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  roxynoodle said:

Yes, Redkow, I'm still alive! There is life after being thrown off ex500, lol! I'm mostly on the Triumph RAT forum. You will see Bellboy has my ex now.

hahahaha - I need to figure out how to get banned from that forum. I rarely visit, and it seems like there are half as many people, and no new questions or discussions... Totally boring.

KS and Stormcat are the only people I really recognize, and even they seem bored with it.

I thought Bellboy's bike looked familiar. You still have that old ZX6 sitting around?

$120 track time at Nelson Ledges with a bunch of us there pretty much every month. Or the Triumph certainly wouldn't be a slouch either. I bet it could do 140 on the back straight :D

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  redkow97 said:
hahahaha - I need to figure out how to get banned from that forum. I rarely visit, and it seems like there are half as many people, and no new questions or discussions... Totally boring.

KS and Stormcat are the only people I really recognize, and even they seem bored with it.

I thought Bellboy's bike looked familiar. You still have that old ZX6 sitting around?

$120 track time at Nelson Ledges with a bunch of us there pretty much every month. Or the Triumph certainly wouldn't be a slouch either. I bet it could do 140 on the back straight :D

It's easy to get thrown off. You just have to get SC mad at you and then KS will toss you.:D

Yep, still have the old ZX6, and still want to do a track day with it. I'm not willing to expose the Sprint to the possibility of a track crash.

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because i'm me, I'm going to push and challenge you on that - why would a "track crash" be any more likely or any more severe than a street crash?

Tracks don't have curbs or traffic for your bike to hit IF it goes down, and no one is going to force you to surpass highway speeds on the straights. Treat the track like a country road if you want to play it safe.

Or just get that ZX6 track worthy ASAP. You will not find a cheaper trackday than Nelson Ledges with Moto Series.

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i only had liability coverage on my bike, so that was never even a thought for me. Good point.

For serious though - ride the triumph down and hang out some weekend. I'll have a lawn chair and water/gatorade for you.

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Could be an insurance semantics issue. Autocross in SCCA is classed as "precision driving competiton" and not a "race" so it allows coverage by most companies. (I'm hoping never to test that!) Same for many driving schools. This may be a case where an "advanced riding course" with instructors is covered while an "open track day" is not. May also depend on where and which organization is running it. I'm still too new to motorcycles to know for sure. Based on my racetrack experince with cars, using a bike you don't care about scratching is maybe the better option if your personality tends to push limits. On a track I know that is the case for me. I am very conservative on the street, but that all goes out the window when I'm on a track. I'll get competitive even if its not a competitive event. I plan on doing some track days, but not on the bike I bought from Roxynoodle.

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why not? I guarantee the bike she sold you is in better shape than the EX500 I did my first 5 trackdays on.

Mine was 11 years old and had ~10,000 miles on it before its first trackday. The only modifications were stiffer fork springs, shorter dogbones to raise the rear, and an in-line fuel filter.

My tires were even a couple years old by then. Bridgestone BT-45's.

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  redkow97 said:
why not? I guarantee the bike she sold you is in better shape than the EX500 I did my first 5 trackdays on.

Ahhh. you assume I have the same common sense survival instinct on a track that I have on the street. Alas, that is not the case! :D

Its not an issue about the bike. Its like brand new and I love it . It would be a great bike for a track day except for the rider who would probably make it much less than perfect by the end of the day!

The issue is that in that environment where I am expanding my envelope, I know myself and I know that I will try to find the limit and then most likely push beyond it. I'm old enough and have enough speed outlets elsewhere that I keep a healthy reserve in place for the street. (Car or bike) In toys with motors I find I am a pretty quick study in a track based performance environment, but almost every time my instructors have had to tell me to back off because I was too aggressive in parts. Keep the slow parts slow, the fast parts fast. In a car you just spin out. In a bike,well... not so much. So do I want to do a track day? Yep! Am I afraid to lay a bike down at a track day? Nope. Will I use the EX? Nope! At least not until I know how I ride on a track day and am confident I won't lay it down trying to find the limit. I talked to the Mid Ohio people the other day about the KTM school/track day thing they do. Might be a good compromise. I can use THEIR bike while I learn. After that we'll see. I still like the idea of a dedicated vehicle for it and there are plenty of "droped once" bikes for sale pretty cheap.

BTW do you still have that 2 piece leather suit for sale? I'm trying to figure out if I can fit into it.

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Just so you know, you are responsible for any damage incurred on the KTM if you crash it. I know someone who did that last year, lol! She ended up owing them about $3k. They do only charge you for what you wreck, not the whole bike. There are nice track bikes you can buy for that price.

Sure, I'll ride out to Nelson Ledges. That would be a nice ride.

Oh, Bellboy has that nice ZZR inline fuel filter on his bike.

I guess I can ask on insurance again, but I was told no, a track day is racing. I just said, oh, ok. Then when the $300 zx came along, I snatched that up instead.

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So anyway, time to say hello. Welcome to OR, in all it's glory.

I was born in Defiance county. I know the NW of Ohio. Including the uber flat Black Swamp area with all it's straight roads and high winds. I get up that way a few times a year. Usually by boring rt23, but I'll come back to Columbus through Lima or Wapakoneta and wander around on country roads.

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  roxynoodle said:
Just so you know, you are responsible for any damage incurred on the KTM if you crash it.

Well crap, but that makes sense. Race car rentals work the same way. You break it you buy it. (at least the repair parts) It may still be OK because I'd be less inclined to push their bike as hard with that in the back of my mind.

Oh well, it will still be a while before do either option. Maybe I'll just go check out a couple track days this summer to see how they run.

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  grapesmuggler27 said:
Welcome to OR, look forward to meeting you at a track sometime! And what the insurance company don't know won't hurt them ;)

Yeah, I'd put black tape over the particular part of your display that shows the speed. This way, if they ask how fast your were going, you have no idea. Fifth gear 10,000 rpm, what's that 40 mph? :D

But seriously there's no reason to commit insurance fraud when it's covered, just have to check with your agent.

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Well, I have a bike that if I crash it on a track, it really doesn't matter:D Someone before me has laid it down a couple of times already, lol! That was why I bought it. I figured I'd do a track day or 2 then sell it to someone else for the same purpose. I suppose it may get some funny looks being 24 years old now. Technology wise it's quite the relic.

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