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Great loss to goodyear


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"The airship immediately shot upwards, gaining up to fifty meters in height, possibly due to the sudden loss of weight."

I wonder if the pilot TOLD them to jump off? Either way it's a tragedy, but if they just jumped and, basically, killed the pilot they are dumb asses.

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I doubt the people jumping off would have that big of an impact. My theory is the engine fought fire and spread to the main external structure burning a hole in it. The difference in air pressure would cause the air inside to try and equalize with the air outside kind of like a blown up ballon that was released. I am very curious to see what the official report says.

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The change in weight combined with the heat of the air in the remaining structure probably caused it to rise. It did rise. This was a Lightship Europe blimp chartered by Goodyear. Not sure who manufactured it, but probably Goodyear to Euro specs. The Goodyear airships in the USA are a different design, according to Goodyear.

edit: nope, it's not a Goodyear blimp, they only chartered it.

Built by American Blimp Corporation. A-60 model. Hillsboro, Oregon facility. Sold to Lightship Europe. Part of The Lightship Group, a merger between Virgin Airships and Lightship America.

Edited by ReconRat
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Dunno if he even could jump. Depends on the orientation of the cabin under the blimp - did it tilt/shift or move in a way that made it impossible for him to get out.

I wouldn't expect the passengers to know that the pilot must account for their weight by adjusting ballast. The pilot would though. Would be interested to know if he told them jump. If he did he he must have know the blimp would rise after they jumped. If he did, then God bless him.

I'm not surprised that the airship rose after losing that weight. It would depend on what % of the total weight theose 3 passenger accounted for. And I wouldn't trust adjectives like "shot up" because to some people that means launched like a rocket, to others that might mean "climbed faster than it did when we were on board".

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