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by passing ignition


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Ok here's my possible issue, I may have lost the key to my bike...so I'm looking for a alternate solution. If I need to start the bike without the key how do I do it? I'm ok with busting ignition or whaever I have to do, I will worry about fixing that later but need some way to get by for the weekend

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So wait.. You have a bike, but no title, and you're wanting to know how to bypass the ingition?

Dunno, but that just sounds dodgy to me.

Need advice on how to remove the disk lock too? What about where to get it painted cheaply for cash no questions asked and where to find fake tags? :D

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Ok 99% of the time I can deal with some of the bs comments, the bikes not stolen give me a few and I will post the vin, yes I have a trackbike with no title why the fuck would I title it??? I'm looking for solutions not smart ass comments, if I had a spare key I wouldn't be asking about how to get around the ignition, I have race plastics on so no seat lock.

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Most humor is in the timing, and...well... we all know how you people are on your own time table.



actually - i read it wrong....i thought you said "You're not allowed to ride stolen bikes at the track"....hence why i asked if they check VINs....i fail...i mean, you fail too...just because...but me, more-so :mad::cool:

Thanks....I think....

Ok 99% of the time I can deal with some of the bs comments, the bikes not stolen give me a few and I will post the vin, yes I have a trackbike with no title why the fuck would I title it??? I'm looking for solutions not smart ass comments, if I had a spare key I wouldn't be asking about how to get around the ignition, I have race plastics on so no seat lock.

You're cool. Unless you're black, cuz if that's the case then yeah, go ahead and post that VIN.

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