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Christian Sport Bike Assoc June 25th Event (knee down clinic)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  CarWhore said:
If there is still a spot m in 100%. I'm on my phone or id email you.

I have you added to the list, the only thing I am in need of is your email. You can pm that to me.

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The event is full but like anything, there will be some that registered but do not show up. Email me your name @ jcmathis@insight.rr.com and I will add you to the list. You will be number 27 so if two do not show up you will be in. I suggest showing up anyway, it is possible the instructors may say to add a couple more even if anyone shows up.

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This is the list of names, the last 3 are in if some of the first 25 do not show up:

A Mezger

A Jagodnik

Z Taulbee

J Groves

J Walker

A Duran

D Peterson

Krystin (gen3flygirl)

G Guttner

W Day


B Kessler

A Adams

M Schott

A Millner

T Bussey

J Owens

M Myers

J Staubs

W Lewis

K Edwards

J Ashcraft

T Williams

J Rawlins

T Hamamoto

R Verret

D Stanoszek

W Barron

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes.....just a shameless BUMP (actually a BUJT - Bring Up John's Thread) to keep this in everyone's mind.

But, I met the guys teaching this course over the weekend at a rally in West Virginia. This is going to be an outstanding "ALL DAY" event. You will learn more about your good and bad riding habits and address your fears if you are willing to risk and learn. These guys are talented hi-end racers and teachers and really "get it". Best of all, they are great communicators and want to see you succeed and become the rider you need to be. And, you're doing this on their bike with no risk of damaging your own bike - gotta love that!!!

This is going to be a great weekend.

See you there.


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This is the updated list of riders that plan on making it. If your name is on this list and you will not be there please let me know.

Aaron Mezger

Andy Jagodnik

Zach Taulbee

Jason Groves

Jaison Walker

David Peterson

Krystin (gen3flygirl)

Gyorgy Guttner

Will Day


Brent Kessler

Adrian Adams

Matt Schott

Andrea Millner

Tyler Bussey

Mike Myers

Jeremy Staubs

Wayne Lewis

Kevin Edwards

John Ashcraft

Troy Williams

John Rawlins

Tak Hamamoto

Richard Verret

David Stanoszek

Will Barron

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have had a couple more back out of the event so everyone that was on the waiting list is now in and ready to ride. Next weekend will be a great event and a great learning experience for everyone.

Updated list of attendees:

A Mezger

A Jagodnik

Z Taulbee

J Groves

J Walker

D Peterson

Krystin (gen3flygirl)

G Guttner

W Day

A Adams

M Schott

A Millner

T Bussey

M Myers

J Staubs

W Lewis

K Edwards

J Ashcraft

T Williams

J Rawlins

T Hamamoto

R Verret

D Stanoszek

W Barron

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