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Hello from Springfield


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Hello all,

Greg here, aka as Pfloydgad. :D

I am in my 37th yr on 2 wheels, and on my 9th. bike

I have been in 48 of our 50 states, and all the Canadian Provinces.

I believe that if I wake up, I have a reason to ride.

I love to ride to camp, and I'll do this anytime of the yr. Cold is a state of mind.

If you ever need a ride partner, or just want to meet new riders, please drop me an e-makil or give me a call.

And please, everyone ride safe out there.


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There is a story on this one. I was 65 miles from Alaska, and a blizard hit. We were trapped in the hotel for 4 days, and ended up trailoring the bikes into more favorable weather. Hawaii and Alaska are the 2, good guess.

Everyone be safe out there.


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Oh Casper,

If you only knew how many nights have gone by the wayside thinking about those 65 miles.

I would start saving tomorrow if it looked like a good ride. But we would need to ride, not trailer, mine only sees a trailer if she is really sick, or one drives by.

It was almost 10 yrs ago now, so i guess i need to start mapping out a return trip.

Thanks so much for stirring the soup up again, and at bedtime no less.

Oh well, ride safe all.


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  Pfloydgad said:
There is a story on this one. I was 65 miles from Alaska, and a blizard hit. We were trapped in the hotel for 4 days, and ended up trailoring the bikes into more favorable weather. Hawaii and Alaska are the 2, good guess.

Everyone be safe out there.


65 miles?? so close :lol: that sucks...i envy how many things you must have seen on your trips...that would be awesome to get the opportunity to ride every state and canada

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