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I saw this on another site and don't know how true this is but I figured I would post if up. Maybe someone knows if its a hoax or not.


posted by a State Trooper:

Hey, just to give you a heads up for next season----we have a new captain in the knoxville district which covers blount county------he has already told us that we will put a stop to the "race track driving" up on the dragon this year------so far what they have said is that the speed limit is 30mph and "ANYONE" caught going 50mph and up will be charged with reckless driving and will be jailed and their bike/car will be impounded-----I am telling you this because i am trying to put the word out to everyone i know----or to people who know people that go up there-----I don't want to have to take people to jail for this---however I have bills to pay and I kind of like having a job---so never the less I have to do what i am told to do-----so the way i see it is that if killboy.com knows and you know and dealsgap.com knows and whoever else can find out can pass this along---it will benefit everybody--------feel free to copy and past this and let everyone know-------if you get caught up there it is only your fault because i am trying to pass the word along for everybody's sake-----we are not just going to come up from the bottom like in years past---they are gonna have us go through cherohala skwy in north carolina and come from the top down to the bottom----so no more free rides on your way back to the state line----they are gonna bring unmarked cars with radio's and have unmarked bikes up there----this will be a joint effort with blount county and the THP-----The entire THP motor unit will be brought in 2 people at a time(for a week long assignment) to be paired up with the local car----they plan on busting tail at least 3-4 times right off the bat---then they will sit back and see what takes place-----these orders came from Nashville Headquarters---we have a complete brand new higher ranking structure from the very tip top spot down----they have said we will work until the problem is solved----just wanted to give you and your friends a heads up..........SIGNED..........Trp Cagle with THP assigned to Blount County Division----(don't come crying to me if you get busted----cause I'm telling you now)

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The way I look at this is, I'm at the GAP and they plan on taking me to jail on something as stupid as this, well then I hope there riders are better than me. I've been to the Gap only once now but no car is going to catch a bike on that road unless the driver knows those roads like the back of his hand. I don't see them chasing you too hard because there really isn't anywhere to go. They will wait to you get off your bike at the bottom and just walk up next to you and say " could you come with me please "... No more stopping at the bottom for me. I'll shit and get all I can and hope that I am a better rider than they are because if there going to ruin my weekend then I am going to have one hell of a story to tell when I get home. I thought the skyway and the gap are in two different states. So its going to be hard for the THP to patrol both. If you know me now, great but when they ask who was that NO ONE KNOWS NOTHING... lets ride. :banana: ... I know "tough talk on a board but lets see what happens when I'm there"... lets see

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OK, I have never been to deals gap. Plan on going this summer. This letter said the speed limit is 30mph, is it posted that down there? From what I hear that road is total curves. Unless someone is pacing you on an unmarked HARLEY (never really sean any other type of police bike but a BMW) how are they going to get an acurate speed clock with a tracking record of 3 seconds. From what I hear there are cliffs off to the sides, nowhere to sit. Just doesn't seem possible unless there are some straightaways where people are gathering to wheelie and stuff. And I agree with bananas... How in the world is a cruiser going to catch a bike on a road like that???? Last time I checked, maybe different in TN but road blocks are illegal and you can't use spikes on a bike......

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

there's actually quite a few fatalities there every year. my uncle lives 5 miles away on the tenn. side. every time i talk to him he updates me on the death count. he rides it everyday though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was debunked some time ago. Some fellow riders from Sportbikes.net went there last weekend and had no problems - no indication of 'unusual' police presence in the area, either.


BULLETIN: We have received numerous emails concerning the recent posting on the Internet by a supposed Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper warning of dire consequences on the Dragon this coming year for speeders. We do not post rumors on this site so we contacted Captain Ray Fletcher of the Knoxville Division Tennessee Highway Patrol. He confirmed as we had believed that some of the details in the post are completely false, such as the immediate arrest and impoundment of vehicles for speeding over 50 mph on the Dragon.

Captain Fletcher was not able to comment on whether or not the post was made by a Trooper, but some of the language, unusual statements and obvious errors as stated above make us believe the post was by someone other than who supposedly signed their name and position to it. Obviously a real Trooper would not jeopardize his job by signing such a post.

Captain Fletcher stated that the laws will be enforced on the Dragon as they are on all Tennessee roadways. Tail of the Dragon advises riders to obey the laws and they will have no trouble with the Tennessee Highway Patrol or Blount County Sheriff Deputies.

We will post relevant news as it occurs in the coming year. Watch for continuous updates.


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