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I'm an Instrument pilot


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Congrats ! The instrument rating you just got is the fifth hardest rating to get. Some high end jet type ratings followed by ATP, CFII, CFI, Commercial instrument, private instrument, private pilot.

You should be very proud, but a word of caution, take it slow & easy in your IMC flying. There is still much to learn ahead of you. Enjoy your up time.

she told me it was a "learning license" start of easy just popping through clouds, climbing through layers with relatively high personal minimums. As I become more comfortable then I can start going into the "soup". The first time I went into actual with out the hood I got pretty nervous. It took a minute for me to tell my instincts to shut the hell up and go off the gauges.

Free rides for OR members?

edit: I meant plane rides before anyone takes that into left field. :nono:

If I had more spare money laying around I would love to be able to fly people all over the place. Once I get my commercial and can charge you guys I will figure out something for going to 35motorsports. Im not looking to make any money off you guys but if enough people chip in to cover at least half the cost of the rental for me to fly out there I can do parts runs.

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I know a ton of people who both ride and fly, lots of similarities between the two.

Definitely make sure you keep your head in the IR game - if you don't have the $$ to take trips, safety pilot time splitting for sammich runs, simulators, shoot a few practice approaches on the way back from a comm. lesson.

Also on the other end of the spectrum, go to Waynesville to do some tailwheel and acro training while you're building time for the commercial. I think their Cub is $65/hr or something. Gives you better pilot skillz and tw time could come in handy later if you're looking at getting paid to fly down the road.

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If I had more spare money laying around I would love to be able to fly people all over the place. Once I get my commercial and can charge you guys I will figure out something for going to 35motorsports. Im not looking to make any money off you guys but if enough people chip in to cover at least half the cost of the rental for me to fly out there I can do parts runs.

I would be totally in for this.

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Had a few beers to calm the nerves. work/ class are delaying the celebrations until friday. You offering on the last part:rolleyes: Hurry up and do what you need to so you can be my safety pilot

After today I feel like I could make sammiches blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back while asleep

Im down for being a safety pilot. I need to go renew my medical and take my BFR anyway.

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Congrats. I read in here that you flew into Delaware. If so chances are you flew right over my house. I have a buddy from work that's doing that pilot stuff outta osu and flys out this way a lot.

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When I was out in California I got to fly my uncle and cousin's planes. One was a single prop cessna, the other was a double prop. We were taxiing out and my uncle was like "alright, you're gonna go ahead and take off" I was like "Uhhh, what? really?" Take off and flying around was relatively easy. Landing was the bitch. :lol: Was so much fun flying over the ocean and back around the towns. I even flew over Michael Jackson's ranch. :lol:

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I know a ton of people who both ride and fly, lots of similarities between the two.

Definitely make sure you keep your head in the IR game - if you don't have the $$ to take trips, safety pilot time splitting for sammich runs, simulators, shoot a few practice approaches on the way back from a comm. lesson.

Also on the other end of the spectrum, go to Waynesville to do some tailwheel and acro training while you're building time for the commercial. I think their Cub is $65/hr or something. Gives you better pilot skillz and tw time could come in handy later if you're looking at getting paid to fly down the road.

Ive got shitloads of time in that exact cub.. Be prepared to hand prop it to start and forget about radios - No electrical system. Most fun little plane to fly. Also, not sure if they still have it but Im sure they do, they have a Citabria and will do aerobatics training if your interested. Ive got a few hours in that guy as well. Aerobatics training makes you soooooo much more comfortable in a planes capabilities.

I will never forget landing that thing and my instructor saying "Stick all the way back to the sack" Those that have flown a stick, tailwheel will understand this.

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I know a ton of people who both ride and fly, lots of similarities between the two.

Definitely make sure you keep your head in the IR game - if you don't have the $$ to take trips, safety pilot time splitting for sammich runs, simulators, shoot a few practice approaches on the way back from a comm. lesson.

Also on the other end of the spectrum, go to Waynesville to do some tailwheel and acro training while you're building time for the commercial. I think their Cub is $65/hr or something. Gives you better pilot skillz and tw time could come in handy later if you're looking at getting paid to fly down the road.

I would love to get some tailwheel and acro time in. One of my dad's co-pilots owns a banner towing business in NJ. Once I get my commercial, 300 hr, and some tailwheel time he will probably give me a summer job flying along the beaches. I have done some spins in the 152, I can only imagine how much fun a full acro plane is.

Congrats. I read in here that you flew into Delaware. If so chances are you flew right over my house. I have a buddy from work that's doing that pilot stuff outta osu and flys out this way a lot.

we do a TON of training up at Delaware.

Only one cockpit joke? Slackers

People are really starting to disappoint me. No one made the obvious " you can't fit a kitchen in a plane that small" joke.

Ive got shitloads of time in that exact cub.. Be prepared to hand prop it to start and forget about radios - No electrical system. Most fun little plane to fly. Also, not sure if they still have it but Im sure they do, they have a Citabria and will do aerobatics training if your interested. Ive got a few hours in that guy as well. Aerobatics training makes you soooooo much more comfortable in a planes capabilities.

I will never forget landing that thing and my instructor saying "Stick all the way back to the sack" Those that have flown a stick, tailwheel will understand this.

Shoot me their info if you still have it.

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Shoot me their info if you still have it.

http://www.stewartsaircraft.net/ I would be more than happy to fly down there with you. Easy to get to and landing on a short grass strip.. :) lotsa fun.

Also when landing you have to come in over the road and power lines and drop er down. :) Youll get good at short and soft field take offs and landings quick.

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If your logging time as my safety pilot your ass is paying half. I still haven't been to a grass stip :( i think marysvill has one now though. Thank god we made a radio call going in while under actual. Some dumb ass was doing touch and goes on it with 600 -800 foot ceilings.

OSU is offering an intro to turbine engines class this quarter. The prof started Air Taxi Inc and was a UDT ( underwater demolition technician) during Vietnam. I am super excited for this.

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If your logging time as my safety pilot your ass is paying half. I still haven't been to a grass stip :( i think marysvill has one now though. Thank god we made a radio call going in while under actual. Some dumb ass was doing touch and goes on it with 600 -800 foot ceilings.

OSU is offering an intro to turbine engines class this quarter. The prof started Air Taxi Inc and was a UDT ( underwater demolition technician) during Vietnam. I am super excited for this.

No grass strip.. seriously?? Ive got more time on grass then I do pavement. Its a blast. Especially in a tailwheel like a cub.

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No grass strip.. seriously?? Ive got more time on grass then I do pavement. Its a blast. Especially in a tailwheel like a cub.

Ay cabron - there's only like 800 of 'em in Ohio :) ! I always include it as part of primary training. Makes it a lot more fun (and useful) to do sim. engine outs, glide to a grass strip and put it on the ground.

Seriously, once it dries up, grab your sectional and a 172 (more torque, less pucker factor when two-up), and go hit like ten of 'em. I know more about up by the lake, but I'm guessing Flounder will have good intel on good vs bad down your way. (does your school have some goofy insurance rule against unpaved runways? I've heard some do)

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Do you instruct some where? I have had a few instructors talk about taking me but nothing so far. I have a new instructor starting today , I will ask him if there are any lessons we can squeez a grass strip in. I don't think we have insurance limitations but i could be wrong. a few years ago they took away our rental privileges. Even Our CFII's werent allowed to take out any planes that werent for training purposes. I still dont understsnd their logic behind that decision. My friend and his brother-in-law have their own 170 they keep at their own little grass strip.

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Do you instruct some where? I have had a few instructors talk about taking me but nothing so far. I have a new instructor starting today , I will ask him if there are any lessons we can squeez a grass strip in. I don't think we have insurance limitations but i could be wrong. a few years ago they took away our rental privileges. Even Our CFII's werent allowed to take out any planes that werent for training purposes. I still dont understsnd their logic behind that decision. My friend and his brother-in-law have their own 170 they keep at their own little grass strip.

Yeah that's a bizarre policy. 'Hey, let's limit our revenue and push people away to rent somewhere else!' WTF?

Doing that independent flying is what helps make you into a real pilot, apply decision making, deal with real world weather on a longer trip, etc.

Are you pt 141 or 61?

I instruct part time at Lorain Co.

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