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I swear I'm the only rider in my AO that wears gear. And I live close to Iron Pony so all I see are squidbillies.

More often though I have noticed the DC shoe wearin, khaki shorts and miller lite Tshirt riders having on helmets. Mostly Icons too. Icon must be nearing/achieved Baller status.

+1 Once the temps went over 80 this seemed to become the standard safety gear set up. Their choice, but I'll stick with my leather jacket and at least riding jeans. I've also seen a lot of cruiser guys wearing the high vis yellow t-shirts lately. You can definately see them from far away, but I'm not convinced that's a good safety trade off.

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My experience has been exactly the opposite. As soon as it warmed up enough for the fair-weather bikers I saw less and less safety gear. I have seen maybe two Harley riders WITH helmets - all the rest are relying on hair for head protection.

Seen plenty of 2-up sportbikes where the passenger has a lid but the driver is not.

And the obligatory helmet-strapped-to-the-bike-instead-of-on-the-riders-head once or twice.

My experience has been that the bikes with hard cases invariably have well geared-up riders. Any sport touring, adventure touring etc type bike like the Strom / BMW / 'wing / Connie type bikes.


the squids are out in full force here. operators are rocking sunglasses and headbands, passengers the same (occasional half helmet) street clothes, passengers in skimpy shorts and tank tops.

personally, I've stopped caring, they are fun to look at, and it's not my place or job to tell these morons what road rash feels like. chances are they will learn first hand.


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I've seen at least 5 souls without even sunglasses/eye protection in the last week. :wtf:

I don't know how the fuck you can do that. :nono:

Last I checked eyes don't grow back.

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I've seen at least 5 souls without even sunglasses/eye protection in the last week. :wtf:

I don't know how the fuck you can do that. :nono:

Last I checked eyes don't grow back.

holy crap! I can barely leave my shield open a crack at speed without my eyes getting irritated from the wind

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So this made me scratch my head a bit.

My New Boss: I saw your bike, It is nice.

Me: Really? You saw me ride in today?

My New Boss: No, I see the bikes over in bike parking and saw it there.

Me: How did you know which one was mine?

My new Boss: It is Blue right?

Me: Yea

My New Boss: Yea I saw it. I seen it and thought that it looked like a girls bike, so I figured it had to be yours.

Me: Yea that would be mine.

My internal dialog: WTF?!?! My bike looks like a girls bike? It is not pink, wtf?!?!?!

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I've only had complements on my bikes color lately. But when the weather was a bit nippy I was fueling up and a guy walk up like its a bit too cold to be ridin I just shrugged and said naw and continued to fuel up. At the gas station in Hilliard after hooters Friday a guys like I wish I had your fuel tank to fill as he filled his van. Did however say ride safe as he left.

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My internal dialog: WTF?!?! My bike looks like a girls bike? It is not pink, wtf?!?!?!

Must be the butterflies and unicorns stickers. :D You should have asked him which male auto prosthesis in the lot was his. I'm sure it compensates for something. ;)

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Them:"Did you ride today?"

Me: Does it look?

Them: Yes.

Me: :wtf:

I have heard this at least 10 times this year.

I walk into work wearing a short sleeve white button up a hat and sunglasses carrying my lunch in a Plastic bag. No gear.

Humans are doomed.

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A lot of people tell me my headlight is out. So I fiddle around under my fairings and then flip on the brights and say it's fixed now

Haha, I get that almost every time I take my bike out. Think I'm gonna adopt your response.

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I jsut got that tonight. Soccer mom I was following was at a light and I got into the left turn lane. "Hey, you're light is out" That's how it is, 2 lights = highbeam. "Oh, bikes. I'll never understand them" No, you won't lady lol

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Friend and I were riding a couple of weeks ago. Stopped at a Mickey D's for a break. On the way in, a 16 yr old girl sitting out front smoking told him that his bike was nice and his helmet was "pretty". Crushed him. "A helmet isn't supposed to be pretty". Sitting down inside, he started going over reasons that he needed a new helmet ("this ones pretty old", kinda worn out, etc). Forwarded the Comp A email to him that day, for the "employee pricing Arai sale".

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Speaking of which Wicked, you should run your high beams all the time because I noticed when you were behind me that your light is dim man. It's not too noticeable.

Noted. Sadly, it still lights the road better than my stock headlights did on my cobalt, with two high beams :eek:

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Most often i get asked "What year is it?" I have a 1973 indiana plate i was gonna get registered to ride with back home but never did, just to avoid that question.

I ride in almost any weather or temp. If its not snowing when i leave for work, I'm on the bike.

"You know its gonna rain today?" Yep, If it rains it rains.

"Little cold to be riding today isn't it?" I've got the heat turned on. (actually my cage doesn't even have heat, I'm usually warmer geared up on the bike, at least the motor offers some warmth)

I always mess with the two fair weather Harley guys at work. It was like 50 something in the morning last week i think, "Isn't it a little cold to be riding guys?" Hell, I was a little chilly in my gear since i took the liners out, they had to have been cold.

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I was parked, sitting on my bike waiting on some company to join me when this kid, I'd say probably 10-12 years old, comes strolling by on his bicycle. Comes up to me, says, "Nice bike. Is it a Ninja?" Other than the fact that my bike is RED with huge YAMAHA stickers, I decided to be nice and tell him no. Even if he can't read, he should be able to tell colors, lol. Can't blame him since he's so young but I still got a kick out of it.

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love this topic. Have probably shared some of these before but:

- walking up to my EX500, some guy asked me, "is it a 1000?" My only guess is that he thought because it's got dual pipes, it must be a 1000...

- 25 yr old female coworker: "how fast can it go?" (i told her 120 down hill). "really? It won't do more like 150?"

- 35 yr old male coworker: "how fast does it go?" (i told him 120 with a tail-wind.) "JESUS CHRIST! YOU CAN RIDE THAT THING ON THE INTERSTATE?" I guess he thought a 500 was too small(?)

- random at a gas station: "what kind of gas mileage does your bike get?" Me: "realistically? 58 mpg or so if I do 5-10 over." random: "really? is that all?" (i guess 58mpg and the ability to do 0-60 in 5 seconds isn't a winning combo for that guy)

- random in parking lot at work: "why'd you buy a crotch rocket instead of a harley?" I told the guy I look gay in a bandana.

- guy fixing the wiring for my trailer hookup on our new car last year, after I mentioned the trailer was going to be used to tow my bike around. "I used to have a 750. sold it to my brother." Seems like EVERYONE likes to tell me about the bike they used to have. His was stretched, and make "200 horsepower." sure.

- Mexican guy who was friends with the guy who lived below me when I rented IN Cleveland, commenting on my browns painted F2 in the bed of my truck: "you taking it to a show?" No, a race (with this guy's limited mastery of the English language, trying to explain a trackday was going to be like punching myself in the nuts). "ooh. So you take it to a lot of shows?" My bike was (is) COVERED in scratches, scuffs, bugs, etc...

- woman in our Phoenix accounting office who found out I ride, and her husband works at MMI (or some similar mechanic's school): "so i heard you race? like with jumps and stuff?" No, i don't have a dirt bike, I road-race. "...like on a drag strip?" No, on a full race track. "...like an oval?" No, left AND right turns, like what Formula 1 cars drive on.

she still doesn't get it.

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Damn right. Wish i had someone home that could have taken pictures of me after the ride home. I was caked from head to toe in slush.


Nice, good to see someone other than a tourer with full gerbings out in the snow. I wasn't home in that photo, I had ridden 75 miles to a garage day in "Crazyberg". It stopped snowing before I got home that evening. Lots of people were giving me thumbs up from inside their cars as I plowed through the snow. :D

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seeing that I'm not laying down on the tank (ive got helibars), some cruiser owner at the gas station asks "so is that a real crotch rocket?" so my reply "no, but if you have a daughter between 18-25 she can surely find out"

I love when I say things and don't really think/care about the consequences

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