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New Guy...


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Hey guys, my name is Ron. I've been a member on ORDN for nearly two years (wow!) and am always looking for people to ride with. I live just North of Cincinnati, in the King's Island area, and am happy to lend a hand to a fellow biker when I can.

I ride because I enjoy getting out on the road and feeling the miles melt away under me as I explore places I'd never think to check out in the cage. There is something about the sounds and smells that you experience on a motorcycle that you just can't get any place else, you know?

Anyway, I've been looking around and just loosely bouncing the idea around about joining a M/C, but I've got so many family and church commitments going that I'm not sure I could meet a lot of the minimum active member requirements. I've got two young kids and a loving and understanding wife, but a guy can only be away so much. I've checked out the website, and I didn't see any membership forms or dues, or fees or anything, can you help me out?

Another question, I saw where patches with rockers have been ordered... Established M/C's take those patches and rockers very seriously. Have you checked with any of the local clubs to make sure they're not going to take issue? The last thing I need is trouble over "colors", you know?



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Hey Ron,

Great questions! We are just a riding club. We claim no territory and ride for the sake of riding. We are all working citizens with families/ wives/ children. We are out for a good time and supporting local communities through charity work. I personally have talked to a few club members here in columbus and they did not seem to have an issue. We are brand spankin new and are meeting here in columbus on March 27th to discuss finances and details. Fees are VERY minimal. We will work all the out the 27th. You will want to get a hold of James Butler. He is going to be in charge of the greater Cincinnati region.



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