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Wishful Thinking on Cleveland CL


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yeah the wreck LMAO.....already sold the stock parts i "unbolted" off but thanks for the advice :bow:

like i said to whatever his name is, u cant pass judgement bc u cant come look at it....that ad was for potential buyers, u know ppl whop can come touch it and look at it, and RIDE it....not a third party forum, of obvious guru's of motorcycles, especially the SV...hahahaha

And by your own admission you won't have anyone look at it either that wants to pay what the bike is actually worth, so it's a circular argument.




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my point is dont comment on the ride if u dont know wtf ur talkin bout....ur sitting there commenting on suzuki's while riding on hondas...ill give credit to comments from ppl who are suzuki's and V-TWINS...the rest of ya, and i can get this is a close community, with such 'hilarious' comments like 'squid', etc....i dont really care what u have to say....u dont see me commenting on ur 800, bc i have never rode a honda, and i dont intend too....like i said before, its a matter of opinion, so stop being so hostile and relax....u kno this coming from the "squid" LOL

I'm not hostile; you starting with the name calling, I just felt it was important to point some obvious flaws out. By your statements and comments it seems ironic to say that I don't know what I'm talking about. You have made me giggle and for that I shall supply you with some positive rep. Did it also occur to you that although I have a Honda now, I may have owned other makes? Not to mention having friends who have all kinds of bikes and swapping with them to ride many different kinds and styles?

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my dudes got a 600, my other dudes got a 750, and i got PoS ninja 650R that i fuck around with...they all ride different, i have rode all of them, the only bike i like better than SV is a busa....handling with the god damn swing arm way the fuck out their and the fatboy tire kinda sux...but its a fuckn thrill to ride...lemme kno if u ever get the chance, and maybe ur opinion will change too....in the meantime u can keep caughing on my exhaust fumes

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my point is dont comment on the ride if u dont know wtf ur talkin bout....ur sitting there commenting on suzuki's while riding on hondas...ill give credit to comments from ppl who are suzuki's and V-TWINS...the rest of ya, and i can get this is a close community, with such 'hilarious' comments like 'squid', etc....i dont really care what u have to say....u dont see me commenting on ur 800, bc i have never rode a honda, and i dont intend too....like i said before, its a matter of opinion, so stop being so hostile and relax....u kno this coming from the "squid" LOL

You openly post about riding like an asshole, attempt to rip-off new and unsuspecting riders, and you want us who actually give a shit about other people (with notable exceptions who are grandfathered into the "lovable asshole" category) to welcome you with open arms?


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If only there was someone with a Suzuki vtwin and a Hayabusa that would chime in on this thread... If only.

that would be a miracle if someone possibly owned both. But that cant be, clearly the SV is much better than a Busa that one would not need a Busa too

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And by your own admission you won't have anyone look at it either that wants to pay what the bike is actually worth, so it's a circular argument.



dude really with the fucking DUCATI shit.....go find a hobby other than spellcheck

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"minute of freeway or cross country time with this bike...."

Yes. That's exactly what sportbikes are for. cross country riding.


Custom - yet no suspension mods when the stock is by no means race worthy.

No engine mods? C'mon man don't you have the skills for engine work? I thought this was a custom bike?

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You openly post about riding like an asshole, attempt to rip-off new and unsuspecting riders, and you want us who actually give a shit about other people (with notable exceptions who are grandfathered into the "lovable asshole" category) to welcome you with open arms?


i really dont care bro...u obviously must have been ripped off before when u were a first time buyer, dont take it out on me bc u didnt do ur homework the first time, 'dumbshit squid'....i dont care being accepted into this forum, u started a thread based off a CL ad....do i need to say more....thats the only reason im here...and then i just posted my intentions and then u start insulting me...i didnt start anything

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If only there was someone with a Suzuki vtwin and a Hayabusa that would chime in on this thread... If only.

and....and.....AAAAAANNNND........if they were the same color! THAT would be titties and beer!

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im not the asshole here...u dont like what im doin...thats fine dont like it...but if ur gonna sit behind a computer screen and talk shit, ur just a punk....dont glorify it....and have all ur little internet buddies chime in and say how much of a dumbass i am, bc u wouldnt say that to my face kid, i would smack ur nerdy fucking glasses right off ur face and kick ur bitch ass CBR over. why dont u sell cbr, get out of mommys basement and get a life.

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im not the asshole here...u dont like what im doin...thats fine dont like it...but if ur gonna sit behind a computer screen and talk shit, ur just a punk....dont glorify it....and have all ur little internet buddies chime in and say how much of a dumbass i am, bc u wouldnt say that to my face kid, i would smack ur nerdy fucking glasses right off ur face and kick ur bitch ass CBR over. why dont u sell cbr, get out of mommys basement and get a life.

Look, your ad is being ridiculed on at least 2 forums, probably more.


Either you're the asshole, or everyone else is the asshole. My money's on you brah.

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Hey man would you be willing to take a couple affliction shirts for trade on an awesome never been wrecked highly customized only v twin bike out there..... I will even give you a third affliction shirt, some hair gel and a tanning package.

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1st rule of keyboard warrior fight club: you don't talk about keyboard warrior fight club

2nd rule of keboard warrior fight club: YOU DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT KEYBOARD WARRIOR FIGHT CLUB

3rd rule of keyboard warrior fight club: if you're the newbtard, you HAVE to challenge at all aspects of life.

4th rule of keyboard warrior fight club: if you mad, bro, you say "you wouldn't say that to my face, come at me bro"

5th rule of keyboard warrior fight club: if you really mad, you say "delete my account right meow brah"/"I'm going to make up some bitch story and leave right meow, brah"

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