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Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood


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Wow, that's one thing I am scared of, is someone pulling out in front of me while riding. Though I don't ride wheelies so I think that I would have better control. I always feel like the second I think about getting stupid is when I get hurt in the next second. Regaurdless of what happened, drag racing is for the drag strip; hence, draaaag striiiiip!

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I dont wheelie at night because of that. Headlight in the sky cant see and nobody see's you comming

I know a guy that made a light under for when he's in a wheelie it shines on the road. The lights went down his fork tubes, it was neat set-up. I don't agree with any wheelies on public roads honestly, 1 wheel is less control. I doubt they were drag racing, but instead just taking off quickly because they enjoy their bikes power. I feel that if he wasn't in a wheelie he could've swerved and flipped the driver the finger probably, but that's just my opinion.

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I dont wheelie at night because of that. Headlight in the sky cant see and nobody see's you comming

exactly what i was thinking.

besides, I don't think the car driver is totally unreasonable to assume that the bikes would be doing at least CLOSE to the speed limit.

If you see them pull away from the light, and think, "that light's 500 feet away - i'm good," I don't think it's incumbent upon the car driver to read the riders' minds and know they're going to race each other or be traveling double the speed limit.

Like the article said though, it sounds like they were both at fault. The guy's brother is a retard for yelling at a guy pinned in a car with the cops around though. Makes me wonder what went down before the cops got there!

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Wheelying ANYWHERE in the dark is just plain stupid, and he was probably showing off for his brother when he should've been setting the example.....stupid.

There's was a botard riding around my neighborhood last weekend at a late hour, heard him working on wheelies.....you know the sound of a small caliber bike rev'ing in a lower gear and clutching it up, followed by a feathering of the gas to keep it up on one......while listening to this go on for a few minutes, there was finally the sound of him clutching it up, but heard the bike hit the limiter then scraping sound followed by a loud crunch -- assuming he looped it out, downing the bike, and hitting a parked car or something hard. I didn't really have a clue as to where exactly this happened so I didn't pursue the site of the accident, only listened more intently for sirens or other telltale signs of injury. Never heard anymore and didn't see anything in the paper about it so I'm assuming he's alive and/or got away from the scene ok.

Gotta say, it's idiots like this that make me want a place out in the sticks and away from city life -- too many assjacks out there trying to be stuntmen in town when they need to be practicing off the streets.

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I live about 1/4 mile inside that neighborhood behind them. I was a sleep though. (useless fact)

My girlfriend lives in woodman park apartments. we were sleeping and i didn't wake up... i'm guessing it was a power wheelie not a full on wheelie as the article says they were wide open throttle.. either way both at fault.. more so the car driver for not hearing them rip on it and seeing their closing speed... thats just me though..

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A long time biker gave me a good bit of advice. Motorcycle accidents are always the motorcyclist fault, and the motorcyclist always looses. Always drive like your invisible!

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Yea forward observation is the key to survival. But that doesnt make it our fault its still the cars fault but we should try our best to avoid it. Im doubting he was in a full wheelie... Did you see the way they described it? "popped his front tire into the air". Im willing to bet that guy has bad vision or related to the driver lol. :p

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Ringo? Was he flapping his arms while doing the wheelie?

Enough with the bs... pleasE? Putting my name involving wrecks just isnt cool, kind of a bad omen in my books :(

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Enough with the bs... pleasE? Putting my name involving wrecks just isnt cool, kind of a bad omen in my books :(

Really? If you wreck, you really think it'll be because of a bad omen and not because you were doing 185 in a 65, racing a Mustang flapping your arms, etc? Really??? :wtf:

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either way both at fault.. more so the car driver for not hearing them rip on it and seeing their closing speed... thats just me though..

are you fucking kidding?

the car driver is obligated to guess a bike's closing speed by the noise from its exhaust?

I agree that he should have looked, but a single headlight makes it harder to judge the distance. so does darkness.

If the speed limit there is 35, it's totally reasonable for the guy to see a headlight, and assume the vehicle is only going to be coming at him at a maximum of 50mph or so.

the car driver did 1 thing wrong - failed to yield. The rider was speeding, doing a wheeling, and probably accelerating far more rapidly than is safe or necessary (especially in the dark). All three of those things are illegal (the last being "gross display of speed").

some people on this site seem to think that riders can do no wrong. :rolleyes:

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Enough with the bs... pleasE? Putting my name involving wrecks just isnt cool, kind of a bad omen in my books :(

I have refrained from commenting in your threads for the most part, what you have been doing around here doesn't bother me, but if you post up stupid shit you can expect it to be brought back up in your face. You don't get to dictate how others respond to your posts and only have yourself to blame if you get offended because you have supplied the ammo to seal your fate.

If you can't handle that sit the fuck down and shut up for a while until you get a better lay of the land.

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I have refrained from commenting in your threads for the most part, what you have been doing around here doesn't bother me, but if you post up stupid shit you can expect it to be brought back up in your face. You don't get to dictate how others respond to your posts and only have yourself to blame if you get offended because you have supplied the ammo to seal your fate.

If you can't handle that sit the fuck down and shut up for a while until you get a better lay of the land.

Really so in a thread about someone that could die, someone saying oh haha probably ringo is cool?

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Really so in a thread about someone that could die, someone saying oh haha probably ringo is cool?

Nobody's wishing it upon you, but nobody would be surprised if it happens either. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you've probably rarely if ever touched alcohol, never seen over 100mph (that 185 in kph?), never raced a Mustang flapping your arms or whatever, have never seen 10s, etc. My guess is you're a young kid, still wet behind the ears, riding on daddy's motorcycle shirt-tail. Talking a big game is not impressive around here. Chill. Settle in. If you haven't already, take the MSF class. Always your gear. Respect other riders. You'll get the hang of things eventually.

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