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MOTO GP is back!


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It's almost funny how Pedrosa can't pull it together. It's almost like the class was built around him, but he just can't deliver. Capirossi is taking up valuable space that Espargaro could have used to better results. Elias ran with the big boys, dominated the little ones, but can't get a feel for the dominant bike and tyre combination?

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I'm actually kind of bummed that the Honda looks so strong... I knew it was fast last year, but I assumed it was just because Pedrosa is a midget. With Stoner riding that thing, they may as well give him the trophy now. I only hope Lorenzo can make the championship a little less boring.

The real contest will be for 3rd overall though. I think Spies got a terrible start, and basically spent the rest of the race paying for it. If he'd hung with Dovi and Marco through the first 2 turns, I really think he would have been pushing for a podium spot.

Rossi on the Ducati is a yawn. I kind of hope he sucks just so Hayden will get some slack for his lackluster performance. That bike is a beast, and if Rossi can't tame it, I don't expect Hayden to figure it out.

I thought Elias was a huge disappointment. If Bautista didn't have a broken leg, I think he would have finished ahead of Karel Abraham and Elias. Those two may get the hang of a GP bike, or they may just be built for 600's. We won't really know until Elias actually finishes a race though.

My only complaint about the 2011 Moto GP season thus far is that they're talking about Rossi's shoulder constantly. Stop making excuses for the guy.

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All I heard about all pre-season is how ridiculously fast the Hondas were - I was happy to see that claims appear to be exaggerated. It seemed to me that race spread out less than most of them last year. If Yamaha can find a few more ponies Lorenzo will be back to giving lessons and Spies won't be far behind. Wonder what Rossi was thinking when Spies went by on his bike. I sincerely wish the best for Ducati, and hope as Rossi moves up the order that Hayden is right there with him.

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i think this year will be a good one, not gunna lie. i wouldnt be too dissaponted by the way the race went yesterday. The hondas are just stupid fast, yes. but they really didnt do any testing anywhere where straight line speed didnt matter. i think lorenzo is going to tear up jerez and then we are going to have a season on our hands. spies has the talent and drive to accomplish a lot more than people give him and his race yesterday was a flop and he knows it and he knows he has to do better. marco, hes just marco, give him three more races and he will be on the podium and after that he will be winning a race or two. the kids fast and smooth, very rossi esq. hes always positive and i cant wait til that kid lands a ride that he deserves. yeah hes on the gressini honda with factory support, but its a factory supported bike and still not a factory ride where he has his say so in whats happening, instead of working with whats given to him.

now rossi, we cant discount him for anything. and the guy has never made excuses hes always straight forward about what goes down. hes pissed that hes in the position he is in, you can tell by all the interviews, he wants to do better and when he gets there him and that ducati will be a missile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a huge Stoner fan at all...but great line muttered to Vale this past weekend after the crash. "Your ambition outweighed your talent". Ballsy words to one of the winningest racers ever.

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