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I'm so confused!


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So, we were working Friday night and some knucklehead whipped out his video camera and began filming us (must have thought he was going to get some good police brutality footage). Another officer assisted him out of our scene and asked him what he was doing. The upstanding tax payer informed us that he was exercising his 2nd Commandment right to video the police doing their job. Since we didn't have a copy of the Constitution nor a King James bible to varify his claim, we chose to take him at his word. Then we decided if he had a 2nd Commandment right to video us, then we are surely protected also. So, another officer whipped out his camera and began shooting video of him shooting video of us. Then the upstanding citizen was told if he didn't leave the video of him videoing us would be on youtube in under 10 minutes. Apparently that is enough to scare a drunk hoodrat because he left.

If someone has a copy of what is protected under our 2nd Commandment rights, will you please PM me with it. I don’t want to look like a fool again not knowing what is a protected action.:)

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That is sorta funny.

I like that idea turning the situation back around on the filmer rather than all these stories about cops confiscating equipment for no just reason. Turnabout is fair play. :cheers:

I like to believe that the vast majority of officers from our department operate above board and wouldn't take someones camera. However, I was really surprised that it worked.

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