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Walk into MSF...not likely


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I have signed up for the course but its in september. I live in Warren County and my county doesn't offer it. I have tried 3 times now both in Milford and Butler counties and so far have not been able to walk in as a standby.

I have looked into the course at motorcycle dealerships but if you don't buy your bike from them they want like 300 bucks! No thanks.

I will try a few more times to walk into the course near me but so far no luck.

I hear everyone here saying its very likely to get a spot but I haven't had that experience. I figured id share.

I'm gonna try a few more times and ill update if I do get in but atleast around here its difficult to get a walk in spot according to the instructors too. They say its pretty random but I won't be playing the ohio lottery any time soon.


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I walked in in Knox County, first try. My brother walked in to Lucas County, first try, and two of my friends walked in first try recently in Franklin.

Apparently it sort of depends on your location or luck. Ever consider that God hates you?

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Way back when in Cuyahoga I walked in on my third or fourth try. This was before online registration, which I heard made for a ton more no-shows (easier to register online and forget about it that go through the effort of camping out at the location to be one of the first 120 in line).

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There were 3 walk ins in my class in Delaware with room for one more that no showed. Yeah it did rain, but it felt good because it was so stinking hot cruising around in the parking lot at 10mph in the summer heat.

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Everyone I know that has walked in in Delaware has gotten a seat in the class. I know its q bit of a drive for you but if you have the time may be worth it. I think walk-ins are so easy here because they have 2 places that do courses.

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i was a walk on in honda in troy. my class date was in september so i walked on in June sometime. the first class i didnt make, but i made the second class (2nd day I tried).

was worth it to me

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I tried walking in twice, since I heard it was easy, but quickly gave up on that idea. I some how got lucky, after searching all the counties. I found one 2 1/2 hours away and went for it.

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I did my MSF over Easter weekend. Maybe it was the holiday or the chance of rain but there were 7 of us trying to do a walk-in and oddly, only 5 people showed. All 7 got in. Keep trying man.

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After 4 tries at getting a walk-in spot I finally got a seat and passed the class.

There was 3 open spots and 3 walk-ins so it worked out perfectly. I think people didn't show because of the temperature.

Damn it was hot in that parking lot for like 6 hours both days but I was willing to do what others didn't want to and suffer in the heat.

So I guess with patience you can walk in. If your doing it when its hot be sure and stay hydrated, I started to get dizzy on day 1 near the end.

I couldn't pass up the fact that Ohio is cheapest in the nation for msf and the insurance discounts.

-I felt the class was definately geared twards the totally inexperienced but the instructors recognise people that have ridden before and offer tips one-on-one which was awesome. I learned my wrist position is too high and unconciously I cover the fron brake too often. Its nice to have someone critiquing your riding and telling you if you have any issues you need to work on. The bikes SUCK though. I got stuck with a tw200 dual sport that hurt my ass and man region but I now understand what evryones been talking about and I too recommend the class.

Edited by Jamez
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