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6 things noone tells you about owning a motorcycle


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Best quote imho

If you do manage to see an oncoming bike with enough time to get an appropriate wave up, you better make sure it isn't a scooter. Unwritten bike rules make it a crime punishable by exile or death to wave at a scooter. And damn if it isn't hard to tell when you two are approaching each other at a combined 100 mph. If you do catch yourself mid-wave to a Vespa, however, it is acceptable to slowly turn it into an upraised middle finger. It's like the handshake-psyche of the two-wheeled world, and the look of dejection on their face will redeem any momentary awkwardness
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When you get a motorcycle, you join a club. Enrollment is automatic, and you cannot opt out. It's a club that you will always be in, right up until you get kissed by an amorous semi, or wise up and sell the bike to invest in a safer, more practical mode of transportation. Heroin, for example.


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The thing about the "club" is true. Like for example:

Riding home from work tonight I passed by this motorcyclist going the other way on a four lane highway who waved at me. I didn't see his hand till I had passed by him so I felt like a dick.

But are you really suppose to wave at night? I mean come on.

Edited by gidet
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lol waving at night, especially on a 4-lane highway = :shortbus:

Don't feel bad, they're stupid.

LOL @ the spider thing. I actually had that happen to me a couple days ago. Was on my way home from the park when I see a spider crawl down onto the left side of my visor. I swear I was able to develop temporary lazy-eye b/c no way I was letting it out of my sight. I quickly sped up to get in front of my buddy to let him know I was pulling off on a side-street. I freaking absolutely HATE spiders (I stripped naked outside once when one fell down my shirt when I was younger) and have no clue how I didn't go batshit crazy...

Edited by BonkerS
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The thing about the "club" is true. Like for example:

Riding home from work tonight I passed by this motorcyclist going the other way on a four lane highway who waved at me. I didn't see his hand till I had passed by him so I felt like a dick.

But are you really suppose to wave at night? I mean come on.

do some searching around the site... there is a thread about waving at night... worth checking out for sure and it'll def make you laugh

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and Gas. because i dont know one person who doesn't just ride to ride..

Good point. I do save a little on gas when I commute on the bike (which with all the weird weather we've had lately isn't that much) but a lot of riding is just riding for fun.

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Good point. I do save a little on gas when I commute on the bike (which with all the weird weather we've had lately isn't that much) but a lot of riding is just riding for fun.

You only save a little on gas? Hell, I'm getting 75mpg on my ninja which saves me quite a bit of gas lol

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You only save a little on gas? Hell, I'm getting 75mpg on my ninja which saves me quite a bit of gas lol

You must ride it like a girl! :lol: I CAN get 60+ on the ninja 250, but most of the time it's more like 50, since I ride the shit out of it. :D

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The other day after being out riding and passing the same rider twice, the thrid time I saw him I waved and got a look of WTF....cuz I was back in my car... He had that dumb chicken comb mohawk helmet piece. I secretly laughed at everytime I saw it. Maybe I should drive with my helmet to not make the same mistake

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The other day after being out riding and passing the same rider twice, the thrid time I saw him I waved and got a look of WTF....cuz I was back in my car... He had that dumb chicken comb mohawk helmet piece. I secretly laughed at everytime I saw it. Maybe I should drive with my helmet to not make the same mistake

So you waved at a bike from your car and he is the dumb one?

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You only save a little on gas? Hell, I'm getting 75mpg on my ninja which saves me quite a bit of gas lol

how much did your bike cost you? what about insurance and riding gear?

a few grand buys a lot of gas, even at $4/gallon. having a gas guzzling truck that's parked instead, a long commute, and cheaper parking due to the bike is the only way i've seen a bike actually save anyone money.

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