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Jim Tressel to seek other career opportunities.


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thats not even remotely funny.... "Hi I'm Jim Tressel working as a Wal-Mart greeter because my fuckup players can't keep anything low key. Have a nice day and thank you for shopping at Wal-mart FML"

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thats not even remotely funny.... "Hi I'm Jim Tressel working as a Wal-Mart greeter because my fuckup players can't keep anything low key. Have a nice day and thank you for shopping at Wal-mart FML"

please go read the tressel thread. I love the guy, wish this didnt happen but Inya's points are 99.9% valid and true

I am a die hard OSU fan, but take off the homer blinders and see if for what it really is

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That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

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That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

its a joke...deal with it. Just the same as every year all of us OSU fans rag on Michigan. If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen is what my momma always says

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I can take the heat just saying its funny that the people saying bad stuff about him either like other teams or they worshiped JT and are now haters because he cared more about the kids that played for him then he did his own job.

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I can take the heat just saying its funny that the people saying bad stuff about him either like other teams or they worshiped JT and are now haters because he cared more about the kids that played for him then he did his own job.

I posted it and I have never cared about OSU or Jim Tressel.

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Well, I would have to agree with you that the funny part is they didn't care when he looked the other way while he was winning. I'd have to disagree about the "he cared more for them than his job" part. He just wanted to win games, and keeping the kids paid was the way to do it. He's not an evil man...and just because someone agrees that he should've been fired doesn't mean they are a hater...it just means that he got caught lying and with his hand in the cookie jar. And there are prices to be paid. Period.

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I can take the heat just saying its funny that the people saying bad stuff about him either like other teams or they worshiped JT and are now haters because he cared more about the kids that played for him then he did his own job.

yea because nobody knew he was lying on top of lies to cover other lies. Again, loved the man, loved what he did for the program however this was all very avoidable. Either way it was a lose lose situation, he made that bed so now he has to pay the price. No matter what the reasons were. I'm not gonna roast him but I'm also not gonna sit here and defend him like he did nothing wrong.

The picture is meant as a funny :D

Well, I would have to agree with you that the funny part is they didn't care when he looked the other way while he was winning. I'd have to disagree about the "he cared more for them than his job" part. He just wanted to win games, and keeping the kids paid was the way to do it. He's not an evil man...and just because someone agrees that he should've been fired doesn't mean they are a hater...it just means that he got caught lying and with his hand in the cookie jar. And there are prices to be paid. Period.

seriously x eleventy billion

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I can take the heat just saying its funny that the people saying bad stuff about him either like other teams or they worshiped JT and are now haters because he cared more about the kids that played for him then he did his own job.

Rules apply to good guys too.

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That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

Do you realize all the amazing players and people that came out of osu? Their past is more impressive than tressel's winning percentage. Reality is that his persona and all that BS he spewed for years was a front. If he cared about the kids then he would've turned them in and not fuxked the rest of their college careers. My dad has stories from when he played for woody that shows what a person who really cares about his players does. Shit my dad said woody was calling him 3 years after a left osu to come back and graduate.

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That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

I agree with what you're saying,but is it really all that important what people say on a web site?If they want to have a laugh,let 'em laugh.

I still have a lot of respect for Jim Tressel and what he acheived and the positive impact he had/has on a lot of young men's lives.

Of course,making Michigan Ohio State's bitch didn't hurt either.;)

Edited by drc32-0
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That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

he did it by recruiting the worst people ever, cheaters, liars, drug addicts, and thieves.... WIN at ANY COST??? get a life kool aid drinker!

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The sad thing is..if he had reported the violations, they would have been suspended for what maybe 4 games? End of story. OSU still would have won those games...EASILY.

It's not like he hasn't done it before...Clarret...Smith. He suspended those guys...bu then look what happened. Clarret started to talk....and now it looks like he may have been telling the truth!! I think JT had some self interest in keeping this quiet...it wasn't all "for the kids".

I still like the guy, but he's gotta share his part in all the blame. Everyone is coming down on Pryor like it's all his fault. Even though Pryor seems to be an ass, this is hardly all his fault.

Jt will transition to the NFL as an assistant...and then head coach one day.

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