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Mubarak steps down, VP taking over!


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Not so fast he says. He is staying but transferred some power to his VP. Egypt just turned into a full blown powder keg. I see the next step being a Coup or a replay of China. I watched his speach and it is clear Mubarak is a tad bit out of touch and a complete wack job.


Edited by cmh_sprint
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Not so fast he says. He is staying but transferred some power to his VP.

Which in Egyptian-speak is a shell game. All bets are off now for Friday prayers.

Mubarak is completely out of touch. It take effort with almost unlimited "emergency" power for 30 years to stay in touch with the people's needs, it's a lot easier to create a echo chamber around you so you can hear only what you want to hear for the rest of your life. Something tells me his people are seriously downplaying the demonstrations which in turn is justifying his reason to cling to power.

I don't think this is another Tienanmen, simply because the cultures are radically different. Chinese culture is extremely rigid, and the military is extremely well trained and infinitely loyal to the government. The Egyptian military are decently trained, but their loyalties are more to the people than anything else. You have to remember that with 30 years of emergency powers, the police have wide latitude to do whatever the hell they want, which not only pisses off the populace, but pisses off the military too. I would equate this more to the Romanian Revolution of 1989, where Nicolae Ceaucescu just kept fucking with the people and applying more pressure until everything just snapped and the protesters invaded the building where he was holed up in. According to Wikipedia, over 1100 people died, but sometimes that's what it takes.

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A friend put it out in a funny way. Mubarek is the Jay Leno of Dictators.:o

Ahh, but he's OUR Jay Leno. The middle east could take an ugly turn if the wrong group wins out over there. There aren't any good options, just degrees of bad within the context of US/Israeli interests.

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Ahh, but he's OUR Jay Leno. The middle east could take an ugly turn if the wrong group wins out over there. There aren't any good options, just degrees of bad within the context of US/Israeli interests.

This is what drives me absolutely batshit insane bonkers. THIS SONG ISN'T ABOUT AMERICA/ISRAEL. It's about the Egyptian people getting the government and leadership they want, not the one that some asshole has been driving down their throats with emergency powers and fear for the last 30+ years. This is about true regime change, not something that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz scratched out on the back of a cracker jack box. This is organic, this is healthy, this is natural. We're not dealing with a completely ass-backwards nation like the Sudan where the majority of the people are uneducated, but even there they freely elected to form their own nation in their own best interests. The Egyptians know what they want, they understand the mechanisms to attain it and they are willing to accept the consequences of success or failure. They are not willing to just cede this over to some theocratic governing body who's going to become the next coming of the Iranian Guardian Council. What's going to completely and totally fuck this up is the pressure of governmental bodies that are solely focused on Israel, or America, or some other cause that's peripheral to this that does the wrong thing, backs the wrong side (or any side), and causes a shift in the domestic Egyptian landscape. Now that foreign body essentially broke the revolution, and they are caught in a quagmire.

In short, America and Israel, butt the fuck out. Let this happen as it should. After the dust settles, assess and re-establish relations. I firmly believe you'll be better allies for it.

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This is what drives me absolutely batshit insane bonkers. THIS SONG ISN'T ABOUT AMERICA/ISRAEL. It's about the Egyptian people getting the government and leadership they want, not the one that some asshole has been driving down their throats with emergency powers and fear for the last 30+ years. This is about true regime change, not something that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz scratched out on the back of a cracker jack box. This is organic, this is healthy, this is natural. We're not dealing with a completely ass-backwards nation like the Sudan where the majority of the people are uneducated, but even there they freely elected to form their own nation in their own best interests. The Egyptians know what they want, they understand the mechanisms to attain it and they are willing to accept the consequences of success or failure. They are not willing to just cede this over to some theocratic governing body who's going to become the next coming of the Iranian Guardian Council. What's going to completely and totally fuck this up is the pressure of governmental bodies that are solely focused on Israel, or America, or some other cause that's peripheral to this that does the wrong thing, backs the wrong side (or any side), and causes a shift in the domestic Egyptian landscape. Now that foreign body essentially broke the revolution, and they are caught in a quagmire.

In short, America and Israel, butt the fuck out. Let this happen as it should. After the dust settles, assess and re-establish relations. I firmly believe you'll be better allies for it.

As long as "the people " are actually represented by the mob. Who protests in the streets of the U.S.? Fringe groups from both sides. Do we want the Million Moms or 9-12ers or black panthers or KKKers or green peacers or blah blah blah..... to mob the streets until Obama rolls over? Mubarak is a US puppet dictator, but the world Will be in great danger if an extremist government gains control over there. They WILL attack Israel and we WILL defend them at the cost of American lives. Not right, but real.

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Everything I've seen/heard/read in the last few weeks is that the VP is nothing but Mubarak's puppet anyways, & would not be an acceptable replacement to the protestors. In fact... Anderson Cooper was just on Letterman last night saying this exact thing

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As usual left winged wacko MSNBC gets it wrong.

And MSNBC got the information from Leon Panetta's testimony to The House Intelligence Committee... We all know the assclownery of those sources though....:p

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As long as "the people " are actually represented by the mob. Who protests in the streets of the U.S.? Fringe groups from both sides. Do we want the Million Moms or 9-12ers or black panthers or KKKers or green peacers or blah blah blah..... to mob the streets until Obama rolls over? Mubarak is a US puppet dictator, but the world Will be in great danger if an extremist government gains control over there. They WILL attack Israel and we WILL defend them at the cost of American lives. Not right, but real.

There's a bit of a false equivalency here. I think it's because all the little special interest groups in this country want so very badly to have a groundswell that they throw out terms like "grassroots", "revolution" (Ron Paul, anyone?), "overthrow", and "persecution" (my personal favorite) like they were beads at Mardi Gras trying to get other people to join their cause. They march on Washington because it's their constitutionally guaranteed right to, and I completely agree with that. All the examples you threw out were all either complete fringe groups (which never had much support to begin with), flash-in-the-pan groups (9-12, what was the message there? If it's organized by Beck, it's done because he profits from it in the end)

If you want to talk about actual grassroots protests that are barely in the same ballpark as Egypt, then I'm afraid we haven't had one of those since Vietnam.

I'm not going to go so far to say Mubarak is a US puppet (you want an example of US puppets, look at Karzai and al-Malawi. Them's are puppets) Mubarak's just enjoyed a long era of relations with the US. We have interests there (Suez, Israeli border), sure, but by and large we stay out of their biz and they stay out of ours, which is why it makes it even more crucial for the US to butt out of this. We as a country are all about spreading peace and democracy, trying to prop up an autocratic leader is the exact opposite.

I'm calling this right now: a hard line Islamic-based government is not going to form in Egypt once the Mubarak regime is gone (completely). I have nothing to back this up but my own opinion. However, in the interest of fostering discussion, if it did, why do you immediately think they are going to attack Israel? Why do you think America would send troops? They didn't with Lebanon, and that lasted an entire month. Last time Egypt and Israel got into a scuffle it only lasted 6 days. :)

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He's ceded authority to the military Supreme Council. Flawless victory. Now the rubber meets the road with holding elections and rebuilding.

We'll hope for the best. It appears that we've handled things well to this point.

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