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And is there something wrong with being active on a forum ?

No, but being an active douche bag is a different story. Even though we give each other a ton of shit generally we look out for the well being of others. Some new kid coming in being an egotistical arrogant prick is generally frowned upon. People have seen way to many fallen rider post to put up with any bullshit. I think I speak for my self and a few others when I say that your post give "Ohio riders" a bad name. We like to have fun but we are safe about it.

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Its not the fact that you are active, its the fact that you manage to stir so much shit with all the ignorant shit that you pound out of your keyboard. You already asked for forgiveness once but yet you start again calling tyler a bikeless fat ass or something to that effect and expect to not ruffle feathers? You only get so many chances.

Edited by kawi kid
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No, but being an active douche bag is a different story. Even though we give each other a ton of shit generally we look out for the well being of others. Some new kid coming in being an egotistical arrogant prick is generally frowned upon. People have seen way to many fallen rider post to put up with any bullshit. I think I speak for my self and a few others when I say that your post give "Ohio riders" a bad name. We like to have fun but we are safe about it.

:werd: I'm out of rep though.

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Got to give Ringo credit. He is doing one hell of a job getting underneath a number of people's skin here.

I am sure every time he logs in to to read this thread it is with a smile.

i stopped taking him seriously a while ago; actually pretty much as soon as I read the original post in this thread.

Any more, any thread he starts, i check out of morbid curiosity, post very lightly, and move on...

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Man you all are great.... I was bored, tired and ready to go home... and after reading this entire BS tread it’s about time to go home. Hopefully it will just keep going and I will have something to read tomorrow afternoon. Thanks all!

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