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so maybe I just didn't know?


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do we no longer do the rider wave?

Rest of us still wave at each other, but we all decided not to wave at you. Nothing personal, it was just your year to not be waved at. But seriously, I was surprised how many people didn't wave today. Maybe it was national do not wave day?:dunno:

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I wave most of the time. Probably 75-80% of the time, I get a wave back, from all sorts of bikes, scooters, Hardleys, Goldwings, BMW, Spyders, all of them usually wave back. The ones that don't are the Asian Sumo riders, especially those that go by jbot around here. :nono:

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I got out today for the first time in 2011, found out the SV needs a new battery. Ordered a MBTX12U Motobattery from Amazon.

I def. had a bunch of cwoozers wave to me. I heard a few sportbikes out, but only saw one or two others.

I *think* I need a battery for the VFR, I'm sure you've researched the shit out of such thing so would you suggest it?

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I *think* I need a battery for the VFR, I'm sure you've researched the shit out of such thing so would you suggest it?

:lol: I have.

I only have one yr of experience using the MotoBatt product. You can't miss them with the BRIGHT YELLOW color.

I bought one for the Hayabusa last year because I didn't want to spend the money on a LiFePO4 or race battery, but the MotoBatt was the only brand I found that offered a TWO-year warranty vs. the one year for AGM batteries everywhere else. And, it was the same price as other AGM batteries, so I gave it a shot.

Anecdotally, I got a trickle charger as an Xmas gift, so I put my old SV battery on it, and it took a good 3-4 days before the trickle charger went "green" (charged). When I swapped and put it on the Motobatt, it went green after a half-hour. I continued doing the swap all winter with similar results. So, for using the Motobatt for half-a-season last year, it still holds a good charge.

The Hayabusa fired right up today when I reinstalled it... so far, it seems to be a good product.

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I wave because it's expected, but I HATE it. Sometimes I only do it if they do it 1st too. It's a distraction and I really don't give a damn if they're on a bike...I don't know them. Like I said...I just do it at times because I know the other rider is expecting it, but I don't care to.

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^ gas prices + sunny spring day = newbs on bikes afraid to let go

Winnar! I should know, that was me 2 years ago. I've finally gotten to the point where I'll take my left hand loose long enough for a quick wave. If there's more than about 2 bikes going the other way, they don't all get the wave. Sorry, but I'm not that good yet! :D

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i wave to everyone but today there were so many people out (i probably saw over 200+ through out the day) you would be waving every 5 seconds so i quit after the first 20 or so, plus 95% of the bikes were cruisers and they usually dont wave back anyways, well unless im driving through my town then everyone waves. i think it might just be elyria people are ass hats though cuz the closer i got to lagrange the more people that waved but im not sure lol.

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I wave at everyone I remember to wave to. If I wave from afar and the wavee is being difficult, I increase the furiousness of waving until they cave. Then I jizz in my pants.

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Squids were out en masse today.

Lots of wobbly starts and bad stops.

Look out for these fuggerz.

:lol: I've seen that around here as well. You can tell they look uncomfy.

Most of the bikes we saw today just got a shot of my ass as we passed.

I like your posts! :cool:

I wave at everyone I remember to wave to. If I wave from afar and the wavee is being difficult, I increase the furiousness of waving until they cave. Then I jizz in my pants.


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