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Great Uncle Passed Korean/Vietnam Vet


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I feel the need to share the story of my Great Uncle Ulyess V. Brown or Uncle Bo.

He passed away some time this morning and was a very decorated Korean and Vietnam Veteran. He was the most decorated Veteran in Campbell County where he will be buried in Tennessee. There is more information in the attached pictures. I had the great respect for this man and for all veterans and I feel like we lost a Hero today. He is better off now as he was battling with Alzheimer and now can be at peace. Even with his memory loss he had the military in him no matter what, when one of my other great uncles (also military) passed and during the funeral once they started playing taps Bo (at this time cant remember me and is in a home) stands up and salutes without any one telling him he just knew. He set a world record for the highest helicopter lift


And was a personal pilot to General Creighton W. Abrams during Vietnam.






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sorry for your loss. Your uncle was undoubtedly a war hero. I have heard numerous stories from my dad about vietnam and then coming home from vietnam and being cussed kicked and spit at by tree hugging circle dancing hippies. I thank your uncle for defending our freedoms.

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