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Ferrari owner punches cab driver, makes him cry


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maybe the cab driver shouldnt have been yelling at the guy and calling him a stupid motherfucker?

i woulda punched his ass too for talking to me like that after he hit my car

then the idiot follows him around crying like an infant

smells like a scam to me... taxi hits guy in expensive car, knowing he has money - antagonizes driver until driver loses it and punches his ass - taxi driver then sues ferrari driver and tries to get bogus amount of compensation

thats my guess at least....the taxi driver showed absolutely zero intention of backing down from that confrontation, even after he got hit he continued to follow the guy around, eventually blocking the dude from getting back into his car...you can see at the end the guy hits him and drags him away from the car door

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smells like a scam to me... taxi hits guy in expensive car, knowing he has money - antagonizes driver until driver loses it and punches his ass - taxi driver then sues ferrari driver and tries to get bogus amount of compensation

Not bad. Be interesting to see.

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i would be super pissed too , but again does that actually give me the right to punch him ? i don't think so , insurance company will pay lots to fix the ferrari , and i would be happy again .

he got punched for running his mouth, not for hitting the car...ferrari driver got in the car to leave and the taxi driver started talking shit

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Maybe the difference in value of the Ferrari between "never been hit" and "hit but fixed properly" is in the tens of thousands of dollars. The cabbie just cost this guy a bunch of money even if he had enough insurance to have it fixed right.

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Maybe the difference in value of the Ferrari between "never been hit" and "hit but fixed properly" is in the tens of thousands of dollars. The cabbie just cost this guy a bunch of money even if he had enough insurance to have it fixed right.

a car is never a good investment. it's bound to happen so he should get over it.

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Why did the cabbie hang around? Why didn't he move his car? And why did he keep going toward the other guy after he'd been punched with the guys non-dominant hand? The puncher is right-handed from his stance, but "punched" with his left hand?? Smells like a money-sniffing setup to me.

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he got punched for running his mouth, not for hitting the car...ferrari driver got in the car to leave and the taxi driver started talking shit

violence does not solve anything.

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Look, a fellow human being in distress! Someone get your phone and--record a video...


blame the court systems and all the sue happy lawyers. This is exactly what I would do. I can honestly say the only way I'd step in to ANY altercation not involving a friend or someone I care about is if its going to net me a large cash reward or its a hot chick and I'm guaranteed to get a happy ending out of it. Otherwise, fuck the rest of the world

A punch to the head was in order.

x eleventy billion

violence does not solve anything.

trolling or hippy? :lol:

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blame the court systems and all the sue happy lawyers. This is exactly what I would do. I can honestly say the only way I'd step in to ANY altercation not involving a friend or someone I care about is if its going to net me a large cash reward or its a hot chick and I'm guaranteed to get a happy ending out of it. Otherwise, fuck the rest of the world

how compassionate of you.

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