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You have officially failed at life.

Just google "I'm your Huckleberry".

I shouldn't have to explain this.

Oh. My bad im british, name came from being british and being born in liverpool so people called me ringo at school here.

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And i wasnt looking at my phone i was keeping it from looking at you cause i didnt want the screen to break.

What are you, 10?

This is getting old. I have no hard feelings for anyone here lol. tbutera is just fun to argue on the forums with :). Truce ?

You sure take back what you say a lot. :nono:

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Oh. My bad im british, name came from being british and being born in liverpool so people called me ringo at school here.


Every time I manage to make the locals here see British people as smart some Jasper Carrott-style knobhead comes along and fucks it all up. (Doing the JC knobhead sign to you now)

Did you ever find ₤1.85 on the M1? The "Average Speed Cameras" will not like that. You're probably too young to have driven on a British road. Or know who Jasper Carrot is (he was a stand-up comedian before becoming a game show host)

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I'm torn. Part of me wants to defend a fellow Brit, but most of me is embarrassed that he IS a Brit.

Kinda like when you're at a bar, and your buddy is really drunk and getting in the bouncer's face... Most of the time you want to step in and say; "Sorry, Bouncer, he doesn't mean it, I'll take him home now..." yet deep down inside you're actually thinking that the whuppin' would do him good.

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Lol i gave you shit cause you look just like you act. And you show up reving your truck like a loser. And wade does not like you in any way shape or form. Notice how you didnt say shit to me in person when i "poked at you" ?

That's some bitch behavior right there Ringo.

Men don't act that way.

Not in this country at least.

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Lol i gave you shit cause you look just like you act. And you show up reving your truck like a loser. And wade does not like you in any way shape or form. Notice how you didnt say shit to me in person when i "poked at you" ?

i dont give two shits if he likes me or not to be honest, he txtd me to clear the waters and make sure everything was cool and we worked some shit out, whether he likes me or not we found a way to be civil with each other and thats all that matters.

also, i wasnt "revving" my truck, my truck is automatic and it has straight pipes...any time i touch the gas it gets loud, and if i let off it goes quiet since its a diesel...there was a bunch of little kids running around in the road not looking, so i had to keep letting off and try to not run them over...sorry if thats a hard concept to grasp

and i didnt respond to your jab because there was nothing to say? i said whats up, you took a shot at me, that was it....did you expect me to get butthurt and pick a fight with you or something?

No he just said how i didnt say anything to him or look up from my phone other than to poke at him for not having a bike.. And i wasnt looking at my phone i was keeping it from looking at you cause i didnt want the screen to break.

good one bro. im so upset i think ill go slash my face and then jump off a bridge.

This is getting old. I have no hard feelings for anyone here lol. tbutera is just fun to argue on the forums with :). Truce ?

you back pedal too much...i tried to clear shit up with you in your apology thread, i tried to talk to ya in person and be civil, and i tried making peace with you in your drag racing thread, and yet you are persistent in trying to start shit....i dont need your approval, and i dont care if you like me or not. but you talk a bunch of shit about me and then immediately ask for a truce? whatever. internet shit doesnt bother me, but youre just a two-faced little prick, on the forum and in person. everyone here knows im a chill person to hang out with, and i never cause problems with anybody. i think you need to get thicker skin and stop letting everything said on here affect you so personally. i think its awesome that by posting some funny pictures in one of your threads i got you so worked up that you have made it a personal mission of yours to try and insult me. too easy. :cool:

Edited by Steve Butters
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Oh. My bad im british, name came from being british and being born in liverpool so people called me ringo at school here.

Stop being British. You're giving Mr Bret and Scruit a bad reputation.

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You're probably too young to have driven on a British road. Or know who Jasper Carrot is (he was a stand-up comedian before becoming a game show host)

Took the words right out of my moth.

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Ringo dont take back everything you have been saying, I really want to see someone punch you in the face it would be good fun

Why wait for other people to do it


And tbut i was being civil with you in other threads. And the internet doesnt bother me. Ill be chill with you in person idm, i was just kinda anouyed how you said "whats up" because wade said oh this is ringo btw :nono: guess i took it the wrong way.

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I think its the fact that you know you are a tool and keep going with it is what confuses me the most.

woah woah the whole ronnie thing is tool-ish too and I go with it

The difference though is that I'm not annoying and people like me

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Whenever i have joined a forum in the past i dive right in and try and become as active as i can muster and meet as many people as i can. Im sorry that it came off as a forum whoring noob, but i am involved now and the posts will deplete :p i am very enthusiastic about bikes and love riding. I dont like argueing on forums but in all defense. Who really just shuts up when someone says something...lol

I am only 19 but i have moved a shit ton in my life and been forced to mature fast. I love networking and dont want to leave any sore feelings behind, i dont like burning bridges even when neccesary. I am alot different in person and you guys will notice how i change now that i have jumped in and commented on the past stuff and now i will just blend into the crowd and enjoy my time here :)

Hope noone has any hard feelings.

Posts like this and then proceeding to be a jackass prove otherwise.

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I really dont post anything that is that radicall or negative. If you look through my posts its not like ive said anything. The only reason so much is said is because of my mustang thread and this thread. They were all jokes and noone took them as that. Thats why i posted that there isnt any hard feelings cause there isnt. And yea i am 19 but i dont have a problem with that... almost 20.

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