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Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood


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Nobody's wishing it upon you, but nobody would be surprised if it happens either. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you've probably rarely if ever touched alcohol, never seen over 100mph (that 185 in kph?), never raced a Mustang flapping your arms or whatever, have never seen 10s, etc. My guess is you're a young kid, still wet behind the ears, riding on daddy's motorcycle shirt-tail. Talking a big game is not impressive around here. Chill. Settle in. If you haven't already, take the MSF class. Always your gear. Respect other riders. You'll get the hang of things eventually.

Have done all those things, but there is no place for them on these forums. So i will take the second part of your advice in bold. Even though i always wear gear and respect other riders.

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Nobody's wishing it upon you, but nobody would be surprised if it happens either. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say you've probably rarely if ever touched alcohol, never seen over 100mph (that 185 in kph?), never raced a Mustang flapping your arms or whatever, have never seen 10s, etc. My guess is you're a young kid, still wet behind the ears, riding on daddy's motorcycle shirt-tail. Talking a big game is not impressive around here. Chill. Settle in. If you haven't already, take the MSF class. Always your gear. Respect other riders. You'll get the hang of things eventually.

damn you said it better then me... ;)

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Ringo? Was he flapping his arms while doing the wheelie?
Really so in a thread about someone that could die, someone saying oh haha probably ringo is cool?

The thread title stated "

Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood"

The article stated that two brothers were riding together and the wrecked bike didn't look like a Blackbird. Fairly safe bet that it wasn't you so yes funny. I missed the part where someone could die but I can see how a drama queen, insecure, attention whore could go there. Keep responding to me and we might get somewhere.

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The thread title stated "

Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood"

The article stated that two brothers were riding together and the wrecked bike didn't look like a Blackbird. Fairly safe bet that it wasn't you so yes funny. I missed the part where someone could die but I can see how a drama queen, insecure, attention whore could go there. Keep responding to me and we might get somewhere.

have I told you lately that I <3 you??? :D

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The other day I was momentarily checking out a hot chick walking down the sidewalk and when I looked back the light just turned yellow. I tried to make it through the yellow light before the red light camera could snap a pic, and in my effort to avoid the ticket I ended up doing a power wheelie through the intersection and speeding. Red light cameras are lame, but at least this wheelie was during the day.

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The other day I was momentarily checking out a hot chick walking down the sidewalk and when I looked back the light just turned yellow. I tried to make it through the yellow light before the red light camera could snap a pic, and in my effort to avoid the ticket I ended up doing a power wheelie through the intersection and speeding. Red light cameras are lame, but at least this wheelie was during the day.

Well at least the cam won,t get your plate. or was that what you was thinkin?

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I'm not willing to say who I think is at fault until I know how fast the bike was going. It was a 35 zone? If the bike was doing 50 or under then the car should have seen them (was the headlight visible? Was the second bike alongside him?)

But if the bike was doing 100mph, then would a reasonable driver recognize the bike as a threat? Was the bike even visible when the car set out?

No clue. Will have to wait to see the police report.

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okey dokey, if a rider doesn't think of side streets as a threat, he/she hasn't been riding long enough for decent road experience. Regardless of any other factors.

edit: (and those hot chicks walking down the sidewalk. I had a friend go down looking at one. It happens.)

Edited by ReconRat
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okey dokey, if a rider doesn't think of side streets as a threat, he/she hasn't been riding long enough for decent road experience. Regardless of any other factors.

edit: (and those hot chicks walking down the sidewalk. I had a friend go down looking at one. It happens.)

and we have a winner! I've only been riding 2 years now and every damn side street and driveway is a threat whether I'm going 25 or 55. I have a big ass bright red 2500HD truck and people don't see that, how the hell do you people think the majority of the dumbasses on the road see a motorcycle at night with its damn headlight in the air?

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It is 35mph there, yes.

I went down checking a girl out once, but I was in the 6th grade and on my BMX. I remember staring at her walking and I rode my bicycle right into the back of a parked car. My face went numb from smacking it on the trunk. :lol: It was so embarrassing.

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It is 35mph there, yes.

I went down checking a girl out once, but I was in the 6th grade and on my BMX. I remember staring at her walking and I rode my bicycle right into the back of a parked car. My face went numb from smacking it on the trunk. :lol: It was so embarrassing.

Ah yes.. I think most of us have been there... "Heeey, ladies.... BANG" :o

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are you fucking kidding?

the car driver is obligated to guess a bike's closing speed by the noise from its exhaust?

I agree that he should have looked, but a single headlight makes it harder to judge the distance. so does darkness.

If the speed limit there is 35, it's totally reasonable for the guy to see a headlight, and assume the vehicle is only going to be coming at him at a maximum of 50mph or so.

the car driver did 1 thing wrong - failed to yield. The rider was speeding, doing a wheeling, and probably accelerating far more rapidly than is safe or necessary (especially in the dark). All three of those things are illegal (the last being "gross display of speed").

some people on this site seem to think that riders can do no wrong. :rolleyes:

nope not kidding.. if you glance on way its hard to tell if someone is even moving . spend even a second and you can tell if they are closing on you or not. so ya his fault for not paing more attention and noticing the speed they were moving... like i said thats my opinion.

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nope not kidding.. if you glance on way its hard to tell if someone is even moving . spend even a second and you can tell if they are closing on you or not. so ya his fault for not paing more attention and noticing the speed they were moving... like i said thats my opinion.

Whey are there no side streets on a freeway? Why do you think they don't allow pedestrians on the freeway? Why do so many people die trying to cross the freeway?

It's because humans are terrible at judging the speed of an approaching vehicle if that vehicle is travelling 80 or faster. Their instinct is to automatically dismiss the vehicle as a non-threat based upon distance.

Again, though, nobody said the bikes were doing 100mph. I just gave that as an example of a speed that was too fast to judge.

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if you have consistently on the highway I say you are a fucktard...:nono: thats the kind of ass-hat-ery I'm talking about...:rolleyes:

I guess I'm guilty then. Would routinely hit 100 when riding. Lightly traveled highways, long country roads, etc. Felt more than safe. That said, my speeding ticket first part of this year and risk of suspension has me paranoid now and I hardly ever hit 100 anymore.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Whey are there no side streets on a freeway? Why do you think they don't allow pedestrians on the freeway? Why do so many people die trying to cross the freeway?

It's because humans are terrible at judging the speed of an approaching vehicle if that vehicle is travelling 80 or faster. Their instinct is to automatically dismiss the vehicle as a non-threat based upon distance.

Again, though, nobody said the bikes were doing 100mph. I just gave that as an example of a speed that was too fast to judge.

And the smaller the object, the harder it is to judge.

Like Scruit is saying, I'm not in a position to make a claim about who was at fault in this particular instance, because I don't have enough information to make that assertion with any reasonable degree of certainty.

But to simply assume the driver was at fault is just blind support of other riders. I think it's quite clear that the riders were both accelerating pretty quickly if one of them was pulling even a small power wheelie.

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If the brothers were traveling side by side and one of them was able to stop before and impact took place the speed might not have been that fast on the riders part. If one was in a wheelie and the other wasn't the car should have seen the bike not doing the wheelie and not pulled out. I'm guessing the one that hit the car wasn't a very good rider and couldn't stop in time or was on one wheel.

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..Or the car saw them and stopped giving the other bike time to pass, or one bike was behind the other, or one bike was at the far edge of the lane, or one bike swerved, or one bike hit the turbo-boost button and jumped over the car or...

Too little infromation to go on.

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288 mph? :)

or 185mph?

Well, now that I think of it my mother-in-law's car door was jammed shut after a 5mph parking lot hit - force the fender back into the door and jammed it like that. I guess it's more about the angle of the hit rather than the power.

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I went down checking a girl out once, but I was in the 6th grade and on my BMX. I remember staring at her walking and I rode my bicycle right into the back of a parked car. My face went numb from smacking it on the trunk. :lol: It was so embarrassing.

Don't feel bad man, I've done this exact same thing - and there wasn't even a chick to check out......I was just peddlin' down the street daydreaming like a dumbass kid when I asspacked a parked car, luckily the trunklid broke my fall as well ;)

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a car pulling out in front of a motorcycle is not the motorcyclists fault.. but yes i agree i ride like everyone will do the stupidest thing possible.

Obey the speed limit and don't ride wheelies on the street and an accident like this is the driver's fault. Act like a dumb ass on a public street, and you get what you get! The driver may get cited, but if they can get the independent witnesses to show up to court, they won't be convicted (which they shouldn't if witness accounts are true).

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