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I wave at everyone I remember to wave to. If I wave from afar and the wavee is being difficult, I increase the furiousness of waving until they cave

i have seen this on multiple occasions and its hilarious everytime

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I wave. I'm usually so happy to be riding, I'll wave at fat chicks on tandem bikes.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Admittedly I'm hesitant about waving to cruisers but, I do sometimes. I wave to almost all other manner of motor-bike. Well, not scooters of course. :D

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I wave, only if the other person waves first. Guess its just being nice. I understand why people do it, but when your on a sportbike you really on get the waves from other sportbike guys. It doesnt bother me to wave or not to wave, guess im just a nice guy.

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I wave, only if the other person waves first. Guess its just being nice. I understand why people do it, but when your on a sportbike you really on get the waves from other sportbike guys. It doesnt bother me to wave or not to wave, guess im just a nice guy.

I agree. I'll wave at other sportbikes but I only wave at cruisers if they wave first because when I first started riding I tried to be nice and wave to everyone but found my self emotionally scarred when HD riders never waved back:) So i stopped giving them the time of day. I know we are all riders and I repect that but I hate waving then they blow me off like they are superior or some b.s.

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The weird thing is I almost never see sport bikes. Everytime Im' out it's 97% cruiser and 3% sportbike and most people wave. It surprised me it was so few that returned it this time. I was so happy to actually be riding again I was waving at scooters too.

oh well. i'm glad to see other people out there that still have some sort of politeness and aren't the F-the-world I hate everyone types.

I'm going to keep waving regardless. Guess I'm just a friendly guy.

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I wave at everyone I remember to wave to. If I wave from afar and the wavee is being difficult, I increase the furiousness of waving until they cave. Then I jizz in my pants.

Are you telling me that wasn't a bug that hit my visor when I was riding behind you? :wtf: Sicko!

The weird thing is I almost never see sport bikes. Everytime Im' out it's 97% cruiser and 3% sportbike and most people wave. It surprised me it was so few that returned it this time. I was so happy to actually be riding again I was waving at scooters too.

oh well. i'm glad to see other people out there that still have some sort of politeness and aren't the F-the-world I hate everyone types, like Ninjanick.


I'm going to keep waving regardless. Guess I'm just a friendly guy.

What goes around, comes around. I try to be a nice guy. Except to puppy stompers. :nono:

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I wave to all on 2 wheels...If you ride, whatever it is, that's cool..I respect em' all

mmm crossbones..

i wave at all bikes when i can.. like another member said sometimes its distracting, and or i just dont feel like it.

no hate on any makes or models.. i have owned almost all makes lol..

i just think its not that big of a deal.. its blown out of proportion

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I had my first real ride out of the neighborhood Sunday morning and saw 4-5 bikes as I rode around the back country roads. They all waived and I waived back. As a newbie it was nice. Maybe its overblown, but considering the road rage out there, a wave is a nice alternative to the single finger waves I see between cars at rush hour! I also don't care if I don't get a wave. No big deal. It might be another newbie who is afraid to let go or just a jerk. Either way, nice to see some good will from time to time.

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