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OH man dies after being fused to chair in own home!


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My wife told me about this yesterday. It will be curious to see if his GF and the other person that lived in the house with him will face any charges. IMO they both should be charged since they were feeding him and made no effort to help him, clean him, seek medical treament (until it was too late). Then again this guy should have never put his GF and friend in that position. Either way it is fucked up....

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how the fuck did he even have a gf?

heres how it went down.... normal healthy guy, slutty gf....she finds new guy to fuck, drugs her current guy into pretty much a coma...he sits in chair and she feeds him drugs in every meal ...makes him a drug-induced hostage until his eventual death - all while moving in the other guy to give her the sausage rod on the regular

fuck CSI - im here to party

Edited by Steve Butters
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how the fuck did he even have a gf?

heres how it went down.... normal healthy guy, slutty gf....she finds new guy to fuck, drugs her current guy into pretty much a coma...he sits in chair and she feeds him drugs in every meal ...makes him a drug-induced hostage until his eventual death - all while moving in the other guy to give her the sausage rod on the regular

fuck CSI - im here to party


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I can imagine the tootsie pop owl doing a skit.

Someone: how long does it take to get fused to your chair?

Owl sitting in chair: 1, 2, tries to get out; 2 years.

I'm guessing he was fused long before that. All that needs to happen is for the body to develop open sores and then try to heal around whatever fabric is there.

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I have zero pity for anyone that has that little respect for themselves and the people around them. I don't want to work my ass off to feed myself and ensure a comfortable living only to have my tax dollars go to some fat fuck who can't even get out of a chair.

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Not making excuses for this guy but how is this different from the alcoholic or drug user who becomes pathetic and leaches off others willing to enable the situation? Usually this sort of issue also involves psychological or medical issues. Obesity is an easy target because our society doesn't glorify it like other addictions. I wonder how cool Charlie would appear if his drug and alcohol problems were eating issues? Fat Charlie with pudgy little eyes, welded to a chair shouting "winning"! :lol:

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Not making excuses for this guy but how is this different from the alcoholic or drug user who becomes pathetic and leaches off others willing to enable the situation?

it's not different. Failing to value your health is pretty much the same whether you're eating yourself into oblivion, smoking yourself retarded, or riding without a helmet.

It's your "right" to do whatever the fuck you want with your body, and my right to judge you and make fun of you when you die because of a stupid decision.

I expect people to do the same to me if I die from some habitual idiotic tendency.

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I expect people to do the same to me if I die from some habitual idiotic tendency.

I'm not sure this qualifies as an habitual idiotic tendency. Maybe I'm just pointing out the double standard some members have glorifying drinking or drug abuse but dumping on someone who obviously had issues beyond being a lazy fat ass. After all we all eat, many eat too much. You can quit drugs and alcohol, but you don't quit food. If anything I'd hold the "girlfriend" in lower reguard simply because she enabled the issue. I mean, someone shits themself on the couch and can't clean themself and has maggots crawling around on them, do you:

A. Keep feeding them

B. Admit that person has issues and call for help?

Hell, most of us wouldn't treat an animal as bad as she did this guy! I feel bad for him that his "friends" were unwilling to help him get better, and instead killed him by enableing the addiction he had.

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I'm not sure this qualifies as an habitual idiotic tendency. Maybe I'm just pointing out the double standard some members have glorifying drinking or drug abuse but dumping on someone who obviously had issues beyond being a lazy fat ass. After all we all eat, many eat too much. You can quit drugs and alcohol, but you don't quit food. If anything I'd hold the "girlfriend" in lower reguard simply because she enabled the issue. I mean, someone shits themself on the couch and can't clean themself and has maggots crawling around on them, do you:

A. Keep feeding them

B. Admit that person has issues and call for help?

Hell, most of us wouldn't treat an animal as bad as she did this guy! I feel bad for him that his "friends" were unwilling to help him get better, and instead killed him by enableing the addiction he had.

^ ^ This

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