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It finally happend $4.15 a gal


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I want someone to address the outcry against Bush when this happened, but we don't hear ANYTHING about Obama. FWIW, I don't think its up to the President to "fix" things like this. Its the market, and tapping the Reserves won't change anything. Pulling the CEO's up to the Hill to get grilled doesn't do anything (just gives them the opportunity to grease Congress at the bar, after a long day of blah blah blah).

Weak dollar, high demand.

Look on the bright side. China is making all of these great international alliances. Now that they essentially own us, it shouldn't be long before we benefit from their buying power.

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Why gas prices go up much faster than they go down


It's long, but I thought this was a decent read...

Why Is Gas So Fucking Expensive ?!? The Answer May Surprise You.


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I will spend $40 more next week than I did last week. That's 19 loaves of bread, 8 gallons of milk, 16 jars of peanut butter, or 4 boxes of ammo. It does make a difference to me.

Exactly. Some of you guys obviously don't work hard enough for your money.

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Well i saw four different gas stations in west jeff and in galloway that had gas for $ 4.15 a gal. Springfield had it that high too. When is all of this going to stop? Cant wait till the weather gets better so i can start riding everyday to save some money, as i drive a hemi ram

if gas prices are really hurting you that badly, sell your bike. Just based on your profile picture, I'm betting you can get at least $4500 out of it.

It makes me laugh when people claim they're getting killed by the increased cost of gas, but they're willing to pay $100+ a month for smart-phone service and $120+ a month for satellite TV with 2 DVR's, when all they really need is a $40/month phone plan and $60 basic cable...

The only way gas prices are going down is if we stop using so much of it. That's not going to happen.

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Can I borrow the card? :D

We have our own tanks in our yard, if I have to use the card at a gas station then its full price :(. I rarely use my card but next week alone I will probably spend $150 on gas since I'm coming to Cbus and Cinci

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I will spend $40 more next week than I did last week. That's 19 loaves of bread, 8 gallons of milk, 16 jars of peanut butter, or 4 boxes of ammo. It does make a difference to me.

Where are u getting ammo for $10/box?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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All you pessimists -- you guys are missing all the benefits of high gas prices. For example,

*The people that can afford to drive, will drive less, leaving the roads open to play street hockey and pickup basketball.

*People will migrate toward cheaper personal transportation, like motorcycles, when they can -- riders unite!

*It keeps the poor people off the road and in public transportation where they belong

*Less gas being used means less taxes for infrastructure and we all want to stick it to the man, right?

*People will be traveling less, so the local tourism industry will be thriving! Staycations FTW!

... there are many other upsides to high gas prices, you just have to think about it. Obviously the most important is separating the 'haves' from the 'have nots'.

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*It keeps the poor people off the road and in public transportation where they belong

if your house is within walking distance of a bus stop, you're not in the best neighborhood to begin with. My house is boarderline in that regard...

but that's one of the primary means of keeping poor people out of nicer multi-family housing units. You can't fight the zoning laws, so you stifle the public transportation instead.

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then stop making babies two at a time...

:lol: Eat it! I'm just an overachiever!;)

I will spend $40 more next week than I did last week. That's 19 loaves of bread, 8 gallons of milk, 16 jars of peanut butter, or 4 boxes of ammo. It does make a difference to me.

Well put!

it sucks but i'd rather cut back on other stuff than gas. Thankfully I locked my company into paying $3.19/gallon until the end of the year :D

Noted and I will probably just do the same. :lol: I love using fuel honestly.

Very well played sir! :lol:

Bite me! :bigfinger:


Bite me! :bigfinger:

Where are u getting ammo for $10/box?


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Gas prices don't hurt me as bad wife and I drive less than 150 miles a week I will notice it more probably when I buy gas for the mower and four wheeler. We make really good money so it won't break us it won't change my lifestyle one bit honestly. I feel sorry for those living paycheck to paycheck as if it keeps going up they will have to choose between feeding their family and gas to get to work. I guess they can run credit cards up if they have them but those will max out too.

DRILL BABY DRILL oh shit that was the other presidential candidate oh well!

SPEND BABY SPEND! Obama's policy LOL

Fair tax now!

Racist troll out!

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I feel sorry for those living paycheck to paycheck as if it keeps going up they will have to choose between feeding their family and gas to get to work.

bullshit. If they have a cell phone, they are choosing their cell phone over feeding their family. If they have cable, they are choosing cable over feeding their family. If they have a car worth more than $10,000 they are choosing some sort of luxury over feeding their family.

There are a lot of "poor" people who have a ridiculous amount of non-essential luxury items ranging from designer clothes, to 22" rims, to gold goddamn teeth.

I will publicly offer up my services to any "poor" family feeling the pinch from gas prices. First we'll review their spending and see where they can find more money to pay for gas. If they're actually being fiscally intelligent, I will personally drive them to and from work on a daily basis. I would be shocked if I end up giving anyone a ride.

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bullshit. If they have a cell phone, they are choosing their cell phone over feeding their family. If they have cable, they are choosing cable over feeding their family. If they have a car worth more than $10,000 they are choosing some sort of luxury over feeding their family.

There are a lot of "poor" people who have a ridiculous amount of non-essential luxury items ranging from designer clothes, to 22" rims, to gold goddamn teeth.

I will publicly offer up my services to any "poor" family feeling the pinch from gas prices. First we'll review their spending and see where they can find more money to pay for gas. If they're actually being fiscally intelligent, I will personally drive them to and from work on a daily basis. I would be shocked if I end up giving anyone a ride.

I wouldn't say cell phone. Many, like myself, don't have home phones. Not having one can really screw you over. Now if you have a smartphone with all the extras on the plan, than yeah you could say that.

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bullshit. If they have a cell phone, they are choosing their cell phone over feeding their family. If they have cable, they are choosing cable over feeding their family. If they have a car worth more than $10,000 they are choosing some sort of luxury over feeding their family.

There are a lot of "poor" people who have a ridiculous amount of non-essential luxury items ranging from designer clothes, to 22" rims, to gold goddamn teeth.

I will publicly offer up my services to any "poor" family feeling the pinch from gas prices. First we'll review their spending and see where they can find more money to pay for gas. If they're actually being fiscally intelligent, I will personally drive them to and from work on a daily basis. I would be shocked if I end up giving anyone a ride.

I know what you mean and totally agree. I know a guy I used to work with would fit the bill he drove a geo metro, she drove an older for windstar. I don't think they had cable or cell phones. They were Christian folk like 4 kids I think. The oldest daughter got knocked up and he kept his cool. They didn't make great money but made due with what they had. There are some people just fewer and farther between.

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I'm just glad to see the roughnecks on the oil fields doubling their take-home in the last year.

I have aspirations, therefore I prefer to choose where my discretionary income goes. Does $.40/gallon mean something? Hell yes! Can I afford to take the kids to Red Robin after soccer on Saturday? Yep, but not this week because I know I have to travel to Louisville on Monday. So now Red Robin doesn't get revenue, the waitress doesn't get revenue, the suppliers don't earn revenue AND all those people need gas too. I'm just bitching about gas prices... I've assigned no blame. Let's not minimize the impact.

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The funny thing is exxon mobile the last quarter of 2010 made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product. How much do we pay in taxes on a gallon of gas? Who is making the record profits?


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The funny thing is exxon mobile the last quarter of 2010 made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product. How much do we pay in taxes on a gallon of gas? Who is making the record profits?


the tax on gas is a fixed amount, they get the same amount per gallon no matter what the price is. However consumption changes with price. I'll give you a C- for your poorly thought out conspiracy theory

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Okay what am I missing? Exxon mobile made a profit of 8 cents per gallon of refined product the national average for tax on gasoline is 37 cents. So where is the conspiracy? No conspiracy just stating fact! if we are talking record profits then let us look no further than government. HMMMM. 37 cpg vs. 8cpg? Who is making record profits.

C- for effort LOL!!!

You can't argue FACT!

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