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wow... redneck tries to kill biker..


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Update This is what going to happen for the redneck right from the guy with the camera

Jim Fischer The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving, DUI and the DA is using the video to consider reckless endangerment and possibly attempted murder charges. If convicted of all charges the pickup driver could get up to 24 years in jail. That's unlikely but he will likely see a felony conviction and jail time for his life threatening antics. Jerk.

Edited by wht_scorpion
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Update This is what going to happen for the redneck right from the guy with the camera

Jim Fischer The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving, DUI and the DA is using the video to consider reckless endangerment and possibly attempted murder charges. If convicted of all charges the pickup driver could get up to 24 years in jail. That's unlikely but he will likely see a felony conviction and jail time for his life threatening antics. Jerk.

Awesome! Nice ending. How they get him on a DUI though?

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Awesome! Nice ending. How they get him on a DUI though?

he could have admitted to being drunk, or he could have been drunk when they pulled him over regarding the video. Could even have had an outstanding DUI that they just tacked on...

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Back to the weapon thing. I heard somewhere(gun show, ordn, or jeep forum) that a knife is a tool up until the point the person handling it intends it for malice. I would think it would apply here to the tire iron

I could swear that Ohio law classifies knives by blade length, OR overall length when un-folded.

for example, i believe any blade longer than 3", or a knife with an overall length of 7" is considered a "concealed weapon" rather than simply a pocket knife.

that's me recalling off-the-cuff though, so certainly don't take that as the gospel truth.

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No specific law on length in Ohio from what I've found but other states do have length limits http://thefiringline.com/library/blades/knifelaws.html... our CHL instructor told us Ohio has laws against carrying deadly weapon so if you do carry a knife and are ever stopped and searched it is a tool used for opening boxes, cutting string, cleaning your finger nails, slicing apples anything other than weapon Ohio does not classify a normal (non switchblade or butterfly) knife as deadly weapon until the person carrying it uses it as one.

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the driver of the truck getting in legal trouble is all well and good and not that i have never speeded but are the bikers getting ticketed for any violations? They could easily be hit with illegal passing of a vehicle and probably speeding and depending on the cop reckless driving

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Update This is what going to happen for the redneck right from the guy with the camera

Jim Fischer The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving, DUI and the DA is using the video to consider reckless endangerment and possibly attempted murder charges. If convicted of all charges the pickup driver could get up to 24 years in jail. That's unlikely but he will likely see a felony conviction and jail time for his life threatening antics. Jerk.

Where'd you find this info?

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I'm getting an error message that states:

There was a problem playing your video.

Bandwidth exceeded or account inactive.

Click here to watch this video on Photobucket.

With that said I'm posting up the Youtube version. Maybe Dubguy could edit his first post with the Youtube video instead.


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Without reading through pages of posts...this is why I CCW when I ride.

There are lots of dumbfucks out there. Some of them seem to have issues with sportbikes or being passed.

I've had this exact situation happen 3 or 4 times in SE OH & WV. Once by a group of HDs, once by a truck full of hilbillies w/hunting gear (deep in WV). I've managed to extract myself from those situations without a major incident occuring, but you never know...

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I'm too lazy to pull the quotes from the thread, but the knife blade limit thing...

Ohio doesn't apparently have a specific regulation for the blade length, not that I've ever found. There are generalized weapon laws that would probably cover it. However, almost every municipality does. Most are sort of standardized as 3.0 to 3.5 inch max blade length, but some cities, counties, townships, etc will vary. And the way the blade length is measured will vary also.

So there is a lot of variety. And it could be a judgment call of the officer.

Opinion: This law goes way back. To when cities required people entering the city limits to disarm. Bowie blades were considered dangerous ordnance. Along with other swords, battle axes, hatchets, etc. Apparently there were a lot of fatal knife fights way back when. And bowie blades were the weapon of choice. They weren't cheap, they probably cost near as much as a firearm. Almost all knife blade length limit laws will specifically list bowie blades separately, as being none allowed. Completely banned. Which is humorous, when I see a tiny miniature bowie blade on somebody's belt. (Yes, I've got one too.)

edit: And yes, butterfly knives were added as a banned weapon, after they started showing up on the street everywhere.

Edited by ReconRat
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So still no official confirmation that the truck driver was arrested? There's that one blurb that's been reposted on all the forums but I can't find any news articles and the municipal court in Augusta, Kentucky doesn't appear to have online records... Bracken County KY District Court has no Fischer in their upcoming docket as far out as September 2011

Edited by Scruit
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I heard it was a HOAX! :eek:

j/k ;)

You joke, but it could be true. Unless there is confirmation that he was actually arrested or charged then that "Jim Fischer wa charged with..." blurb that is doing the round could be a hoax.

The bit that makes me suspicious is the DUI thing. Unless the police either "caught him driving drunk soon after the incident", or "caught him driving drunk in an unrelated incident" then it would be unusual to charge him with DUI. If they got to him the next day then how could they prove that he was DUI at the time of the incident?

That's why drunks run from accidents. They know they'll probably be cuaght and charged with hit and run but they won't get a DUI if they can be away from the scene long enough to either sober up or "have a few drinks after the accident".

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So still no official confirmation that the truck driver was arrested? There's that one blurb that's been reposted on all the forums but I can't find any news articles and the municipal court in Augusta, Kentucky doesn't appear to have online records... Bracken County KY District Court has no Fischer in their upcoming docket as far out as September 2011

I thought Jim Fischer was the camera guy on the 2nd bike. It doesn't really say, but from the way it's worded, that's what I got out of it.

Meaning I thought it was a quote from the Jim Fischer facebook page.

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Ah, well that would make more sense.

I was going by this quote: "Jim Fischer The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving"

I guess they meant: "Jim Fischer: The pickup driver was arrested for reckless driving"

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Oh, and people keep making a point about the biker crossing the double yellow and him getting a ticket based upon the video... Well, in the road-rage incident I was involved in the rager was set off by me running a stop sign.

The police and prosecutor saw the video that shows me running the stop sign and never once hinted at giving me a ticket. The only mention of the stop sign was during the plea/sentencing when the judge said; "Although Mr.Scruit acknowledged that he violated your right-of-way that is no excuse for what you did."

In this kind of case it's more important to punish the crime than the traffic infraction. Not saying he won't get a ticket - just saying when the prosecutor and judge look at that video they will focus on the truck.

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On other forums people have argued that it's legal to pass on a double-yellow if you are passing a slow vehicle.

Can't speak for Kentucky, but in Ohio you *can* pass on a double-yellow as long as all of the following are true:

- The pass can be completed without exceedng the speed limit (redundant, but specifically stated in the double-yellow law)

- The pass can be completed within the distance that can be seen to be clear, and can be made without interfering with other traffic.

- The vehicle you are passing is travelling at less than half the speed limit

That truck did not look to be going at less than half the speed limit.

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