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adventures on craigslist


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Have you ever come to an agreement on price for something you were selling on Craigslist and agreed to meet up to complete the sale?

And then, due to a series of harmless events, you might be missing each other by a couple hours, and maybe have to ship the item... so you generously offer to ship the item at your cost while maintaining the previously agreed upon price?

And they say, " If you want to ship it cool but I won't send Money until it arrives - unless you can think of a Better way"

And as you sit there, your face caving in on itself because... WHAT THE FUCK, and you just chuckle uneasily and assume he must be fucking kidding, oh sweet 5.7lb baby jesus, let him be kidding

so you respond back, "I don't think that's how it works lol. If youre in town, great, if not, no problem."

and he says, "So you expect me to send you money and hope you mail the robot?"

At this point, you lose faith in humanity, the internets, and start finding the nearest puppies to curb stomp. They make relaxing noises when the jaw separates forcibly, dontcha know.

Still waiting to hear back after i gently let him down with... " Yes, that is how the typical online sale works. Regardless, it's cool, I understand where you're coming from. Let's just hope the timing works out. if not, it's not the end of the world."

god help me.

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send him a fake check for 3 roombas then send over a "courier" to pick up the cash once the 3 roomba check arrives and have him give your "courier" a spare roomba and allow him to keep the 2nd roomba as payment for hassle.

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my mistake was not just assuming the guy was a complete and total loss and holding back.

it's kewl though... its not everyday you meet a feral child of the internets.

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I want to hear more about the "series of harmless coincidences" that caused the missed meeting...

First thing, the pre-ordained meeting time has not happened yet. It is/was supposed to be tomorrow (saturday).

Originally, we were going to meet somewhere between dayton and cbus to do the transaction cause neither of us wanted to drive the whole way.

Then, it turns out he would be in cbus that day to pick up something else. So, we try to work something out. Problem is, he would be there at 10 and wasn't sure how long he'd be there, and I wasn't getting in til 12-12:30.

So, this starts up the whole conversation about shipping. then i find out I'm dealing with Brendan fucking Fraser from "Blast from the Past".

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Trust is something that is easily destroyed in a sales relationship. If it was your "bad" missing the meeting for the original sale then I wouldn't trust you to ship when you have payment either. If it was his problem, then sorry buddy why should I trust you to pay when you have the goods? If you BOTH f'd up then it sounds like it's time to reattempt a meeting spot and this time exchange cell phone number to confirm prompt arrival.

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Trust is something that is easily destroyed in a sales relationship. If it was your "bad" missing the meeting for the original sale then I wouldn't trust you to ship when you have payment either. If it was his problem, then sorry buddy why should I trust you to pay when you have the goods? If you BOTH f'd up then it sounds like it's time to reattempt a meeting spot and this time exchange cell phone number to confirm prompt arrival.

you make a good point but

First thing, the pre-ordained meeting time has not happened yet. It is/was supposed to be tomorrow (saturday).

Originally, we were going to meet somewhere between dayton and cbus to do the transaction cause neither of us wanted to drive the whole way.

Then, it turns out he would be in cbus that day to pick up something else. So, we try to work something out. Problem is, he would be there at 10 and wasn't sure how long he'd be there, and I wasn't getting in til 12-12:30.

So, this starts up the whole conversation about shipping. then i find out I'm dealing with Brendan fucking Fraser from "Blast from the Past".

and the thing is... when, in the history of online commerce, has it ever been the practice to send the item FIRST, not payment?

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