ago we had another customer come in with a 42 inch. Tv....

She wanted to return it cuz it didn't work. When I asked her what was wrong with it she says that it fell over and now its not working. I said what happened and she said it fell over off the stand and now isn't working. I told here if they broke it we can't return it. She proceeds to yell at me and I grab my ops manager and hand it off to him. When the warehouse guy and I looked at the tv it had over a dozen cracks in the screen. As the ops manager is talking to her she proceeded to leave the store yelling about getting a lawyer and sueing us cuz we wouldn't return a product she broke....


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So at my work they have teams of engineers to try to make it less dusty. They said we are no longer allowed to use air to clean off equipment. They go out and buy a $10000 vacuum for us to use. Now the vacuum throws out twice the dust that using a air chuck would have.

You can't make up this stuff! All of this thread even! :lol:

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A few months ago we had another customer come in with a 42 inch. Tv....

She wanted to return it cuz it didn't work. When I asked her what was wrong with it she says that it fell over and now its not working. I said what happened and she said it fell over off the stand and now isn't working. I told here if they broke it we can't return it. She proceeds to yell at me and I grab my ops manager and hand it off to him. When the warehouse guy and I looked at the tv it had over a dozen cracks in the screen. As the ops manager is talking to her she proceeded to leave the store yelling about getting a lawyer and sueing us cuz we wouldn't return a product she broke....


Ask Josh tonight about someone he and I know with his new TV...

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The only thing more frightening to seniors than shark infested waters is new technology.

give an elderly person and a chimpanzee a digital camera and watch them try to operate it.

you will get the exact same results.

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Today has been an epic "I'm a stupid jack wagon" day for people. Had another customer come in to exchange his 8th computer.....really?? Are you that frickin dumb you think that we here at work wouldn't notice that stuff.....we didn't do the exchange and he starts flipping out because of it....

I've said it once and I'll say it yet again.......I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!

Edited by kitani2126
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What would you say? This is an interesting thread of work stories. Here's another one for everyone -- I have to review financials all day and occasionally i come acrossed properties in foreclosure. Imagine my distress when said borrower cant afford his mortgage because he is jacking up his bill at the local stripper club. I see this about every 1 in 15 files, which in my world is every 3rd day.

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